
Government, Forestry and Professional Affiliations

Indiana DNR (Department of Natural Resources)

Check out the Indiana Division of Forestry to find your local district forester. The district forester can help a landowner place forest property in the Classified Forest Program, and can offer forest management, timber stand improvement, tree planting, and wildlife management advice.

Indiana ACF (Association of Consulting Foresters)

Promotes and encourages good forest stewardship and also maintains high ethical standards for its members.

IFWOA (Indiana Forestry and Woodland Owners Association)

Supports the wise use of Indiana's total forest resources for today and future generations to follow.

Indiana's Hardwoods Sector

Check out this website to learn about Indiana's hardwood industry and its related impact on the economy.

Indiana SAF (Society of American Foresters)

Read the "Who We Are" page for a detailed mission statement of the ISAF.

National SAF (Society of American Foresters)

As with the Indiana SAF, read the "Who We Are" page for a more complete mission statement.

IHLA (Indiana Hardwood and Lumberman’s Association)

Trade association representing the hardwood industry of Indiana.

Butler University's Tree Identification Page

Aids in the identification of tree species. Read about the different parts of plants to better understand the specific terms that are used in tree identification.

Call Before You Cut

This website provides fantastic information about why you should connect with a professional forester before participating in any harvesting activities on your property.

Indiana Audubon Society (IAS)

As managers of forests and other ecosystems, we promote native plant species and the rich oak/hickory woodlands for an all around productive forest. To learn more about birds and birding opportunities in Indiana, check out the Indiana Audubon Society's website!