In my opinion, bananas are an essential ingredient to make the best green smoothies for both natural sweetness and a creamy texture. So make sure to purchase bananas designated to freeze for smoothies when you go grocery shopping!

Here are some suggestions for fruits to use in this green smoothie recipe. In this post I used half mango and half pineapple, which is my favorite combination! Be aware, that if you use darker fruits like blueberries, blackberries, cherries, etc. the color will change and you will likely make a brown smoothie that is delicious but not green in color! ?

Green Smoothie Recipes


Measuring out the add-ins for my green smoothies has been a game-changer for me! I wake up early and nurse my baby, exercise, shower, eat breakfast and drink my coffee all before my 5 kids wake up for the day. So I have the morning routine down to a science to get the most alone time possible before 7:30 AM!

So, I measure out the smoothie ingredients into these small containers and prepare two weeks worth of smoothies at one time! I even have a drawer right under my Vitamix blender where I store the containers for easy access. All I have to do is pop the lid and dump the ingredients in, no measuring required!

I started putting add-ins into my green smoothie recipes when my third baby was born. A few scoops of nutritional boosters gave me increased energy throughout the day and made the green smoothies taste even better! So here are some of my suggestions!

I bought my first Vitamix because I was sick of chewing my green smoothies (can anyone else relate)? I wanted a blender that would pulverize anything and everything I put into my smoothies and the Vitamix was the answer.

Though I love this green smoothie recipe as written, there are all sorts of ways to change it up! Feel free to adjust it to suit your tastes or use what you have on hand. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Hi, you have a few options. 1) You could skip it. The smoothie is still great without! 2) You could replace it with sunbutter or tahini. 3) You could increase the chia seeds to 1 tablespoon or add 1 tablespoon of hemp seeds. Hope this helps!

Blend 1 cup of spinach (or another leafy greens of your choice) in a blender with 1 cup of liquid. Adding spinach to your smoothie boosts the phytonutrients and fiber, which then slows down the absorption of sugars into your body. Blend until all leafy chunks are gone.

Toss in frozen mango, pineapple and bananas in the blender. Blend on high until smooth and creamy. If you want your smoothie to be extra chilly or possibly even be a smoothie bowl, use more frozen fruit. You can freeze your favorite fruits like ripe bananas, grapes, pineapple or berries.

Once the smoothie is nice and creamy, you can add in superfoods. Chia seeds, hemp hearts and flax seed are all great choices. You can turn any smoothie recipe into a meal replacement by adding a serving of homemade protein powder to any smoothie recipe.

To get the maximum amount of nutrients from a smoothie, drink it immediately after blending it. The longer your smoothie is exposed to oxygen, the more it breaks down and the nutrients deteriorate. This is called oxidation. To minimize this, you can store your smoothe in the fridge with an air-tight lid for up to 48 hours, yet I think it tastes best if consumed within 4 hours after blending.

Been checking best Tips of veggie smoothie, as am busy with my health and tips of the best foods to eat before workout and gym lifting.

Now I got help how to be healthy when exercising and weight loss

Cooking, eating and writing about good food (that's also good for you) is my passion. You can usually find me in my kitchen whipping up healthy versions of desserts or creating my next smoothie recipe. Peanut butter and chocolate are almost always involved in both. Dogs, chilled red wine, running no more than 4 miles, pizza on Sundays, a captivating beach read, and sunsets make me happy. I've been told I laugh a lot, and that's pretty accurate.

Fortunately, green smoothie recipes have improved by leaps and bounds since stepping into the health limelight. And while you can buy a slurp-worthy spinach smoothie, making your own is so much better, and cheaper.

Double trouble is more like double the fun in this smoothie. The two layers combine to create an antioxidant-rich powerhouse meal, with superstar ingredients, such as coconut water, strawberries, spinach, and pomegranate.

And this whole time, we thought the snickerdoodle flavor was only meant for cookies. How silly of us. Made with avocado, cinnamon, spinach, banana, and almond milk, this smoothie is a great way to hold on to holiday flavors while getting back into healthy habits.

Not only does Jen have some great tips for green smoothie beginners, but she is also sharing her magic formula for fruit and vegetable ratios so you can change the recipe to suit your taste, dietary needs, or whatever you have on hand.

You can blend your green smoothie the night before and store it in your fridge (up to 2 days). Use an airtight lid to limit oxidation and keep it as fresh as possible. When ready to drink, give it a good shake before you open.

You can also include other healthy ingredients such as chia seeds, coconut oil, peanut or almond butter, hemp seeds, flax, cocoa (for a chocolate smoothie), cinnamon, acai powder, or even protein powder in your smoothie for extra benefits or flavor.

Besides spinach and kale, you can also add bok choy, swiss chard, collards (also known as collard greens), and even dandelion greens!

Tip: Use frozen fruit to make a cold smoothie. You can freeze one of the bananas, and/or use frozen mango instead of fresh. To save time and money, you can also make green smoothies with fruit that is only frozen.

The Glowing Green Smoothie was actually created by Kimberly Snyder as a healthy breakfast idea. I simplified her recipe and adjusted the measurements to (mostly) fit with our simple green smoothie ratios.

This looks yum! I use to make a green smoothie very similar to this but I added spirlina tablets too.

I use to struggle getting a good consistency though, it was quite often too thin due to too much spinach, and not eniugh fruit.


if you are type 2. Half Fruit (Pears or Apple) If you have thyroid issues avoid pears.

Add half cup green. (Spinach, Kale, Lettuce) Little bit of curry leaves and Basil leaves or mint leaves, Flax seeds (1 spoon), Black pepper powder (1/4) tea spoon, cinnamon powder (1/4) teas poon & Turmeric (1/4) teaspoon. Black salt to taste and some drop of lemon. Blend well and enjoy. Have it in the morning 1 hr before breakfast and in the evening before 5 pm. Hope all other parameters are good.

I made a smoothie from formula 2 cups spinach 2 cups berries 1 banana and 2 cups almond milk as recipe. It wasnt one bit green. Your pictures show it so green. How do you get it so green and 3 cups of fruit is a lot of sugar although its natural. Do you have any pure vegetable smoothies.

Jen Hansard;

 Hi,this is the first time that I visited your awesome website and I would like to make your green smoothie,I am going to copy your green fruit smoothie but the only blender that I have at home is a black magic blender for one person.How can I fit your green smoothie in my blender?I am not new to smoothies and I make healthy diabetic friendly smoothies at home that I have been making in my blender since January 2012 when I found that I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

 I have to watch my calory and sugar intake to control my blood sugar.The dietition told me that blending greens with fruit is a very good start to control my blood sugar.

I try to eat a healthy on a limited monthly income which is hard on me to keep up eating a healthy with all those sweets and other temptations out there in alberta canada.But I am willing and eager to try your green smoothie recipe.

 I would really appreciate a reply asap.

 Kim in edmonton alberta canada

While I have plenty of healthy breakfast recipes of all kinds, when it comes to delivering full servings of fruits and vegetables as efficiently as possible, an everyday green smoothie is hard to beat.

You can use most leafy greens in smoothies. The most popular are spinach, kale, romaine, and swiss chard. All of these veggies are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, but spinach, chard, and kale pack an extra nutritional punch with high amounts of iron and fiber.

I love this smoothie! So easy to make. Sometimes for a little extra protein I add a scoop of vanilla flavored vegetarian protein powder, but otherwise I leave it as is. Thanks for consistently great recipes :)

I googled green banana smoothie and this came up! Yay! It was absolutely fantastic and will be my go-to way to get greens into my breakfast. I look forward to trying your other recipes. Thanks for sharing!

This is the most delicious green smoothie! I loved it! Perfect way to start my morning with some greens and fruit. I used mostly frozen ingredients (banana + mixed berries) so I had to add a little bit more almond milk to prevent a sloshy morning slushy- but it was amazziiinnng. A new favorite for my morning smoothies.

Sub the PB for a couple tablespoons of nuts. I use almonds because I keep them for snacks. Makes if les peanut buttery. Also my favorite smoothie ingredient is OATS. They also had e a nutty flavor as to mask greens. However, oats are not overwhelming, very affordable, and lend a fantastic texture. Hope that helps the peanut butter haters

This smoothie was a 10/10! I intermittent fast and this is the perfect smoothie to break my fast. The sweet(not too) and salty was a winner! Enough spinach(60 grams) to IMO validate calling it a green smoothie. Yummy! Going to be a go to for me!

I love this smoothie so much! I have been drinking it daily for a month or so. I make it just as you have in the recipe, but use wild frozen blueberries instead of mixed berries. For an extra special zing I add the zest of one orange and it is AMAZING! Thank you! 006ab0faaa

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