Here I gonna show countries that participated the war but didn't actually was part of the Entente Powers or Central Powers

Also, you guys need to know that every country in this "Others" section NEVER OFFICIALY joined the war, but just had a little envolvement in the Great War.

Questionable Belligerents:

Principality of Albania

Principata e Shqipërisë

Was invaded by Serbs and Montenegrins on: 27 October, 1914

Sublime State of Iran

دولت علیّه ایران

Began attacking british forces on: 1 November, 1914

Russian Revolution Countries

Страны Русской Революции

All the countries on this list

West Ukrainian People's Republic

Західноукраїнська Народна Республіка

Declared independence from Austria-Hungary on: 18 October, 1918

Republic of Poland

Rzeczpospolita Polska

Declared independence from German Empire on: 23 October, 1918




Declared independence from Austria-Hungary on: 28 October, 1918

State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs

Država Slovencev, Hrvatov in Srbov

Država Slovenaca, Hrvata i Srba

Држава Словенаца, Хрвата и Срба

Declared independence from Austria-Hungary on: 29 October, 1918

Banat Republic

Banater Republik

Bánáti Köztársaság

Republica bănățeană

Banatska republika

Банатска република

Declared independence from Austria-Hungary on: 1 November, 1918

People's State of Bavaria

Volksstaat Bayern

Declared independence from German Empire on: 8 November, 1918

Duchy of Bukovina

Herzogtum Bukowina

Ducatul Bucovinei

Герцогство Буковина

Declared independence from Austria-Hungary on: 11 November, 1918