Official Belligerents:

Austro-Hungarian Civil Ensign

Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie

Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia

Declared war at Serbia on: 28 July, 1914

Reich War Flag

German Empire

Deutsches Reich

Declared war at Russia on: 1 August, 1914

German Colonies and Protectorates

Deutsche Kolonien und Protektorate

Joined the war on: 1 August, 1914 - Colonies and Protectorates of German Empire

Ottoman Flag

The Sublime Ottoman State

دولت عليه عثمانیه

Russia declared war at the Ottoman Empire on: 29 October, 1914

Tsardom of Bulgaria

Царство България

Declared war at Serbia on: 14 October, 1915

Puppet States:

Kingdom of Poland

Królestwo Polskie

Königreich Polen

Joined the war on: 5 November, 1916 - Puppet State of German Empire

Kingdom of Lithuania

Lietuvos Karalystė

Königreich Litauen

Joined the war on: 16 February, 1918 - Puppet State of German Empire

Duchy of Courland and Semigalia

Königreich Litauen

Herzogtum Kurland und Semgallen

Joined the war on: 8 March, 1918 - Puppet State of German Empire

Belarusian People's Republic

Беларуская Народная Рэспубліка

Joined the war on: 9 March, 1918 - Puppet State of German Empire

Ukrainian State

Українська Держава

Joined the war on: 29 April, 1918 - Puppet State of German Empire

Crimean Regional Government

Крымское краевое правительство

Joined the war on: 25 June, 1918 - Puppet State of German Empire

United Baltic Duchy

Balti Hertsogiriik

Apvienotā Baltijas hercogiste

Vereinigtes Baltisches Herzogtum

Joined the war on: 22 September, 1918 - Puppet State of German Empire

Questionable Belligerents (and Client States):

The Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council

Die im Reichsrat vertretenen Königreiche und Länder

Joined the war on: 28 July, 1914 - Part of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Flag of Kingdom of Hungary

Flag of Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia

Lands of the Crown of Saint Stephen

A Magyar Szent Korona Országai Zemlje krune svetog Stjepana

Joined the war on: 28 July, 1914 - Part of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

Condominium of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kondominij Bosne i Hercegovine

Kondominium Bosnien und Herzegowina

Bosznia-Hercegovinai Kondomínium

Joined the war on: 28 July, 1914 - Part of Austro-Hungarian Monarchy

South African Republic

Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek

Fight agaisn't the British Empire on: September, 1914

Somali Dervish Movement

Dhaqdhaqaaqii Daraawiishta

Fight agaisn't the British Empire on: 11 November, 1914

Emirate of Jabal Shammar

إمارة جبل شمر

Client State of Ottoman Empire: 29 October, 1914

Iranian Resistence Forces

نیروهای مقاومت ایران

Was formed on: 17 November, 1914

Senussi Order


Fight agaisn't the British Empire on: 15 January, 1915

Sultanate of Darfur

سلطنة دارفور

Fight agaisn't the British Empire on: 1 April, 1915

Imamate of Oman

إمارة نجد والأحساء

Fight agaisn't the British Empire on: April, 1915

Tuareg guerrillas

guérillas touaregs

Began the Kaocen Revolt on 1 December, 1915

Republic of Estonia

Eesti Vabariik

Declared independence from Russian Empire on: 24 February, 1918

Kingdom of Finland

Suomen kuningaskunta

Supposedly have joined the war on: May, 1918

Mountainous Republic of the Northern Caucasus

Горская Республика

Къушъхьэ Республик

Ламанхойн Республикa

Сувун Республика

Declared independence from Russian Empire on: 11 May, 1918

Democratic Republic of Georgia

საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკა

German occupation on: 28 May, 1918

Azerbaijan Democratic Republic

آذربایجان خلق جومهوریتی

Help the Ottoman Empire on: 8 July, 1918

Weimar Republic

Weimarer Republik

Succeded the German Empire: 9 November, 1918

Notes: Because Germany had to much colonies during the Great War, I decided to create a separated site just for them.