The Manor

The main building of the Manor

The Manor at 91 Greasby Road, with its outbuildings, is Grade II listed. Greasby existed before the 1086 Domesday Book so there is a strong probability that there have been one or more previous buildings on this site which is right at the heart of the old village.

The datestone of the main building shows 1680 and the initials IMW representing Joseph and Mary Warton. Datestones of that period did not show the letter "J", showing "I" instead.

For many years the building was a farmhouse, then a branch of the District Bank. Now it is a restaurant with the outbuildings used as a function suite.

The fate of Mary Warton is unknown. In 1682 Joseph obtained a licence to marry again. His bride was Ellen Bethell.

The outbuildings carry a datestone which shows 1695 and the initials IEW representing Joseph and Ellen Warton.

This photo, probably taken c1900 from the first house in Ethel Terrace, shows the original length of the Manor's front garden and the narrowness of Greasby Road. Road widening works in the 1960s cut off a large section of that garden. The original sandstone blocks would have been used to build the new walls.

To the right of the main building is the coach house, at the end of the row of outbuildings. The coach house's external stone staircase is visible. Just off the right edge of the photo was the pinfold.

The Manor was a sub-branch of the District Bank in the late 1960s

The outbuildings consisted of shippon, stable, grain store and coach house. The coach house is stone built. The other outbuildings are stone to shoulder height and brick above.

The datestone is on the gable endwall of the coach house. That wall has an external stone staircase leading to the storeroom (likely to have been a tack room or a hayloft) above the coach store. An extant building with an external stone staircase to an upper floor is very rare in Wirral.

The outbuildings

Date of photo not known

Photo believed to be early 1960s.

From left - west and east wings of Greasby Old Hall; Manor outbuildings; coach house; external stone staircase; straw bales stacked in Dutch barn

1974 photo

Photo dated 1989

Photo dated 2014

1965 map showing Manor boundary