
View local planning applications See the planning applications for your area - approved/refused/pending/all

Wirral Council Lots of information from your Council

Greasby Library Your local library

Frankby Hall The Hall in Frankby cemetery

Greasby In Old Photos - Facebook page

Greasby Village - Facebook page

Local History classes For anyone interested in doing a local history class

Greasby Community Centre At the heart of Greasby

Barnston village A website featuring the history of Barnston Village, Wirral.

1st Frankby Greasby Scout Group 1st Frankby Greasby started in 1929 and is based in the District of West Wirral in the County of Merseyside. We have more than 30 Beavers, 50 Cubs and 20 Scouts and are growing rapidly. The Group takes part in almost all district activities through out the year and has won awards for its hard work.

Association of British Counties A society dedicated to promoting awareness of the continuing importance of the 92 historic (or traditional) Counties of the United Kingdom.

Record A Biodiversity Information System for all ecological & natural history information requirements in Cheshire, Halton, Warrington & Wirral.

Common Ground A source of information, ideas and insights about our everyday surroundings.

Cheshire Wildlife Trust Protecting Cheshire's wildlife for the future.

Chester Society for Landscape History The study of how people have altered the landscape through time.

Burton Manor Gardens Friends of Burton Manor Gardens was set up after the closure of Burton Manor. The gardens are open to the public and the Friends run various courses.

Natural England Natural England exists to conserve and enhance the natural environment for its intrinsic value, the wellbeing and enjoyment of people and the economic prosperity that it brings.

Wirral Footpaths and Open Spaces Preservation Society Founded in 1888, this Society regularly inspects & clears footpaths, builds bridges & stiles and organises guided walks. It also influences official policy particularly in regard to revisions to Definitive Maps.

Hillbark Players A theatre company which uses local talent to present an open-air Shakespeare play on alternate years in Royden Park.

Mersey Tunnel Users Association This group campaigns against increases in the tunnel tolls. The site also has an excellent history of the construction of the tunnels.

Wirral Peninsula An excellent website with lots of information about Wirral's history.

Campaign to Protect Rural England - Cheshire Branch A campaigning organisation working to protect the countryside when it is threatened by inappropriate development. They are actively developing the Branch and seeking ways of campaigning more effectively on behalf of rural, semi-rural and urban areas in Cheshire, the Wirral, Warrington, Halton, Trafford and Stockport.

Wirral Society The Wirral Society was formed back in 1928 as a non-political environmental watchdog, with the object of protecting the natural beauty, architecture and flora and fauna of the Wirral Peninsula.

Our Lady Of Pity Our Lady Of Pity church and primary school website.

R.A.F. West Kirby Association A group for all those who served, trained or worked at R.A.F. West Kirby.