Gravity Theory Trust (GTT)

Supporting research in theoretical gravitation

Workshop funding

The Gravity Theory Trust intends to fund a number of research focussed workshops this coming calendar year, on various themes in theoretical aspects of gravitation. These are aimed to support topical, active research areas with a one-time, in person meeting, particularly in light of the reduced in-person interaction over the last couple of years due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Our goal is to actively help these research directions progress, by providing an opportunity for close interaction of the main researchers involved. 

Applications for this funding must come from individuals who have a position at an academic institution, and have a track-record of research within the relevant field of theoretical gravitation. These in-person meetings will each receive between $5,000 – $20,000 (USD). They should be held at the applicant’s university/academic institution unless there is a strong case to hold them elsewhere.

We have a simple application process for this funding. The deadline for the current round of applications is 1st Feb 2024. We expect to announce successful applications by the end of Feb 2024.

Applications for funding

Key participants must be contacted in advance to ensure that they are interested and able to attend the proposed meeting should it receive funding. The application should include:

1) A brief description of the focus and topic of the proposed meeting ( ~ ½ page)

2) Proposed dates for the meeting

3) A list of key participants/speakers together with evidence that they are interested and able to attend the meeting if it is funded (for example a copy of an email response to a preliminary invitation for each key participant)

4) The expected total number of participants, and a brief description of how they will be selected ( < ½ page).

5) The amount requested, together with a budget and justification for this ( ~ ½ page) 

Applications should be sent to both Gary Horowitz ( and Toby Wiseman ( You should also cc all correspondence to

Please email us if you have any queries on the above process.

After an application is approved

If an application is successful, then the requested funds will be transferred to the host academic institution in advance of the meeting. Please note that funds cannot be transferred to individuals. Before funds can be transferred, a sponsorship agreement between the university and the Gravity Theory Trust detailing that the funding will be spent only to support the proposed meeting must be signed by the head of the relevant faculty/department/research unit as well as the applicant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to arrange that this happens. A draft of our sponsorship agreement can be found here.

After the funded meeting

Following the conclusion of a funded meeting, a brief report (~ couple of pages) will need to be submitted to the Gravity Theory Trust detailing how the money was spent. Any unspent funds must be returned to the charity within 3 months of the end of the meeting. 

UK registered charity

Charity number: 1177348

Contact the trust