Peer-review journals


  • Di Gessa, G., Glaser, K. and Zaninotto, P. (2022) Is grandparental childcare socio-economically patterned? Evidence from the English longitudinal study of ageing. European Journal of Ageing. Doi: 10.1007/s10433-021-00675-x, published online: 21 January 2022.

  • Ates, M., Bordone, V. and Arpino, B. (Forthcoming) Does grandparental childcare provision affect number, satisfaction and with whom leisure activities are done? Forthcoming in Ageing & Society. Doi: 10.1017/S0144686X2100009X, published on-line: 8 March 2021.

  • Di Gessa, G., Bordone, V. and Arpino, B. (Forthcoming) The role of fertility in the demography of grandparenthood: evidence from Italy. Forthcoming in Journal of Population Ageing. Doi: 10.1007/s12062-020-09310-6, published on-line 15 October 2020.


  • Bordone, V. and Arpino, B. (2022) Is there a rejuvenating effect of (grand)childcare? A longitudinal study on German data. Forthcoming in The Journal of Gerontology: Series B, 77(2), 446-455. Doi: 10.1093/geronb/gbab021.

  • Zanasi, F., Arpino, B., Pirani, E., Bordone V. (2022) Work histories and provision of grandparental childcare among Italian older women. Genus, 78(11). Doi: 10.1186/s41118-022-00158-6.


  • Arpino, B., Pasqualini, M. and Bordone, V. (2021) Physically distant but socially close? Changes in non-physical intergenerational contacts at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic among older people in France, Italy and Spain. European Journal of Ageing, 18, 185-194. Doi: 10.1007/s10433-021-00621-x.

  • Arpino, B., Pasqualini, M., Bordone, V., and Solé-Auró, A. (2021). Older people’s non-physical contacts and depression during the COVID-19 lockdown. The Gerontologist , 61(2), 176–186.

  • Ellwardt L., Hank K. and Mendes de Leon C.F. (2021). Grandparenthood and risk of mortality: Findings from the Health and Retirement Study. Forthcoming in Social Science &Medicine, 268, 113371. Doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113371.

  • Pasqualini, M., Di Gessa, G. & Tomassini, C. (2021). A change is (not) gonna come: a 20-year overview of Italian grandparent–grandchild exchanges. Genus, 77(33). Doi: 10.1186/s41118-021-00142-6.


  • Arpino, B., Bordone, V., and Pasqualini, M. (2020). No clear association emerges between intergenerational relationships and COVID-19 fatality rates from macro-level analyses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 117(32), 19116-19121.

  • Arpino B. and Gómez-León, M. (2020) Consequences on depression of combining grandparental childcare with other caregiving roles. Aging & Mental Health, 24(8), 1263-1270.

  • Bordone V., Arpino, B. and Rosina, A. (2020) Forever young? Prevalence and correlates of feeling old, Ageing & Society, 40(8), 1669-1693.

  • Di Gessa G., Bordone, V. and Arpino, B. (2020) Becoming a grandparent and its effect on well-being: the role of order of transitions, time, and gender. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(10), 2250–2262.

  • Tomassini, C., Zamberletti, J., Lallo, C. and Cavrini, G. (2020). Associations of family and social contact with health among Italian grandparents. Genus, 76(1), 1-22.

  • Wetzel, M. and Hank, K. (2020). Grandparents’ Relationship to Grandchildren in the Transition to Adulthood. Forthcoming in: Journal of Family Issues, 41(10), 1885-1904 .

  • Zanasi, F. and Sieben, I. (2020). Grandmothers’ Transition to Retirement: Evidence from Italy. Polis, 2, 281–308.

  • Zanasi, F., Sieben, I. and Uunk, W. (2020). Work history, economic resources, and women’s labour market withdrawal after the birth of the first grandchild. European Journal of Ageing, 17, 109–118.



  • We organized a Special Section on Grandparenthood in Europe in the European Journal of Ageing (Volume 15, Issue 3, September 2018) including the following articles from our group:

    • Glaser K. and Hank K. (2018) Grandparenthood in Europe (Editorial). European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 221–223.

    • Albertini M. and Tosi M. (2018) Grandparenting after parental divorce: The association between non-resident parent-child meetings and grandparenting in Italy. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3): 277-286.

    • Arpino B., Bordone V. and Balbo N. (2018) Grandparenting, education and subjective wellbeing of older Europeans. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 251–263.

    • Glaser, K., Stuchbury, R., Pric,e D., Di Gessa, G., Ribe, E. and Tinker, A. (2018) Trends in the prevalence of grandparents living with grandchild(ren) in selected European countries and the United States. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 237-250.

    • Hank, K., Cavrini, G., Di Gessa, G. and Tomassini, C. (2018) What do we know about grandparents? Insights from current quantitative data and identification of future data needs. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 225-235.

    • Zamberletti, J., Cavrini, G. and Tomassini, C. (2018). Grandparents providing childcare in Italy. European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 265-275.

  • Arpino, B., Gumà, J. and Julià, A. (2018) The demography of grandparenthood: the role of life histories. Demographic Research, 39(42), 1105–1150.

  • Bordone, V., Evandrou, M. and Vlachantoni, A. (2018) Ethnicity and grandparental childcare in the UK. Ageing & Society, 40(4), 713-734.


  • Arpino, B. and Bordone, V. (2017) Regular provision of grandchild care and participation in social activities. Review of Economics of the Household, 15(1), 135-174.

  • Bordone, V., Arpino, B. and Aassve, A. (2017) Patterns of grandparental child care across Europe: the role of the policy context and working mothers’ need. Ageing & Society, 37(4), 845-873.


  • Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2016) Do grandchildren influence how old you feel? Journal of Aging and Health, 28(6), 1055-1072.

  • Di Gessa G., Glaser K. and Tinker A. (2016) The impact of caring for grandchildren on the health of gGrandparents in Europe: a lifecourse approach. Social Science & Medicine, 152, 166–175.

  • Di Gessa, G., Glaser, K., Price, D., Ribe, E., & Tinker A. (2016) What drives national differences in intensive grandparental childcare in Europe? Policy Brief. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 72(3), e2–e3.



  • Arpino B. and Bordone V. (2014) Does grandparenting pay off? The effect of childcare on grandparents’ cognitive functioning. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(2), 337-351.

  • Arpino B., Pronzato C. and Tavares L.P. (2014) The effect of grandparental support on mothers’ labour market participation: an instrumental variable approach, European Journal of Population, 30, 369–390.

  • Ko P.-C. and Hank K. (2014) Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren in China and Korea: Findings From CHARLS and KLoSA, Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 69 (4), 646-651.

Older publications:

  • Aassve A., Arpino B. and Goisis A. (2012) Grandparenting and mothers’ labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the Generations and Gender Survey, Demographic Research, 27(3), 53-84.

  • Hank, K. and Buber, I. (2009) Grandparents Caring for Their Grandchildren: Findings from the 2004 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, Journal of Family Issues, 30 (1), 53-73.