Books, book chapters and reports


  • Bordone, V., Hank, K., Arpino, B. and Tomassini, C. (Forthcoming). Childcare by grandparents in the context of welfare state policies. In: Daly, M. et al. (eds) International Handbook of Family Policy. A Life-Course Perspective. Oxford University Press, Oxford.



  • Arpino B. and Bordone V. (2015) Il segreto per non perdere la testa? Fare la nonna [The secret not to lose your head? Do grandparenting]. In S. Salvini (Ed), Longevità, Vecchiaia, Salute [Longevity, Ageing, Health]. Ebook. Associazione Neodemos. Pp. 124-127. ISBN 978-88-941008-8-4


  • Glaser K., Di Gessa G. and Tinker A. (2014) Grandparenting in Europe. The health and wellbeing of grandparents caring for grandchildren: The role of cumulative advantage /disadvantage. Grandparents Plus: London. ISBN 978-0-9573281-7-4


  • Glaser K., Price D., Di Gessa G., Ribe E., Stuchbury R. and Tinker A. (2013) Grandparenting in Europe: Family policy and grandparents' role in providing childcare. Grandparents Plus: London. ISBN 978-0-9573281-6-7