Sighs: a plugin for Grammarly is a moot point, apparently Grammarly has decided to put up a middle finger to developers. There is an unofficial plugin here: GitHub - simonpacis/obsidian-grammarly-plugin: Add Grammarly spellchecking to; however, Grammarly is discontinuing its SDK and the plugin will stop working in January 2024. The Grammarly Desktop is not available for Linux, but if you have a Mac or Windows machine, it should work for you, maybe.

I, on the other hand, am just out of luck because I refuse to use Windows, and Mac is too expensive. Now excuse me while I cancel my Grammarly account and remove the browser extension. Grammarly is now persona non grata and dead to me until they pull their heads out of their fourth point of contact.

We are developing a large Qt/QML Application and recently experienced an interesting issue:The application is unusable slow if "grammarly" is installed. Grammarly seems to use Windows Accessibilty and tries to "read" or process our apps screen. This makes it unusable slow.

Grammarly Download For Windows 8


By disabling this entire machinery via no-op handlers, your application is now no longer accessible. And if grammarly indeed uses accessibility infrastructure to access data in the application, then it will probably also become less useful.

Evernote's a natural place to write drafts. All of our notes are here, and all the formatting tools make it just right -- not too many options to distract, but enough to get the rough format down. BUT, Grammarly is pretty necessary during the drafting process as well. I can copy-paste back and forth, but that's just awful. So I usually end up deciding when the draft notes are done, I go over to grammarly app to write.

Hmmm, it was generally working but tonight it was not. I did upgrade to 10.29.7 today which may be the issue. I tried restarting Evernote and Grammarly Desktop. No joy. After a bit of working on other issues and apps, it is working again in Evernote both in windows and full screen. Hopefully reliability will improve.

Secondly, The Hubspot team, ned to look at thier setup to allow the window to be moved OR to be closed as per my orginal solution! If Hubspot outlook team bother to actually test the two tools together they would see that Grammerly allow for the windows to be increased in size BUT the Hubspot Tool FORCE its self over top of Grammerly with NOT means of closing the window.

Most text entry windows don't close suddenly deleting your text. Many will at least save the entry as a draft, or show a dialog button asking you to confirm leaving the window with unsaved entries. Does Canvas have an equivalent spell and check function? Before asking people to disable a useful extension, maybe we could ask Canvas to fix the problem?

The Grammarly Editor ( has been approved for Public and Internal Use data. Documents that users save in the Grammarly Editor are stored by Grammarly so users can access them again when desired. Documents are stored until they are deleted by the user through the Grammarly Editor.

The Grammarly Editor ( has been approved for Public and Internal Use data. Documents that users save in the Grammarly Editor are stored by Grammarly so users can access them again when desired. Documents are stored until they are deleted by the user through the Grammarly Editor.

Before tackling major fixes such as tweaking firewall settings, reinstalling the add-in, or changing the user account, ensure it is not a temporary glitch. Therefore, close all Microsoft Word windows and give the word processor a fresh start. e24fc04721

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