It sounds... pretty interesting, not gonna lie. Because I think that each version of the game is interesting in its own way and should be considered as a unique gaming experience. It can be not the same.... but I'm actually interested now :)

In some cases, it's weird because some sound effects are used in both games, but Doom's version sounds much better in general. For example, Doom's super shotgun sound effect is used in Quake also. But for some reason, Doom's super shotgun sounds much stronger and much more satisfying than Quake's.

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Most of the sounds in Doom came from commercial sound libraries, with some tweaks and edits. Likely Quake did too. Both the original sounds were the same quality as well. If you simply like Doom's effects better then well, that's just subjective taste. Personally I think Quake has always sounded at least on par with Doom as far as it's sound palette goes.

If you mean a more technical thing, like the sounds all sounding somehow off in comparison to Doom, well then the only way you could truly and fairly judge that would be to compare both game's original executables on the same hardware. Various remasters and ports may have done different things to how the sounds are played that are affecting how you are perceiving them.

it's subjective, like anything else. generally i prefer quake's sounds, especially all the bespoke enemy and gib sounds and whatnot. the mostly stock stuff in doom is fine, but largely uninteresting since it's everywhere. it lacks personality but is confident as the Sound Ideas guys have been doing what they do for a long time. quake's sounds have loads of personality, what with Trent being more hands on in terms of sound design than Bobby was. Trent isn't as technically proficient a sound designer as somebody like Mike McDonough (designer of the classic sci-fi hatch sounds used for doom's doors, lifts, etc), but being a musician, the sounds tend to express an interesting and unique mood.

I generally prefer quake sound effects to doom ones. The grenade bounce, the nailgun firing, scrag active noises, the gib sounds, doors and lifts, monsters landing on the floor, the various player pain sounds... these are all great imo.

Quake does have less memorable monster wakeup sounds though, and some of the death sounds for monsters sound more like pain sounds -- vores, shamblers and knights iirc just go "ugh" when they die, which is much easier to miss than doom's death sounds generally.

Both games have nailed their sound design very well though, Quake's atmosphere which is more gritty and nether really enjoys from that "heavy" punch of Quake's weapons. The powerup pickup and fade off sounds are also legendary.

Yeah, from what I remember from reading both The Masters of Doom and several interviews, American McGee was actually the one who was behind the bulk of the sound design for Quake. He created some of the sounds at home and heavily-edited heaps of other stuff from sound fx library CDs he could find similar to what Bobby Prince did for Doom. Besides the music and the iconic Ranger screams/grunts/"Hup", Trent Reznor is often incorrectly credited for doing all of Quake's sound effects.

Quake sure has some wierd sound effects. The "chainsaw scraping on the ground" from the Ogre sounds nothing like what it's supposed to ;D

Ranger's screaming, I've always found his slime/lava pain sounds a bit wierd. "huawei, huwaei, ahh ahh" hehe

Having gone through many of the sounds from Quake when working on sounds design for DITA, Quake's SFX have a lot more... depth? At least for things like items, monsters are less memorable as said above, but there's a layered feeling to them that's noticeably absent from Doom's, at least when listening to them in isolation.

I agree with the OP. I think Quake's weapons sound good - nice and crisp and go well with the mechanics of the weapon, but the characters always sounded muddy to me. They're far less distinct than the Doom ones and have less character. They're like muffled grunts, and they all live within a similar spectrum, a criticism I'd level at their appearance and behavior too. On the flip side, I think Doom's monsters have sounds that are as varied as their appearance and behaviors. They have crisp, unique sounds that take advantage of different frequency ranges so they can exist together and not blend into one muddied soundscape.

It's a lot more gothic than Doom, and gothic shit just makes me shiver with joy, thankfully much of the sounds and textures in Quake can be borrowed for if someone wants to make for a more gothic Doom experience. The assets can often be adapted easily for Doom's visuals, but also one can basically use just Quake and similar textures to have a visual more distinct from the base game.

I have to concur with the points some others have made and agree that although I prefer Doom as an overall game, I've always felt that Quake has some of the best sound design ever. Everything in Quake just sounds... brutal. The weapons in particular are just fantastic - unleashing with Quake's SSG or super nailgun really feels like you're dishing out some serious devastation, particularly when you add on the quad damage powerup. Or the combination of sounds as you gib a low-tier enemy with a direct rocket launcher hit? Fantastic.

Doom's sound effects are very harsh, with lots of high frequencies and compression artifacts. This makes them in a way more "clear" sounding despite the very low sample rate. Quake's sounds have a bit more bass and less compression, and are thus less harsh. I'm reminded of why I prefer the Sega Genesis soundchip over the SNES; because despite the latter having more channels and fidelity, the former's grit introduces high frequencies that make the attack of each note or hit very clear.

This isn't a topic I ever really thought about, but now that I am, I am going to say the sound packages are very different and that's the main takeaway. I don't think one inherently sounds "worse" than the other. They each fit for the games they support. I can't imagine DOOM without its existing sound package, and I 100% cannot imagine Quake without its sounds.

That said, if I had to pick absolutely one over the other as a subjective, opinionated thing, I'd personally go with Quake's sound effect package. Considering the game was a move to full 3D, its sounds complement its environments better overall and makes it a more compelling 3D experience. Certain guns have quality reverb effects, distant audio is handled much more convincingly, and many enemy sounds have smooth fade-ins and outs, which allows its sound package to feel a lot more organic than DOOM's.

I love using PerK's old hi-res sound pack that he made back in 2009 and updated in 2012. It fixes some sounds that are broken like the Archvile's flame burst, the shotguns have greater clarity (SSG even has more THUD hehe) and the pistol/chaingun sounds much more like a gun and less like you're making popcorn. Everything just sound clearer overall.

I used to play the pirated version when I was a kid and everytime I join a server it's always has the quake/amx sounds but I don't hear it on the steam version, like is it blocking it or something ? I tried to join multiple servers and I see the sounds being downloaded but I hear nothing mid game. The game feels so empty without them for me

Oh yeah you heard it! Unsuppressed, suppressed and reloading sounds from Vietcong game and as a bonus Quake 1's shotgun for underbarrel shotgun firing souns!

Guess nobody so far as I know replaced underbarrel shotgun sounds, so for us it was easy and first time too, so hopefully you'll enjoy it!

I've been playing Banshee lately and I love her theme, all her abilities have good sounds, surprisingly enough, Silence has great sound effects, the "silent kill" effect is just so good, quile hilarious to be honest. Well all her abilities, except one, Sound Quake, the sound is so weak, it doesn't sound like something that can shake the earth (visual effect isn't that great either, but I digress).

if you want the sound to change then i would think a rework would help it out. Just allow banshee's sound quake to start deflecting bullets within the affected AOE and cause all mobs within AOE to be blasted out of affected radius. e24fc04721

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