Key Projects

Probabilistic Record Linkage Literature Review and Data Dictionary

I collaborated with other interns on establishing a data dictionary to help organize and translate raw data sets created in the observation of kidneystone patients; I also developed several literature reviews on probabilistic matching techniques to perform record linkages to create an informative history and context for future teamp projects to reference when working with de-identified paired data sets. This involved compiling all relevant and current literature on the topic, summarizing key findings for practical use, and establishing flowcharts of optimal scenarios to use which techniques for the most efficient results in data entry pairing.

Suicidality Reduction via PoC Essential Worker Support Groups
(Intervention Proposal)

I designed a community-based multi-pronged intervnetion targeted at reducing suicides in PoC worker populations in response to observed data trends regarding suicidality and self-harm behaviors in the population. My work was informed by prominent social conceptual models and reviewed by my peers for methodological consistency. The proposal was presented to an audience of prospective policymakers in 2021.

LGBTQ+ Patient Experience Inventory (LPEI)

I am currently pursuing the development of a qualitative feedback tool that will allow LGBTQ+ patients to provide ongoing feedback about their experiences in the healthcare system that can help inform policy and LGBTQ+ health initiatives in their local provider locations. The tool will be presented to local LGBTQ+ focus groups in the Davidson county area for construtive critique and distributed in select Vanderbilt clinics for initial testing later in 2022.