Welcome to the Science webpage for the Utah State Board of Education. On this page, you will find details about state science standards, endorsement information, science teaching resources. Peruse, enjoy, and if you have any questions, please contact us.

The Utah State Board of Education (USBE), in January of 1984, established policy requiring the identification of specific core standards to be met by all K-12 students in order to graduate from Utah's secondary schools. The USBE regularly updates the Utah Core Standards, while parents, teachers, and local school boards continue to control the curriculum choices that reflect local values.

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This document was created for students, parents, teachers and school leaders as an information resource to better understand the State Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) Standards: Preparing Students for a Lifetime of Understanding New Science Standards Success

The Utah State Board of Education, in collaboration with the Utah Education Network (UEN), has created two e-mail listservs for science teachers to learn more about Utah science events and professional development. One is focused on elementary (K-6) science and the other on secondary (6-12) science. Use the links below to register for the e-mail listserv.

The Science Core Guides are created to provide guidance for developing effective instruction aligned to the Utah Science with Engineering Education (SEEd) Standards. They are intended to support teachers, administrators, science specialists, instructional coaches, parents, and other stakeholders as they plan instruction at a local level.

The Core Guides are not intended to be read from cover to cover. They are meant as a resource document to be used, when needed, to support teacher professional learning and curriculum decisions. They are not meant to be used by students, and therefore they may not be written in student-friendly language. The Core Guides are meant to inform teachers and leaders as they make science curriculum decisions.

The Utah State Board of Education desires that all educators in Utah are fully qualified to teach the courses they are assigned to assure that all students get the best education possible. All secondary science courses (Grades 7-12) require specific secondary science endorsements for teachers to be eligible to teach them.

USBE uses competency-based endorsements The Secondary Science Endorsements Requirement Area Options (Google Doc) document summaries the options available to demonstrate competency in the requirement areas for each Secondary Science Endorsement in a one page table format.

Many universities offer online courses that can be taken to fulfill endorsement course requirements. These courses vary from semester to semester and vary in price from university to university. Some universities also require a small payment to become a matriculated student and gain a student identification number. Please be sure to read all university requirements to assure that you are eligible, can meet prerequisite requirements, and can successfully take the course.

The Utah Science Teaching Association (UtSTA) has partnered with local universities to offer endorsement courses for university credit. See the Endorsement Course (Utah Science Teaching Association) webpage on UtSTA's website (Utah Science Teaching Association) for the available online and in-person courses that are offered.

As part of the application for a secondary science endorsement, the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) asks that all applicants complete a safety certification. There are three options for Safety Certification:

The purpose of these courses is to build and support teacher science conceptual knowledge of the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) used within the SEEd Standards. The Grade K-6 courses are developed specifically for elementary educators and therefore only licensed K-6 teachers will be awarded USBE credit upon completion.

For these content courses, each grade level or content area has one main course in which to enroll. Within the course, there are mini-courses that explore the content knowledge expectations of each strand within the SEEd Standards for that grade level. The number of mini-courses available for each grade level are equal to the number of strands within the SEEd standards for that grade level. Educators may select which mini-courses they want to pursue and the order they want to take each one after a short introduction module is completed within the main course. Educators do not need to complete all of the mini-courses. Credit for the K-5 mini-courses is either .5 or 1.0 for each strand mini-course depending on the number of standards within the strand (2-5 standards = .5, 6+ standards = 1.0). Credit for 6-8 courses is listed as you sign up for the course. Credits will post in MIDAS three times during the year as delineated in Table 1 below. These courses are free for participants and are self-paced. Educators may register at any time.

Completing content courses for Grades 6-8 do not qualify teachers to meet requirement areas for a Science Core Endorsement. For information on the course requirements for this teaching endorsement, review the Secondary Science Core Endorsement Specs document.

To receive credit for a mini-course or for the K-12 Introduction to Three-Dimensional Instruction course, educators enrolled in any of the courses must receive 90% on the quizzes, complete the discussion posts, and submit the required feedback survey for the mini-course or the entire Introduction course. Once enrolled in a course the participants will continue to have access to the Canvas course content even after they are finished so that it can be used as a reference in the future. Credit will be assigned three times during the year as delineated below.

The OER textbooks are available in digital formats for free under a creative commons license. These digital documents can be used and adjusted to support teacher and student needs. They can be loaded onto student electronic devices or printed in their entirety or as individual pages through school or district printing services. Formatted OER textbooks are also available to purchase in bulk at a low cost using a state printing contract.

To provide teachers with a formatting version of each textbook, PDF versions of the printed books are available to download for free. These files can be used to print the books in-house if districts and charters have a better system for printing or they can be loaded on student machines.

Important Note: The OER Textbook Project works very hard to ensure that only materials with an open creative common license are used. After a copy is made it is the responsibility of that person to assure that any content, pictures, illustrations, diagrams, etc. added to your adapted books are free of a private copyright license and are solely responsible for consequences regarding breaking regulations with these copyrights.

Science Education Leaders in Combined SSECC are developing science education tools for educators. These tools focus on a specific aspect of high quality, phenomena based, three-dimensional teaching and learning in Utah. They provide background information, give examples of what teachers and students do in the classroom, shares a rubric for self-assessment and reflection, and has resources for further learning. The USETs can be found on Utah's Education Network's (UEN) SEEd emedia hub.

SSECC is voluntary science community that work to discuss the needs of and share information about how to improve science education in Utah. It is made up of representatives from Utah districts and charter schools, Utah institutes of higher education, and Utah informal education organizations. Three sections of SSECC exist: Elementary (K-6), Secondary (6-12), and Combined (K-12)

Written homework is assigned every night from Monday through Thursday. The weekend should be used to reinforce new concepts learned, complete make-up work from absence, practice basic skills, and spend time reading a book of the student's choice.

This Algebra I course pushes students to take passionate ownership of their learning, persist through challenges, and show independence as they prepare for high school. Students develop a positive relationship with themselves and mathematics through the various components of math class. Students are introduced to variables, expressions, equations, inequalities, and functions. This course lays the foundation for mathematical literacy that will help students be successful in every subsequent course in mathematics.

Students will be assigned various questions to complete daily. These questions may be reflective of the lesson taught that day or the current or past chapters. Students are also expected to review the lesson of the day and past lessons by looking at their notes and doing problems on their own. Programs like Prodigy and IXL can also be done for supplemental resources for studying.

Religion classes at Norwood-Fontbonne Academy are designed to support our students in their growth as faith-filled persons in Catholic tradition. Weaving SSJ spirituality and history through our lessons, students become rooted in the mission of our Sisters and the importance of unity; a unity that unites neighbor with neighbor and neighbor with God and includes a strong emphasis on care for our Earth. Grade level SSJ infused themes provide a lens for our students to understand their role in being anti-racist and ways in which they can actively advocate for social justice. Opportunities to participate in Service-Learning and Outreach Projects, students are able to embody a spirit of service as they build relationships with our Dear Neighbor, while also growing in their ability to show empathy, respect, and compassion. Time in our Centennial Chapel rounds out the religion classroom experience.

In conjunction with Pennsylvania State Standards, 8th Grade Science is a focus on Physical Science, experimentation within labs and an understanding of the world around them. Through interactive lessons, laboratory work and scientific procedures, students will strive to master and become more aware of the nuances in the scientific community. 152ee80cbc

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