You can choose to disable some of these protections in your device settings. But Google may continue to receive information about apps installed through Google Play, and apps installed on your device from other sources may continue to be checked for security issues without sending information to Google.

Mine is telling me i need a new payment method so i add a card and it tries to charge $35.99 i have multiple cards on file that im getting notifications saying apple is trying to charge me $35.99. Cant download anything free at all anymore. This is ridiculous

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If you are being asked to enter a payment method, Apple has multiple criteria* requiring the presence of a payment method, even for free items. Since you may be encountering one of those situations, you have no option but to enter a valid payment method if you wish to continue downloading. Read the support article Add a payment method to your Apple ID - Apple Support about how to do that. The payment method may not be charged if you also have account balance or the item is free, but the payment method has to be present. This next article lists valid payment methods for different countries but note that in this situation Apple Account balance alone apparently may not meet the requirement and you need to use another payment method until you find one that satisfies Apple's requirement (often a credit or debit card): Payment methods that you can use with your Apple ID - Apple Support .

If you have already entered a payment method, use the first link above to check it. If a message appears in red there is a problem with it. If the information is still correct and current, contact your financial institution.

Same issue...never had a card connected. Son got Apple Gift order to use it I HAD to add a payment method...WHY. Did as son was near tears not being about to buy. Fast Forward to the his card having 97 cents left, the card I had added was a Visa gift card with 48 cents on. He tried to download a "free app" and can't because it says there is an issue with the card...yea cuz I didn't want him buying anything more than what his gift card was for. Now he can't add apps and the free app....tried to charge 6.28 3x ......for a free app.

It's not too difficult. If you want to use the App Store to download apps you are going to need a valid payment method. Many of the apps that are downloaded, including Roblox contain in-app Purchases that the developer relies on to further support and maintain their app. You have many options to prevent an "accidental" purchase, such as using the "Ask To Buy" method that allows you to approve the purchase your child would like to make, or simply restrict in-app purchases altogether using Screen Time. The options are there, you just need to use them.

If there is an unpaid balance, NO the purchase cannot be cancelled, it needs to be paid for. If you go to the grocery store and have an unpaid balance, would you also expect them to just cancel it and let you continue to shop there. Developers have to pay to offer these apps on the store every year and it also costs them time and money to create and continue to maintain them. Don't you feel like that should be compensated some how or is exploited them OK.

Instead of posting the same links over and over, you should review the links already provided to verify your previous Purchase History and Subscriptions. If you are unable to see any there, then you should use the link to contact Apple directly to find the answer. None of us have access to your account and unable to provide you the details. There is no charge to download a free app, but if there is a previous purchase that has not been paid, then you will be charged for it before you can use the App Store to download/update any apps. Let us know what you find out.

Then most likely you have a subscription that has not been paid. You are responsible for cancelling any subscription that you sign up for. The subscription should not be a surprise to you since you would have to had physically double click the side button to authorize the charge. You cannot expect to be able to continue to use the App Store if there are charges that have not been paid.

You do have a charge for something that has not been paid for. Most people forget to cancel a free trial before it ends. You will automatically be charged for a subscription if you do not cancel the free trial.

If you are attempting to download a free app, the charge is not for the app, but for a previous charge that has not been paid. Contacting Apple with the link will help to identify the charge if you are unable to using the other methods.

I just got my s21 and I hate how you have to swipe up to see all your apps. I want to move them to the home screen so I only have to swipe right or left. Also, I hate how all my games are in the launcher app instead of being separate buttons. How do I move everything to where I want it?

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Skills are like apps for Alexa, and provide a new channel for your content and services. Skills let customers use their voices to perform everyday tasks like checking the news, listening to music, playing a game, and more. Organizations and individuals can publish skills in the Alexa Skills Store to reach and delight customers on hundreds of millions of Alexa devices.

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Pasar tiempo con el telfono mvil es algo de lo que todos pecamos, pero por qu no convertir este inconveniente en una ventaja? Si buscas en la Play Store para Android, encontrars muchas apps para ganar dinero.AplicacionesApps de pagoMejores apps gratisAplicaciones para descargar pelculasMejor app de control remoto TVApps de termmetroMejor app para gimnasioGoogle PlayEn este artculo nos centraremos en aquellas apps creadas directamente para ofrecerte dinero a cambio de tareas muy concreta, que en la mayora de casos no te llevarn ms de unos minutos, o que incluso pueden servir paraganar dinero jugando.

As que si lo que quieres es aumentar tu cuenta corriente --aunque sea un poco--, sigue leyendo porque a continuacin, te dejamos las mejores aplicaciones que puedes utilizar en tus dispositivos Android para ganar dinero.8 apps para ganar dinero con tu AndroidGift Hunter ClubSB AnswerGoogle RewardsCointiplyAppNanaSweatCoinPoll PayTask MateAntes de comenzar, vale la pena comentar que estas apps no te harn rico, como es lgico. Con ellas, podrs conseguir algo de dinero para pagar por contenido digital o saldo para tiendas de apps como Google Play.No obstante, ya que probablemente pases horas pegado a tu mvil cada da, usar este tipo de apps y juegos para ganar dinero puede ser una buena forma de sacar rentabilidad a tu dispositivo.Gift Hunter ClubTras ms de 7 aos de existencia, esta plataforma -con app mvil disponible- ha logrado reunir a casi un milln de usuarios en todo el mundo. Para ganar dinero con esta aplicacin, tendrs que ver anuncios, rellenar encuestas diarias o probar aplicaciones, entre otras tareas.En algunos casos tendrs que probar juegos, de modo que a grandes rasgos estars ganando dinero por jugar con tu mvil.Al registrarte, puedes utilizar el cdigo de invitacin de algn amigo para que ambos consigis unos puntos extra. Finalmente, cuando ya tengas una cantidad notable reunida, podrs intercambiar esos puntos para recibir el dinero va PayPal o por cheques regalos para plataformas como Amazon.Play Store | Gift Hunter Club

SB Answer es una de las apps que te pagan por responder encuestas. A diario, recibirs distintas encuestas que debes rellenar a cambio de premios.Los premios en cuestin suelen consistir en tarjetas regalo para Amazon, PayPal o Starbucks.Google Play |SB Answer - Surveys that PayGoogle RewardsNo poda faltar en esta lista de aplicaciones para ganar dinero Rewards, la app de Google para conseguir saldo para Google Play Store.Rewards consiste en responder a encuestas realizadas por investigadores de mercado para ir acumulando saldo que luego puedes emplear para comprar aplicaciones, pelculas, revistas o msica en Google Play. Fcil y rpido, as es el funcionamiento de la app de recompensas de Google.Por otro lado, destaca tambin la existencia de Play Security Reward Program, el servicio de Google que te ofrece dinero por encontrar bugs en Android y reportarlos al desarrollador para que los solucione. Si sacas al hacker que llevas dentro y ayudas a la Gran G, podrs obtener recompensas a cambio.Ten en cuenta, adems, que el dinero que ganas en Google Play Rewards no solo sirve para comprar apps y juegos. Tambin puedes utilizarlo para alquilar pelculas o comprar libros de Google Play, o incluso para pagar tu suscripcin a Google One.Play Store | Google RewardsCointiplyEsta es otra de las aplicaciones que te permite ganar dinero viendo vdeos, anuncios, respondiendo a diferentes encuestas, probando apps y juegos, etc., en definitiva, completando las tareas disponibles.Segn promete Cointiply en su pgina de la Play Store, cada da ofrece nuevas tareas actualizadas para que vayas acumulando crditos que podrs traducir en dinero.Su principal virtud con respecto a otras apps de este tipo es que Cointiply te paga en Bitcoin, que posteriormente podrs enviar a tu propia cartera privada para mantenerlo, o para convertirlo en dinero real.Play Store | Cointiply 152ee80cbc

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