
Work in Progress - drafts coming soon

Firms pricing in the UK: survey expectations and industry-level determinants (joint with Cristina Griffa, Nottingham University)

Boosted Inflation: a machine learning inflation model with economic restrictions (joint with Marcus Buckmann and Philip Schnattinger)

Working Papers

"Flexible Bayesian MIDAS: time-variation, group-shrinkage, and sparsity" (with David Kohns) - BoE Staff Working Paper No 1025 - R&R at Journal of Business and Economic Statistics

"Forecasting UK inflation bottom up" (with Andreas Joseph, Eleni Kalamari, Chiranjit Chakraborty, George Kapetanios) - Forthcoming in Journal of International Forecasting


Potjagailo, G. and M.H Wolters (2023). Global financial cycles since 1880. Journal of International Money and Finance, Vol. 131, March 2023. 

Jannsen, N., Potjagailo, G. and M.H. Wolters (2019). Monetary policy during financial crises: Is the transmission mechanism impaired? International Journal of Central Banking, Vol. 15, No. 4, October 2019.

Potjagailo, G. (2017). Spillover effects from Euro Area Monetary Policy across Europe: A Factor-Augmented VAR approach. Journal of International Money and Finance (72), 127-147. 

Policy blogs

"Dissecting UK service inflation with a neural network Phillips curve" (with Marcus Buckmann and Philip Schnattinger), Bank Underground blog post, July 2023

"How broad-based is UK inflation?" (with Boromeus Wanengkyrtio and Jenny Lam), Bank Underground blog post, October 2022

"Global Financial Cycles since 1880" (with Maik Wolters), Bank Underground blog post, August 2020