Assistive Devices
Signallers are systems that alert you to something needing your attention e.g. a telephone call, the doorbell, baby crying, fire etc.
Such systems work by drawing your attention through light flashes, vibrations, loud sounds or a combination of all of these. Thus hearing impaired persons can live more independently and they also can be alerted to danger in their environment.
There are four things to consider when installing a signaller :
1. Transmitters
You need a transmitter for each signaller e.g. telephone call, baby crying. However sometimes you can find a transmitter that can be used for more than one signaler e.g. doorbell and telephone call.
2. Receivers
You need a receiver in the rooms where you would like to receive the signal e.g. the kitchen,bedroom etc. You can also find portable receivers that can be carried from room to room as long as you keep within the range of the transmitter/s.
3. Compatibility
Before installing the equipment make sure that the components are compatible i.e. you can’t have a transmitter of one brand and a receiver of another brand.
4. Technology
If the system works through Radio Frequency (RF) Technology, make sure that there are no other systems in the vicinity tuned on the same wavelength that will cause interference. If the system works through Line Carrier Technology – where signals are transmitted and received by making use of the electricity circuit within the home – it will not function if there is a power cut.