Gorky shaw

Instructional Designer in the UK. Ph.D. from India, with 7.5 years of postdoctoral research and teaching experience in France and Belgium, and India

As an experimental condensed matter Physicist, I have gained practical knowledge and experience in superconductivity and magnetism, cryogenics, vacuum, low temperature physics, equipment development and automation of setups, during my Ph.D. and my post-doctoral projects.

Expertise in developing scientific instruments such as specialized microscopes capable of detecting and mapping faintest magnetic signals, crucial for fundamental studies as well as device characterization.

Experience in project management, training students, working in teams in international environments.

Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD), excelling in LabVIEW programming for instrument control, automation of experiments, image and data analysis etc.

Present position

Since June 2021:

Instructional Designer at National Physics Laboratory (NPL), Teddington, United Kingdom (UK).

Previous position

July 2018 June 2021:

Assistant Professor in School of Applied Sciences (Physics) at Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (Deemed to be university), Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.

Funded Project title: Scanning Hall probe microscopy for high resolution, large area, variable height magnetic field imaging.

Sanctioned under Early Career Research (ECR) Award from SERB-DST, Govt. of India (incomplete, 2019-2021). Budget: INR 41 Lakh.

Postdoctoral Research Experience

December 2015 — November 2017:

Marie Curie BeIPD-COFUND Post-doctoral fellow at University of Liège, Belgium.

Project title: Vortex matter in heterostructures of superconductors and thermomagnetically patterned micromagnets. 

Budget: EUR 28,750. 

Supervisor: Prof. Alejandro V. Silhanek (Department of physics, University of Liège).

October 2012 — May 2015:

Research fellow at Institut Néel CNRS/UGA , Grenoble, France.

Project title: Development of scanning Hall probe microscopy for the quantitative study of the stray magnetic fields produced by high performance micro-magnets.

Supervisors: Dr. Klaus Hasselbach (MCBT), Dr. Nora Dempsey (QUEST), Institut Néel.