What is Literature ?

What is Literature ? (Before M.A)


What is Literature ? (After M.A)

English Literature is the study of written works in the English language, covering various genres, themes, and styles. It's a broad field that delves into human experiences through stories and poems, helping us understand life, culture, and what it means to be human. 

Literature can take us to different times and places. It make us think about things differently and help us understand people's feelings and struggles.

Literature also helps us become better at using language and expressing ourselves. By seeing how authors use words and phrases, we learn to communicate more effectively and understand language better.

Literature reflect the world around us, showing us what life was like in different times and places. It  help us understand history, society, and how people think and feel.

Literature can shape our values and beliefs. Stories about love, justice, and humanity making us think about what's important in life and how we should treat others. 

English Literature is a way for us to explore the world, understand ourselves, and see things from different perspectives. It helps us learn, grow, and become better people.