Etiler Anatolian High School

İstanbul, Turkey

Teacher : Arzu Çalık Seydim

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Etiler Anatolian High School

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Ulvi Maharramov

Ensar Raşid Kocagöz

Egemen Yıldız

Aslı Vatansever

Seval Maden

Bahar Cengizoğlu

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International Womens Day Essay's

Egemen Yıldız

International Women's Day is an international day celebrated on 8th March every year and defined by the United Nations. It is devoted to the development of political and social awareness of women based on human rights, and the celebration of their economic, political and social achievements.

In our country, March 8, is known as a day to buy flowers for women. It was also a day when we saw the security forces including women suppressing and silencing other women who were on the streets in order to express their grief and media outlets including women condemning them.

Not so long ago, Ataturk put the women at the center of the Republic in the time of the foundation of our country and honored them.

“There is a way that we walk in peace and more honestly. This is the way that we make Turkish women our work partner, make them the partner, friend, supporter and helper of men in scientific, moral, social, economic life” said Ataturk and emphasized that each society is composed of two sexes, and if only one person of the genus gets the necessities of our century, that weakens the society by half.

Unfortunately, our age-old republic has not been able to sustain its initial dynamism. The society, which has stuck to superstitions, taboos and dogmas, has not only failed to preserve its value, it has also pushed our women into the dark pit of ignorance. The woman, looking for her right, has found again another woman taking a stand against her. At one end, the situation of the woman in the city, who can benefit from the existing facilities, and girls who are not sent to school at the other end. The situation of women in rural areas imprisoned in the house or working in the fields. The superstitious and ignorant society has lost its conscience and has grown this gap.

Women should guide the society with their emotions, logic, culture and elegance and shine like the Northern Lights. They must be aware that the balance of the earth must be preserved on a more equal basis for the future generations to leave a livable world.

Ensar Raşid Kocagöz

The meaning of 8 March isn't just important for the women rather for everyone. Since very old times many rights of women has been cheaten but nowadays the significance of the Human Rights has been increased.

But there is also one point that I would like to mention and the subject is the misunderstanding of International Women's Day.

During the meetings all around the world, there will laways accure different problems like every other meetings. Most of the people actually goes to the meetings to show everyone that everyone is equal and have the same rights but some of them wants trouble and can make really unrespectable movements such as nonsense banners, buck against police without a reason. I can give more examples but thats enough. You can find many images and videos on Internet. I just hate those who wants nothing else but trouble. Aside with that.

The reason of 8 March being IWD is very different. It has his own story and its bloodcurling. In 8 March 1857 in New York the pitiless death of the poor women...

From the beginning what I'm trying to say is that 8 March is a symbol of united power and no one can break this regulation. I want to end my writing with a famous singer's word named Neşet Ertaş: "Women are human, we're human beings."

Aslı Vatansever

March 8 is a day when the value of women is remembered. Since the existence of humanity, the place of women is different. They are the most important people in our lives.

We should not remember the value of women only on March 8th. Women are the values ​​of every day. Our mothers, aunts, older sisters ... are certainly the ones who will always be with us and will always be with us. Let me briefly explain your story as follows; On March 8, 1908, women workers who did not get their rights in a textile factory in New York were involved in the strike. His bosses have locked the workers in the factory to prevent this behavior from the rioting of other factory workers. That day, a factory fire broke out and 129 women lost their lives. After this event, 8 March was declared as World Women's Day.

The value of women should not only fit in the present, but we must make them feel that they are valuable every day. We must always remember that women have rights.

Seval Maden

Women's day is an international day, celebrated on March 8th every year and defined by the United Nations.

100 years have passed since the first Women's Day on February 28,1909. An international Women's Day was soon proposed at a conference in Copenhagen in 1910, held by socialist organizations from around the world. Clara Zetkin, a German socialist, suggested the idea to commemorate the strike of garment workers in the United States. The proposal received unanimous approval by over 100 women from 17 countries, including the first three women elected to the parliament of Finland. Beyond the garment workers strike, the Day was established to honor the movement for women's rights in general, including the right to vote (suffrage). At that time, no fixed date was selected for the observance. This declaration caused an International Women's Day to be commemorated in 1911 for the first time in Austria, Denmark, Germany, and Switzerland. March 19 saw over a million men and women in a series of rallies worldwide. In addition to calling for the right for women to vote and to hold public office, they demanded the right to work and an end to discrimination on the job. What about, is women's day a celebration or quest for rights? Globally, 750 million women and girls were married before the age of 18. In 18 countries, husbands can legally prevent their wives from working; in 39 countries, daughters and sons do not have equal inheritance rights; and 49 countries lack laws protecting women from domestic. People are think this is the day of celebration but this is the day of seeking women's rights.

In history and today, women have fought and are fighting to get their rights. Women should be heard everytime thus girls can get to have good future.

Bahar Cengizoğlu

“Everything is the work of women in the World”

Everything is the work of woman in the world. March 8, Interational Women's Day is very important like all other national days. All woman express their desine for equality and justice in this day so this day is very meaningful.

Let’s look at this day in more defeiled . Forty thousand workers were worked badly and their labor was paid with low salary that’s why stroke. This event awakened in the world. Actually we shouldn’t just remember women once per year rether we should realize everyday their value .We should realize women’s effects in actions and their effects social life equality between genders we have to give the needed respect to the women. Women shouldn’t have exclusive rights. They must have women rights like everyone . Women should given oppprtunites (health,politics and military). The society needs the women for concious future.

Everyone should respect this special meaningful day for women. We should always give them a value.

Ulvi Maharramov

8 March is a very special day which women express their desire for equality, freedom and peace in the world. This day is celebrated all over the world and is equal to everyone. The goal of this day is to announce the rights of women all over the world and indicate that they exist in society. The role of women have an important place in these days. As it is known, the value given to women was very little, even nothing. After years of struggle and difficulties, women gained their rights. In fact, the main purpose of women's day is to remind women of their rights and to emphasize that they are not alone.

On this day all women are a whole and the emphasise that the societies which they live have some problems with women and they are equal with other people.

Women’s rights should be remembered every day, not only on 8 March.

Societies' Perception of Democracy

Street Interview

What did you learn about democracy while interviewing?

I had a lot of fun in the interview I gained new experiences I was really fun to be announcer I had a beautiful day with my team mates. (Bahar Cengizoğlu)

Asking people’s opinion, I have understood how important it is to know people’s concepts about democracy. Each of them has answered differently and freely. (Ulvi Maharramov)

I gained many point of views and especially before our municipality elections in our country; I got lots of point of viewes, and that helped me to see how the local people think about our politics. This Generally, helped me a lot to think in a way that a democratic person does. (Ensar Raşid Kocagöz)

Democracy Unites People

in Equality

The Song We Have Chosen

Our Democracy Slogan by Ulvi Maharramov

"By the heart, via the mind"

Students' Evaluation

In this project, I’ve learned a lot of information about democracy, I got new friends, I learned to use technological programs. Due to that, it has helped me to improve my English accent. Moreover,I’ve thought and imagined a creative logo and slogan via my potential and interests for this work. In the end, it would be correct to say that we have learned to change our outlook on the world. I feel lucky to be in that project.

Ulvi Maharramov, Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim, İstanbul, Turkey


I am very grateful to my counselor teacher, friends and stakeholders from other countries for being involved in this project. We have better understood and emphasized the importance of democracy in our lives. Together we produced great outputs such as designing the flag of democracy, the project logo and slogan, and singing the song. I had the chance to improve my knowledge and skills. I would like to join a new eTwinning project again.

Seval Maden, Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim, Istanbul Turkey


eTwining has taught us to be disciplined, for example, etwinning web site required us to upload something into the system at a certain time. This project taught us to take responsibility and fulfill that responsibility and also taught research and interpretation and constructive criticism, and taught us to push our horizon and improve ourselves. This project took out aspects of democracy that we didn't know and he made us think about how we should improve our democracy in the future and how we can implement it.

Democracy is important or even very important in our lives. We research a lot about Democracy. In the end of research we have learned to be more democratic. With that project we understood that democracy is as vital as the breathing in our lives.

Aslı Vatansever, Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher : Arzu Çalık Seydim, İstanbul, Turkey


This Etwining project gave a different perspective to democracy and taught us to take responsibility. We made new friendship. We spent time together. We interacted together. We remembered once again that democracy has an important place in our lives. We had a live video chat about democracy . It was a common work. My group’s topic was equality and this project reminded us the importance of equality as democracy. it was very clear that it should be the main basis of our lives.By using web2tools; I created a poster. It has expanded our horizon and enabled us to develop ideas. My friend developed a slogan and translated it into video. We debated together and knew different characters. We interviewed and broke our own walls. He taught us to be compatible with the group work. I think the most important thing is that we have done this project with participants from different countries and discuss democracy with them. I'm happy to participate in this project.

Bahar Cengizoğlu, Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher : Arzu Çalık Seydim, İstanbul, Turkey


In this eTwinning project we obtained new and better points of views in democracy. I learnt that democracy is more important than how it looks and I realized that we should value democracy more. We discussed about democracy and found what is right and what is wrong. We created great friendships even from other schools. I've learned to use video programs more detailed. It was really cool to be in this project.

Egemen Yıldız, Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim, İstanbul, Turkey


It was a very good experience for me. This project contributed me a lot. I got new friends and I used my technology programs knowledge in this project. We did a lot of preparation like preparing a board in school, using different ideas in democracy by making interviews with society.

Preparing an online photo exhibition was a very different experience. I liked the preparation of voting and see the different ideas in a competition.

The most important thing that we did it all together. I really enjoyed this project.

Ensar Raşid Kocagöz / Etiler Anatolian High School / Teacher: Arzu Çalık Seydim / Istanbul, Turkey


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Project Board at Our School

Art Exhibition on Democracy in our school

Democracy Lesson Subject: eTwinning Project

Student Council Election

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