Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 2

İstanbul, Turkey

Teacher : İnayet Çalışkan

School Presentation video

Beşiktaş Atatürk Anadolu Lisesi Tanıtım Filmi 2017

You can reach our school's video via QR code

created by Gizem Gümüşışık-Teacher: Fatma Boztepe

The Presentations of Our Students

Parent's Permissions

Our Group's Logo

Societies' Perception of Democracy

Street Interview

What did you learn about democracy while interviewing?

I learned that every individual has their own opinions and we have to respect what they are thinking whether we are agreeing or not.Also I learned that freedom of thought is a really important thing in society.

-Elif Mumcu/Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/Group2/İnayet Çalışkan

I learned that democracy gains it's power from the people who are free to think and act as they desire. Every opinion is unique and has it's own good sides as well as the bad sides. So we should respect to the all sorts of opinions.

-Alperen Hasanoğlu/Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/Group 2/İnayet Çalışkan

I learned that what democracy, freedom means for people. Also I learned that democracy of thought is a very important thing in society. We learned to respect even if we had different ideas from each other.

—Dilara ÖZTÜRK—Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School—Group 2– Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan.

Democracy Unites People

in Equality

The Song We Have Chosen

Our Democracy Slogan by


Prepared by Berke Çimenoğlu

Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School- Group 2, Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan

Students' Evaluation

In this project, we learned what people think about democracy and what democracy really is. We discussed what can we do to improve the democracy in forums. We saw the perception of the people from different countries and environments. Apart from these we learned how to use web tools to make great videos. It was nice to be a part of this project.

Alperen Hasanoğlu - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School Group 2 - Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan

Thanks to this project, we improved our online skills. We made online forums, meetings, discussions, chats etc. We met with people all around the world. And we are educated about democracy and society. I am glad to be in this project.

Aysu Kayazade - Beşiktaş Atatürk Anatolian High School/ Group 2 - Teacher: İnayet Çalışkan