PETER:Tut, tut, boy, why shouldn't she? You're young, and wouldn't be ill-favoured either, had God or thy mother given thee another face. Aren't you one of Prince Maraloffski's gamekeepers; and haven't you got a good grass farm, and the best cow in the village? What more does a girl want?

COLONEL:Bring me there. Sergeant, post your picket outside, and see that these scoundrels do not communicate with any one. No letter writing, you dogs, or you'll be flogged for it. Now for the venison. [(To PETER bowing before him.)] Get out of the way, you fool! Who is that girl?[(Sees VERA.)]

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COLONEL:Every woman does talk too much. Come, where is this venison? Count, I am waiting for you. How can you see anything in a girl with coarse hands? [(He passes with PETER and his aide-de-camp into an inner room.)]

VERA:How could you have known it? It is too well laid a plot for that. This great White Czar, whose hands are red with the blood of the people he has murdered, whose soul is black with thisiniquity, is the cleverest conspirator of us all. Oh, how could Russia bear two hearts like yours and his!

MICHAEL:I waited. All through the dreary watches of our long Russian night I waited, that I might kill you with your Judas hire still hot in your hand. But you never came back; you never left thatpalace. I saw the blood-red sun rise through the yellow fog over the murky town; I saw a new day of oppression dawn on Russia; but you never came back. So you pass nights in the palace, do you? You know the password for the guards; you have a key to a secret door. You are a spy—I nevertrusted you, with your soft white hands, your curled hair, your pretty graces. You have no mark of suffering about you; you cannot be of the people. You are a spy—a spy—traitor!

GENERAL:Why, five years ago, when I was a plain Colonel, I remember her, your Highness, a common waiting-girl in an inn. If I had known then what she was going to turn out, I would have flogged her to death on the roadside. She is not a woman at all, she is a sort of devil! For the last eighteen months I have been hunting her, and caught sight of her once last September outside Odessa.

CZAREVITCH:You have certainly missed your mtier, Prince Paul; the cordon bleu of the kitchen would have suited you much better than the Grand Cross of Honour. But you know you could never have worn your white apron well; you would have soiled it too soon, your hands are not cleanenough.

MICHAEL:Vera, I am not blind, I know your secret. You love this boy, this young prince with his pretty face, his curled hair, his soft white hands. Fool that you are, dupe of a lying tongue, do youknow what he would have done to you, this boy you think loved you? He would have made you his mistress, used your body at his pleasure, thrown you away when he was wearied of you; you, the priestess of liberty, the flame of revolution, the torch of democracy.

CZAR:Then I banish you for your bad jokes. Bon voyage Messieurs. If you value your lives you will catch the first train for Paris. [(Exeunt Ministers.)] Russia is well rid of such men as these. Theyare the jackals that follow in the lion's track. They have no courage themselves except to pillage and rob. But for these men and for Prince Paul my father would have been a good king, would not have died so horribly as he did die. How strange it is, the most real parts of one's life always seemto be a dream! The council, the fearful law which was to kill the people, the arrest, the cry in the court-yard, the pistol-shot, my father's bloody hands, and then the crown! One can live for years sometimes without living at all, and then all life comes crowding into one single hour. I had no timeto think. Before my father's hideous shriek of death had died in my ears I found this crown on my head, the purple robe around me, and heard myself called a king. I would have given it up all then; it seemed nothingp.670

CZAR:[(starting up, seizes her by both hands)] Vera, you here! My dream was no dream at all.Why have you left me three days alone, when I most needed you? O God, you think I am a traitor, a liar, a king? I am, for love of you. Vera, it was for you I broke my oath and wear my father's crown. I would lay at your feet this mighty Russia, which you and I have loved so well; would giveyou this earth as your footstool; set this crown on your head. The people will love us. We will rule them by love, as a father rules his children. There shall be liberty in Russia for every man to think as his heart bids him; liberty for men to speak as they think. I have banished the wolves thatpreyed on us; I have brought back your brother from Siberia; I have opened the blackened jaws of the mine. The courier is already on his way; within a week Dmitri and all those with him will be back in their own land. The people shall be free—are free now. When they gave me this crown first,I would have flung it back to them, had it not been for you, Vera. O God! It is men's custom in Russia to bring gifts to those they love. I said, I will bring to the woman I love a people, an empire, a world! Vera, it is for you, for you alone, I kept this crown; for you alone I am a king. Oh, I haveloved you better than my oath! Why will you not speak to me? You love me not! You love me not! You have come to warn me of some plot against my life. What is life worth to me without you? [(CONSPIRATORS murmur outside.)]

The Plaintiff alleges that in October or November of 1991, a co-worker in her department Eric Wright put his hand on the Plaintiff's hip, licked his lips, and said: "umm.. I'd like to have some of that." (Wilson Depo. at 13-14.) The Plaintiff turned around and said to Wright: "don't do that.... keep your hands off of me." (Wilson Depo. at 17.) Wright then threw his hands up in a surrendering motion and said: "oh, oh, oh." (Wilson Depo. at 17-18.) This alleged incident occurred in the work place. (Wilson Depo. at 14.) Later that day, the Plaintiff told Wright that she did not "want anyone, guys or, you know, anyone putting their hands on [her] hips," that she "just [does not] play like that," and asked him "please don't ever do that again." (Wilson Depo. at 18.) Wright responded: "okay, okay, okay." (Wilson Depo. at 18.) The Plaintiff did not report this incident to a supervisor at the time. (Wilson Depo. at 19.) Wright never did this to her again. (Wilson Depo. at 36.)

First, with the possible exception of the rubber band incident, it is undeniable that the conduct complained of was "unwelcome." When Wright put his hand on the Plaintiff's hip, she responded "don't do that.... keep your hands off of me." (Wilson Depo. at 17.) When the Plaintiff was shown a cartoon or when Wright hiked his pants, the Plaintiff would "turn away." The clipboard incident caused the Plaintiff physical pain. Accordingly, the Court finds that the Plaintiff has met the first element. 0852c4b9a8

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