Might it just be because Borland C++ 5.01/5.02 are old compilers and Malwarebytes rarely comes across the object code generated by them, and that few Borland C++ 5.01/5.02 programs are in your "training set of goodware"?

Borland C++ 5.02 is a more simple tool than Visual Studio C++. It doesn't have separate build and working directories. It just compiles the code and generates an EXE file, the final program. Before I release the programs I scan them through VirusTotal and on my computer with Malwarebytes so I can be certain the AV software that my users have will not complain of a bad program. However, Malwarebytes seems to be the only AV software that repeatedly finds fault with my EXEs.

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The majority of my software development work I do on my desktop under windows XP and using Borland C++ 5.02. Yes I do know these are both old. However, the XP/C++ 5.02 combination has worked well for me for many years and has allowed me to write professional applications, albeit in the classic Windows style. Although I also have Visual Studio 2019 on a Windows 10 laptop my preference is still to develop with XP/C++ 5.02.

I only compile under Windows 10 if I need to generate a version of my program with C++ 5.01. This is because I have noticed that Malwarebytes will sometimes flag a 5.02 compilation of my program as suspicious but not a 5.01 compilation of the same source, which is a bit odd.

John Fill

ivfmd@mail.md RE: Borland C++ vs Standard C++ 2ffat (Programmer)3 Aug 01 12:53Does that mean that Borland C++ 5.02 cannot support the std::cout functions? Shouldn't such compilers support Standard C++? Why is there such differences? makes learning C++ so difficult for a newbie like me.  At the time 5.02 was written, it did support the "standard." That was several years ago. At the time, the C++ committee was working revising the standard. The committee "froze" that standard in 1998 (I think). Any compiler released before that time isn't fully compliant. See my comments on your other thread. Unless you need a compiler for DOS, I would suggest you upgrade to 5.5. It's free and much more compliant than 5.02. 

One note: 5.5 is the same compiler in Borland C++ Builder 5 but 5.5 does not come with the RAD (rapid application developement) IDE that Builder has. 

Also wat is the difference between Borland C++ 5.02 and Borland Turbo C++ 4.5? Why is one called Turbo C++ and the other is not? Will Turbo C++ 4.5 support std::cout? The "Turbo" compilers are (for the most part) even older that the "Borland" compiler. I believe they were called "Turbo" because Borland had a full line of very fast (turbo) compilers. They also came out with the "Borland" compilers for "professionals". Somewhere around WFW or 95, Borland dropped the "Turbo" name. You can get more information by going to .

Lastly, is it possible to program plain old C programs using a C++ compiler? how do i do that ... Most C++ compilers are C compliant. Some compilers look at the extention on the program source code (.c vs .cpp) to determine whether to compile in C or C++. Others have switches when you compile it. I don't remember how 5.02 did it.

... if C++ is a superset of C then y shld pple learn C anymore? That question is likely to start a religious war. There is still a lot of older C code out there. The C committee is also working on updating its standard, too, so C won't go away soon. There are a lot of people out there who say that newbies should stick to C++ and not learn C and there are a lot out there who say they should. This is a question that most likely cannot be answered by anyone but you.

 James P. Cottingham

I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.

I have done so much with so little 

for so long that I am now qualified 

to do anything with nothing.

 RE: Borland C++ vs Standard C++ Guest (visitor)(OP)4 Aug 01 09:17Thank you all very much for taking the time to explain and answer my questions. Particularly to James, sorry that you had to type so much but it really helped a great deal. :) 

Thanks once again.

John RE: Borland C++ vs Standard C++ 2ffat (Programmer)6 Aug 01 07:53That's why we are here. 

 James P. Cottingham

I am the Unknown lead by the Unknowing.

I have done so much with so little 

for so long that I am now qualified 

to do anything with nothing.

 RE: Borland C++ vs Standard C++ computerjin (Programmer)6 Aug 01 18:35hi there,

BC++ 5.02 has a very powerful compiler n IDE. if u want to compile above code change ur node type to CppCompile n extension to *.cpp n all'll be right then.

Borland C++ is some what enhanced n proprietry compiler then standard C++. it fully support standard library functions as well as its own functions that r not part of standard library.

Turbo series is some what old compilers of borland then "Borland series " compilers.

n ur last question..... yes u can compile 16bit n 32bit apps using borland c++ 5.02 compiler easily. just change node types n some project properties n u got compiled app for ur required plateform. u can use bc++ 5.02 to compile to c or cpp. its very user friendly. but try using bc++ 5.5 compiler. its without IDE but its more enhanced n powerful then bc++ 5.02. bc++5.5 is basically bc++ builder compiler, an RAD tool from borland.

hope that this small chunk of material has been satisfied u to some extent.

ComputerJin RE: Borland C++ vs Standard C++ mitko (ISP)8 Oct 01 00:49#include Let's u compile without the std::

 RE: Borland C++ vs Standard C++ Maladon (Programmer)8 Oct 01 16:37Try


 int main()

 { int i =10, j=20;

 int k = (i+j)/2;


When a source file is first compiled by the Borland C++ compiler ( version 5.02) several files are automatically generated in addition to the usual object file and executable file. Some of these files are big ( three files about half a meg each).

Problem: How can I configure the compiler to keep the output up after I compile and execute my *.cpp file? I am writing

programs for

 my classes in data structures and computational

statistics, and

 most of the output is more than one screen width, and I

dont know

 how to configure the compiler to keep it in "buffer" so

I can view

 the output of the program i wrote.I used to have Turbo C++ 4.5, and after compiling the file, the output


stay open in the DOS window. Now with 5.02 it promptly closes the


after execution.I am a college student, using C++ in some of my programming classes, and


would be a great help if someone could tell me how to configure the


so it would keep the output displayed.Thanks. Go Gators!!

The last Borland's C++ IDE for DOS is Borland C++ 3.1 (1992). The last C++ environment which supports BGI is Borland C++ 5.02 (1997), which works under Windows but can compile DOS programs. BGI was accessible in C/C++ with graphics.lib / graphics.h, and in Pascal via the graph unit.

Borland(r) C++ 5.02 Programming Starter Kit is the ultimate collection of quick and easy tools needed to learn C programming. Includes the complete retail version of Borland C++ 5.0 compiler and great resources including Sams Teach Yourself C, Second Edition and an e-book, C Primer Plus.

Highlands J virus (HJV) is an alphavirus closely related to western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV) and eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV). HJV is an avian pathogen with the potential for disruption of poultry operations, but is not known to cause human or equine disease. HJV has only been identified in the eastern United States and is thought to have a transmission cycle similar to that of EEEV involving Culiseta melanura mosquitoes and birds. However, HJV is more genetically similar to WEEV and it remains unclear if it may be transmitted by Culex species mosquitoes like WEEV. Seven strains of HJV were characterized to assess this potential. Phylogenetic analysis of whole genome sequences revealed four distinct HJV lineages (lineages 1-4), and vector competence studies in Cx. tarsalis with four of the HJV strains from different lineages yielded two distinct infection patterns. Lineage 1 strains had low infection rates, while lineages 2 and 4 had significantly higher infection rates similar to those previously published for WEEV. The average mosquito body viral titer was highest at 8 dpi (6.60-7.26 log10 pfu equivalents/body), and head titers at all time points ranged between 6.01 and 6.80 log10 pfu equivalents/head. Nearly 45% of mosquitoes infected with strain AB-80-9 were able to transmit virus in saliva with an average titer of 5.02 log10 pfu equivalents/saliva. A single amino acid difference between high and low infectivity phenotypes was identified at genome position 8605, in the E2 gene. A nonpolar glycine was present in the low infectivity lineage 1 strains, while an acidic glutamic acid was present in the higher infectivity lineage 2 and 4 strains. This study demonstrates HJV transmission by Cx. tarsalis mosquitoes and clearly identifies the potential for transmission in the western United States. Two infection phenotypes were exhibited, indicating the need for further studies to understand Culex species transmission patterns. 0852c4b9a8

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