A file that runs on its own (usually with extension .exe) must contain a Main procedure. A library (for example with extension .dll) does not run on its own and does not require a Main procedure. The requirements for the different types of projects you can create are as follows:

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By default, dotnet new generates a .NET Core 5.0 WinForms Project without theApplication Framework, similar to how a C# WinForms project works.The application starts with a Sub Main method in modulecalled Program.vb which handles all the necessary set up:

Important: The Project Properties Designer does not currently supportchanging between .NET 5 and .NET Core 3.1. And if you inadvertently change itthere, your project may not compile. Change the Target Framework manually in the.vbproj file to the one you need.

Once you get it compiling, run your unit and browser tests and address any issues. You might consider waiting to convert your unit test projects to C# so that you can rule out conversions issues in your tests.

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To build anything with Visual Studio .NET, you need to use asolution, and that solution must contain at least one project.Solutions are the containers for all your work in VS.NET. A solutioncontains a project for each build output. (For example, if you wantto build a DLL, an EXE, and an MSI Installer file, your solution willcontain three projects.) Projects themselves contain source files. Inthis chapter, you will learn the ins and outs of solutions andprojects and how to use them as effectively as possible.

Asolutioncontains a collection of projects, along with information ondependencies between those projects. The projects themselves containfiles. This structure is illustrated in Figure 1-1.You can have as many projects as you like in a solution, but therecan be only one solution open at a time in a particular instance ofVS.NET. (You can, of course, open multiple solutions by runningmultiple instances of VS.NET.)

Visual Studio .NET is happy to create this type of directorystructure for you. When you create a new project by using the NewProject dialog box (Ctrl-Shift-N), you can bring up additionaloptions by clicking on the More button in the lower-lefthand cornerof the dialog. These options are shown in Figure 1-3. (The More button turns into a Less buttonwhen the extra options are visible.) If you select the Createdirectory for Solution checkbox, Visual Studio .NET will not placethe solution files in the same directory as the project. Instead, itwill create a folder for your solution and inside this will create asecond folder containing your project. The New Solution Name text boxdetermines the name of both the solution and the solution folder.(You pick the project template you want to create as your firstproject and type its name in the Name text box as usual.)

Matching the file structure of a solution and its contained projectsto the logical structure has the advantage of making it easier to puttogether a zip file of the whole solution. Consider what happens ifyou just allow VS.NET to put new projects in the default locationswhen you create a new project and then add a second project to thesolution. If you zip the first project directory, the zip file willcontain the solution file, but that solution file will refer to thesecond project directory. However, the second project directory willnot be present in the zip file, because, by default, VS.NET will makeit a peer of the first project directory instead of a child. However,if you make the directory structure reflect the logical structure,with the project directories all being children of the solutiondirectory, you can simply zip up the solution directory, and the zipfile will contain all of the projects that belong to the solution.

Bydefault, VS.NET creates all new solutions beneaththe Visual Studio Projects folder inside of yourMy Documents folder.[3] However, it is a bad idea to put solutionsthat contain web-based projects here. Visual Studio .NET requires webprojects to reside in a directory with Web Sharing enabled, and inWindows XP, you cannot turn on Web Sharing for directories underneaththe My Documents folder.

When you create a folder that will contain a web-based project, youmust make sure that the ASP.NET worker process will be able to accessthat folder. The ASP.NET worker process runs as the ASPNET user bydefault, so make sure that user account has permission to read andwrite files in that directory.

A project has two main jobs: to act as a container for our sourcefiles and to compile those files into some kind of component,typically either a Dynamic Link Library (DLL) or Windows Executable(EXE). We shall now run through the main types of projects supportedby VS.NET.[5]

Visual Studio .NET classifies projects byimplementation language and then by project type in its New Projectdialog box. However, many of the project types have a great deal incommon despite using different languages, so although VS.NET 2003Enterprise Edition lists more than 90 distinct types, most fall intoone of six groups: managed local projects, managed web projects,Smart Device projects, unmanaged local projects, unmanaged webprojects, and setup projects.

A managed local project will create a .NET assembly. Managed webprojects do the same, but the project output is intendedto be accessed by a client over a network connection, typically usingeither a browser or a web service proxy. Web projects are thereforealways associated with a web application on a web server. Andalthough managed web projects produce a .NET assembly just like amanaged local project, with a web project, Visual Studio .NET willplace the assembly on the web server as part of the build process.

A web project can reside on either a remote web server or the webserver on your local machine. Visual Studio .NET does not make anydistinction between these two styles of development. However, if youuse a remote server, you may need to modify its security settings inorder to debug a web application successfully. See Chapter 3 for more information on debugging webapplications.

An unmanaged local project builds anunmanaged file (.dll or.exe). An unmanaged webproject is the unmanaged counterpart of the managed webproject type, in that its output will be deployed to and run from aweb server.

Managed C++ supports a subset of the project types available with C#and VB.NET. There is no MC++ Web Control Library project type, and onVisual Studio .NET 2002, the Windows Service, Windows Application,and Windows Control Library project types are also missing. TheVisual Studio .NET designer does not support the use of Managed C++to build Web Forms applications.

MC++ has only one project template in this group: ASP.NET Web Service(.NET). (VS.NET 2002 called this project type Managed C++ WebService.) This project type is essentially the same as the VB.NET,J#, and C# ASP.NET Web Service project. All of the VB.NET, J#, and C#managed web-based projects are shown in Table 1-3.

Smart Device projects allow you tobuild applications that run on palmtop devices. These project typesare not available on Visual Studio .NET 2002, and they target only C#and VB.NET. Each language lists just one Smart Device project.However, both the C# and VB.NET Smart Device projects open a wizardthat allows you to target either the Pocket PC or the Windows CEplatform, creating either a Windows Application, a Class Library, aNongraphical Application, or an Empty Project. VS.NET ships with anemulator that enables you to test and run your applications on yourPC without needing a real PDA. Detailed discussion of palmtopdevelopment is beyond the scope of this book. For more information ondeveloping Windows Forms applications on the .NET Compact Framework,please see Essential Windows Forms(Addison-Wesley).

Unmanaged local projects buildunmanaged executable files. These projects fall into three groupsbased upon the library used: Active Template Library (ATL) projects,Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) projects, and straight Win32projects. See Table 1-4.

Two ATL web-based projects, ATLServer Project and ATL Server Web Service, let you build webapplications and web services, respectively. Both kinds of projectbuild ISAPI extensions, using the ATL Server classes. (These classeswere added to the ATL to coincide with the release of VS.NET.)

Like managed web-based projects, these projects connect directly toyour web server and can contain other types of files than just theDLLs. To learn more about building unmanaged web-based projects withthe ATL Server classes, see ATL Internals,Second Edition (Addison-Wesley).

A few project types stand on their own, rather than fitting into anybroad category. Database projects are described in Chapter 5. VS.NET Add-in projects are described in Chapter 8. Appendix A contains acomplete list of all project types.

You can add a new file to your project byright-clicking on the project in the Solution Explorer and selectingan item the Add submenu, which is shown in Figure 1-9. (The same choices are also available from themain Project menu.) The options these menus will offer depends uponthe project type you are using (e.g., Add Web Form will be availableonly on web projects).

If you would like to force VS.NET to use the original file when itwould normally make a copy, you can choose tolink the file instead. If you look at the Openbutton on the Add Existing Item dialog, you will see that it has adrop-down arrow on its right. If you click on this, it pops up a menuwith a Link File option. If you select this option, VS.NET will addthe original file to the project, even when it would otherwise havemade a copy. 0852c4b9a8

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