
April 2024

Boughton RK, Smith BW, Boughton EH, Gomez-Casanovas N et al (2024). Patch-burn management changes grazing behavior of cattle in humid subtropical grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment; Click Here to view.

February 2024

January 2024

Time A, Gomez-Casanovas N et al (2024). Conservation agrivoltaics for sustainable food-energy production. Plants, People, Planet; Click Here to view. 

December 2023

Gou Y...Gomez-Casanovas et al (2023). Grassland intensification effects cascade to alter multifunctionality of wetlands within metaecosystems. Nature Communications; Click Here to view. 

November 2023 R

Blanc-Betes E, Gomez-Casanovas N et al (2023).Climate vs Energy Security: Quantifying the Trade-offs of BECCS Deployment and Overcoming Opportunity Costs on Set-Aside Land. Environmental Science and Technology,

September 2023 - The Lab has been awarded a new grant to investigate the impact of invasive woody species removal and native vegetation restoration. This is a collaborative effort between AgriLife Research, the Department of Rangeland, Wildlife, and Fisheries Management at Texas A&M University, the  Center for Grazinglands and Ranch Management and the Texas A&M University Natural Resource Institute. The project is part of a larger Department of Defense initiative that aims at integrating climate adaptation and resilience into all aspects of decision-making including natural resources management.

July 2023 

Gomez-Casanovas et al (2023). Knowns, uncertainties, and challenges in agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify energy and food production., Cell Reports Physical Science.

July 2023 - Dr. Gomez-Casanovas is interviewed by AgriLife Today. Click Here to view.

May 2023 - Recent journal article published in Global Change Biology - Bioenergy:

Blanc-Betes E, Gomez-Casanovas N, Yang WH, Chandrasoma J, Clark TJ, DeLucia EH, Hyde CA, Kent AD, Pett-Ridge J, Rabinowitz JD, Raglin SS, Schwender J, Shen Y, Van allen R, von Haden AC (2023). Accelerating the development of a sustainable bioenergy portfolio through stable isotopes., Global Change Biology-Bioenergy. Click Here to view.

April 2023 - Rohit Fenn's poster has been accepted at the London Calling 2023, Oxford Nanopore Conference that takes place in May.

March 2023 - The Lab officially joins the Center for Advanced Bioenergy and Bioproducts Innovation (CABBI), a $134M initiative of the DOE. The overarching goal of CABBI is to provide sustainable and profitable sources of energy to ensure the US Energy Independence. The Lab works with leading scientists of >20 institutions across the US. Check our research with CABBI.

February 2023 - Recent journal article published in Agriculture, Ecology and Environment:

Paudel S*, Gomez-Casanovas N*, Boughton EH, Chamberlain SD, Wagle P, Peterson BL,  Bajgain R, Starks PJ, Basara J, Bernacchi CJ, DeLucia, Goodman LA, Gowda PH, Reuter R, Sparks JP, Swain HM, Xiao X, Steiner JL. Does Intensive Management of Perennial Pasture Improve Multiple Ecosystem Services?. Accepted, Agriculture, Ecology and Environment. (* Shared co-first authorship). Click Here to view

December 2022 - Dr. Gomez-Casanovas presents a poster at AGU on Agrivoltaics.  Title:  Agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify food and energy production – knowns, uncertainties and challenges 

December 2022 - Dr. Gomez-Casanovas gives a talk at AGU at Chicago. Title: Adaptive Multipaddock grazing enhances the net storage of C of subtropical pastures and their Water Use Efficiency 

September 2022 - Dr. Gomez-Casanovas has been invited to give a talk at the SCAPES Annual Retreat. Title:  Agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify food and energy production – knowns, uncertainties and challenges. 

September 2022 - Recent journal article published in Ecohydrology:

Saha A, Boughton E, Gomez-Casanovas N, Li H, McMillan N, Zhang N. Evapotranspiration in a    Subtropical wetland savanna using low-cost Lysimeter, Eddy Covariance and Modeling approaches. Click Here to view. 

July 2022 - Dr. Gomez-Casanovas is interviewed by AgriLife Today. Check the interview here

June 2022 - The Lab joins the AgriLife pasture cropping Team with a newly awarded grant. USDA-NIFA Foundational Program ($499,992).


June 2022 - Dr. Gomez-Casanovas becomes an Affiliate member of the Institute for Advancing Health through Agriculture


June 2022 - Recent journal article published in Rangeland Ecology and Management:

Boughton EH, Gomez-Casanovas N, Swain H, Bernacchi C, Boughton RK, Brinsko K, et al. Patch-Burn Grazing Impacts Forage Resources in Subtropical Humid Grazing Lands. Rangel Ecol Manag. 2022 Sep 1;84:10–21.

June 2022 - Recent journal article published in Global Change Biology-Bioenergy:

Kantola IB, Masters MD, Blanc-Betes E, Gomez-Casanovas N, DeLucia EH. Long-term yields in annual and perennial bioenergy crops in the Midwestern United States. GCB Bioenergy. 2022;14(6):694–706.


May 2022 - Recent journal article published in Journal of Experimental Botany:

Fu P, Montes CM, Siebers MH, Gomez-Casanovas N, McGrath JM, Ainsworth EA, et al. Advances in field-based high-throughput photosynthetic phenotyping. J Exp Bot. 2022 May 23;73(10):3157–72.


April 2022 - Recent journal article published in Environmental Research Letters:

Moore CE, Gibson CD, Miao G, Dracup EC, Gomez-Casanovas N, Masters MD, et al. Substantial carbon loss respired from a corn–soybean agroecosystem highlights the importance of careful management as we adapt to changing climate. Environ Res Lett. 2022 Apr;17(5):054029.


Feb 2022 - Recent journal article published in Plant Phenome Journal:

York LM, Cumming JR, Trusiak A, Bonito G, von Haden AC, Kalluri UC...Gomez-Casanovas al. Bioenergy Underground: Challenges and opportunities for phenotyping roots and the microbiome for sustainable bioenergy crop production. Plant Phenome J. 2022;5(1):e20028.