Neuromodulation of circadian rhythms

The circadian clock of many animals has been largely figured out as reflected by the 2017 Nobel Prize awards in Medicine. However, neurons from the circadian master clock are influenced and release a number of neuromodulatory substances whose role is poorly understood. In collaboration with Drs. Alessio Franci (Universidad Autónoma de México) and Casey Diekman (NJIT, Math) we are beginning to examine the role of a couple of neuropeptides with modulatory effects on parts of the circadian clock of crabs and crayfish (the X-organ). We are using cell culturing techniques as well as electrophysiology.


1. Arechiga H, and Rodriguez-Sosa L. (1998) Circadian clock function in isolated eyestalk tissue of crayfish. Proc Biol Sci 265: 1819-1823.

2. Aréchiga H, and Rodriguez-Sosa L. (2002) Distributed circadian rhythmicity in the crustacean nervous system. In: The Crustacean nervous system, edited by Wiese KSpringer, p. 113-122.