
Medical Neuroscience (MD-817/ANA-636)   

Instructor (team taught). Sections taught: auditory system, diencephalon, limbic system, cortex. Covers basic and clinical neurosciences with emphasis on neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neuropharmacology. Structures covered include spinal cord, cranial bones, meninges, major CNS arteries and veins, ventricles and cisterns, medulla, pons, cerebellum, midbrain, diencephalon, allocortex, neocortex. Laboratories illustrate brain and spinal cord specimens and organization of their nuclei and tracts using neurohistological slides and neuroimages.

Annual Guest Lectures (ANA-636, ANA-780/410G, BIO-305)

Guest lectures in neuroscience and biology courses cover topics related to neuroimaging techniques used to study aging and neurodegenerative diseases. Summaries of current knowledge in the field and emerging technologies are also presented.