Call for Papers


We will be accepting late-breaking poster submissions. Submissions are single-blind and should be a maximum of 2-pages.

Deadline: July 9th, 2018 AOE

Submission template:

Submission link:

Accepted authors will be notified by July 10th. Accepted papers will be presented as posters.


We encourage submissions broadly related to specifying goals for reinforcement learning agents and problems that can arise from ill-defined goals. The submissions can include novel research, open problems in the field, and surveys. We are particularly interested in the topics of reward engineering, reward hacking, interpretability, learning from humans and goal design using multimodal input.

Relevant topic areas include, but are not limited to:

      • Problems with reward design
        • Robust reward functions
        • Reward hacking
        • Adversarial attacks on RL agents
        • Generalizability of reward functions
        • Communicating learned goals to humans
      • Methods of reward design
        • Reward engineering
        • Reward shaping
        • Intrinsic rewards
      • Methods of learning rewards
        • Inverse Reinforcement Learning
        • Interactive learning
        • Supervised learning
        • Evolutionary approaches
      • Methods of goal design using
        • Target images
        • Imitation learning
        • Transfer learning
        • Curriculum learning
        • Hierarchical RL
        • Multimodal input (speech, text, sketches, etc.)
        • Multi-agent cooperative/competitive learning
      • Application-related issues and solutions

Submission Instructions

Deadline: May 20th, 2018 AoE

Submissions will be double-blind and are limited to 4 pages for short papers and 8 pages for full papers, not including references and appendices. Formatting should be in ICML style. Concurrent submissions are allowed, but works that have been accepted at archival venues are discouraged.

Submission link:

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