Wouldn't recommend it though, since it might look a bit odd, seeing your app as a choice for a link not at all related to your app. Also, it will cause users to be prompted to select an app twice if they've chosen your app the first time. The only time this would work nicely (in the case where the link is not meant for your app) is if phone has your app set as default for all requests. Still you would be messing with the inner workings of facebook.

I've watched a lot of videos and read a lot on websites and so far nothing works on iphone and android. I got my QR code from my facebook account and on android to opens the FB app to the proper page. On iPhone it opens Facebook to my personal page and opens Chrome to sign into facebook. No clue why it works on one platform and not the other. Any other free solutions for opening the FB app using a QR code?

Go To The Facebook Lite Website Or The Google Play Store To Download Facebook Lite For Android

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The vast majority of clicks through to websites are coming from Facebook. For comparison, Twitter comes in second place at only 9.02%. If you want to use social to drive traffic to your blog or online store, Facebook is your best bet.

how do I get my facebook app reinstalled on my iphone? it has disappeared from my screen and the app store shows it as already being installed. I have turned the phone off and on again and still nothing appears for facebook.

This article will break down how to create a Privacy Policy and how to display a Privacy Policy URL on your website, mobile app, ecommerce platform and on third party sites and services, with examples of each.

You need to give your potential users a chance to review your privacy practices before they download your app and start sharing personal information with you. The perfect way to do this is by displaying your Privacy Policy URL on your desktop app's page in any app store where it's available.

Your desktop app likely has a main website for your company, developer firm or just to present more detailed information about the app itself. Make sure you display your desktop app's Privacy Policy URL here, such as in the website footer.

If you have an ecommerce website or mobile app, you need to display a Privacy Policy URL. All of the above guidance still stands. There's just one additional thing to do: Make sure your Privacy Policy URL is displayed somewhere on the checkout page before a user completes an order.

Make your Privacy Policy URL is publicly and easily accessible, and that you include it within your app, within your app's store listing page, and on your main website if you have one.

If you don't want to add a Privacy Policy URL to your Twitter Card, you need to make sure you add the URL on your main website or the app store where your Twitter Card links to. You can see the earlier chapters in this article for tips and guidance on how to add your Privacy Policy URL to websites, apps and app store listings.

When a user clicks on the Twitter icon, the authorization page opens, and Product Hunt's Privacy Policy URL is displayed in the upper right near the company's logo, main website URL and Terms agreement:

In sum, if you use Google sign-in buttons, you will need to provide a Privacy Policy URL. You can do this by displaying one on the same page as the Google sign-in button, either in the website footer or as part of the sign-in process noted earlier in this chapter and the chapter on displaying a Privacy Policy URL on websites.

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