There are two ways to receive a document on your Kindle device through email. If your Kindle comes with 3G cellular service, you can send documents to the "" email address associated with that device via 3G for a 15-cent fee. If your Kindle is connected to a Wi-Fi network, you can send the document for free to the "" email address. Anyone can send a document to your Kindle if you've added their email address to your list of approved senders. This service can be used for non-commercial purposes only.

I'm trying to forward certain gmails with attachments so I can read the attachments on the kindle. Gmail requires a confirmation code that gets sent to the @ kindle address but there's no way to get that email.

Kindle Won 39;t Download Email Attachments


I just set up my email on my Kindle Fire, and went to my email. One of my new emails was one of those scams with an attachment. I didn't touch anything, didn't touch the email or even read or open anything.

But then I look at my notifications and it says "email attachment download" and it looks like it is automatically opening and downloading attachments from my email. Like what the heck, if it did that it quite literally might be putting my identity and device in jeopardy. If I am not wrong and it does auto download any attachment, its kind of weird that a trillion dollar company could be this dumb. which leads me to believe I am wrong and worrying for no reason, I hope so.

While emailing to Kindle is as secure as anything sent over email can be, Amazon recommends that you edit your Kindle email address so that it has a mix of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers, and does not contain personally identifiable information. Keep your Kindle email address private, as any attachments sent to it will appear on your Kindle. This will prevent unauthorized sending of content to your Kindle. If content is emailed to your Kindle that is not coming from you, you can edit your Kindle email address at any time, but also check your approved personal email document list, found below your Kindle email address.

This is a list of email addresses authorized to send content to your Kindle. Be sure to add your personal email address, to ensure that you receive your content, and any other email addresses that might be sending books your way. This includes friends or relatives, or services like Netgalley or Edelweiss.

Until recently, I have been able to successfully have Calibre email documents (.mobi) directly to my Kindle device. The last version that worked was 5.29. Versions beyond that result in an email from Amazon saying that the "Your email to Kindle(s) did not include any attachments".

5.30 added support for non-ascii (aka english) filenames in email

attachments, so I guessed that was the cause. I haven't received any

other reports of deliveries to email addresses failing so

trying with another book would be useful.

OK, I tried with three other books, one of which I just sent successfully (with 5.29) a few weeks ago; none of them sent successfully (all 3 resulted in an email from Amazon saying that the email did not contain an attachment).

Actually....I don't know. In the preferences I set up several email addresses to which books can be sent, including the one to my Kindle, but I did not specify a server, so I guess it's using the default mail client on my computer?

You should report it to PBSync, there isn't really anything for calibre

to fix, before this change it would ascii-ize filenames to work around

broken email services that don't handle the unicode filename in email

attachment standards (which are fifteen years old at this point).

If PBSync has a fixed email address scheme, I can have calibre special

case emails to it, same for amazon's (though I still havent

got any other reports of failures with amazon's service).

Well I'm afraid I must disagree about this being a pbsync issue. Sending email from my private email account (gmail) works fine for the same file. So that would mean there is something wrong with how calibre composes the email?

About the pbsync email scheme, it works same as for kindle, the users sends email to and the attached files are downloaded to the reader.

Kindles support various different document formats. The supported file types include the e-books in EPUB and PDF, Microsoft Word documents like DOC and DOCX, TXT, images (JPG, JPEG, PNG and BMP) and finally RTF, PRC and PSZ files.\n"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Can I Download Books to My Kindle?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, as long as the book is in one of the supported formats (EPUB or PDF), you can add it to your Kindle library regardless of where you downloaded it from.\n"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What Is My Kindle Email Password?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Your Kindle email does not have a password, as it is not like other email addresses and cannot be used for anything except to send files to your Kindle.\n"}}]}Why Send an Email to Your Kindle?The reason for sending an email to your Kindle is to quickly and easily transfer a book that you got from an external source (meaning anywhere but the Kindle store) to your Kindle device. This saves you from having to connect the device to a computer using a USB cable.

What did you think of our guide? Do you agree that sending documents and ebooks via email is the easiest way to get them onto your Kindle? Or do you think the setup process is a bigger hassle than simply transferring via a USB cable? Let us know in the comments below. Thank you for reading.

I JUST got this to work. After i downloaded Kindle for IPhone, i went into iTunes on my PC, select 'File' -> 'Add file to library' -> select Kindle from the PC desktop. A few minutes later, my books from the Kindle for PC showed up in the ARCHIVE list at the the kindle for iPhone. I went into that list and downloaded them into my main kindle list. Hope this will work for you as well.

I don't think it is going to work , I have a kindle and I too use Calibre to manage some of the content in my Kindle . Calibre detects the kindle(or any other ebook reader) when you connect and can automatically sync with it .

When you connect you phone the calibre doesnot detect your phone as an ebook reader so it wont transfer the books to your phone .

What you need to do is ,locate where on your hard drive(you can check this from the calibre's settings) , the books are stored and then manually transfer them to your phone.

To convert a string to a PDF file in a Pipedream workflow, you can use a Node.js code step with a library like pdf-lib. Below is an example of how you might write a Pipedream component to accomplish this: import { PDFDocument, StandardFonts, rgb } from "pdf-lib"; import fs from "fs"; import { axios } from "@pipedream/platform"; export default defineComponent({ async run({ steps, $ }) { // Your string data const stringData = "This is the string I want to convert to PDF"; // Create a new PDFDocument const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create(); // Embed the Times Roman font const timesRomanFont = await pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.TimesRoman); // Add a blank page to the document const page = pdfDoc.addPage(); // Get the width and height of the page const { width, height } = page.getSize(); // Draw the string on the page const fontSize = 12; page.drawText(stringData, { x: 50, y: height - 4 * fontSize, size: fontSize, font: timesRomanFont, color: rgb(0, 0, 0), }); // Serialize the PDFDocument to bytes (a Uint8Array) const pdfBytes = await; // Write the PDF to the /tmp directory const filePath = `/tmp/output.pdf`; fs.writeFileSync(filePath, pdfBytes); // Upload the PDF to a service like AWS S3, return the URL, or send it as an email attachment // For example, here's how you might send the file using an HTTP request // (you'll need to replace this with your actual API endpoint and adjust headers and body as needed) const response = await axios($, { method: "POST", url: " ", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/pdf", }, data: fs.createReadStream(filePath), }); // Return the response or the URL where the PDF can be accessed return; }, }); This code creates a new PDF with one page and writes the string to that page. It then saves the PDF to the /tmp directory and demonstrates how you might send the

Note: Even if you have added us as an approved sender, Amazon might send a confirmation email to you before it sends the document to your Kindle. So please check your email and approve any pending requests from Amazon.

Every Kindle device that you have is automatically assigned an email. So before you can send an EPUB to that email address, you need to find it and authorize your main email address (the one you use for day-to-day interactions) to send it books.

One last way to add an ebook file to your Kindle device is through a mobile device. For example, if an ebook is emailed to you, or you use a service like BookFunnel or StoryOrigin to deliver these files to your phone, you might want to use this method.

This system is overly complicated, can vary from one device to the next, and is overall a pain to do. That is why we recommend one of the above two methods instead. Even when using a mobile device, it is easier to use Method #1 and send the EPUB via your phone's email app.

tl;dr I've sent a number of files to my Kindle 10th's private email address about 3,5 hour ago and there is no reaction so far -- neither return / rejection email nor books appearing in the device.

When I have registered my "private" emails address for my Kindle 3rd generation ten years ago, I needed about 10-15 minutes between sending an attachment to that address and actually seeing a book in my device.

It is now 3.5 hours since I've sent a number of books to my freshly registered Kindle's email address and... there's nothing. No rejection emails and no books actually appearing in my Librardy / Downloaded section. ff782bc1db

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