Note that little in your question has anything to do with LinearLayout, the Android equivalent of the "box model" found in XUL or Flex. Perhaps you have a different definition of "box model" than I use.

If you compare Android's box model to CSS's box model, I find Android's indeed easier to grasp, and of much lower complexity. You don't have those shenanigans like the padding getting added up to the element's width. IMHO, positioning logic (CSS: float/absolute/relative etc.) is very well and elegantly encapsulated in Android's layout components. While some things are hard to do in Android (like having a toolbar at the view's bottom and filling the rest with a list - but this also involves evil hackery in CSS), it's much more predictable than CSS.

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I would suggest that you read up on all layout components, as the box model is straightforward (margin, padding, width, height), and most of positioning and alignment is layout-component-specific (e.g., "gravity" in LinearLayout, "layout_above/below/toLeftOf/toRightOf" in RelativeLayout,...).

As a side-note on the box-model: One "peculiarity" I have stumbled upon is that 9-patch-drawables which are set as a background to an element affect the element's padding. If the box-padding of the 9-patch is not 0, the element's padding is set accordingly, if not overridden. This really bit me in the butt once.

In the standard box model, if you give a box an inline-size and a block-size (or width and a height) attributes, this defines the inline-size and block-size (width and height in horizontal languages) of the content box. Any padding and border is then added to those dimensions to get the total size taken up by the box (see image below).

In the alternative box model, any width is the width of the visible box on the page. The content area width is that width minus the width for the padding and border (see image below). No need to add up the border and padding to get the real size of the box.

In the example below, you can see two boxes. Both have a class of .box, which gives them the same width, height, margin, border, and padding. The only difference is that the second box has been set to use the alternative box model.

Your browser developer tools can make understanding the box model far easier. If you inspect an element in Firefox's DevTools, you can see the size of the element plus its margin, padding, and border. Inspecting an element in this way is a great way to find out if your box is really the size you think it is!

The margin is an invisible space around your box. It pushes other elements away from the box. Margins can have positive or negative values. Setting a negative margin on one side of your box can cause it to overlap other things on the page. Whether you are using the standard or alternative box model, the margin is always added after the size of the visible box has been calculated.

The border is drawn between the margin and the padding of a box. If you are using the standard box model, the size of the border is added to the width and height of the content box. If you are using the alternative box model then the size of the border makes the content box smaller as it takes up some of that available width and height of the element box.

When laying out a document, the browser's rendering engine represents each element as a rectangular box according to the standard CSS basic box model. CSS determines the size, position, and properties (color, background, border size, etc.) of these boxes.

A modified Stommel two-box model is considered as a minimal representation of the buoyancy-driven ocean circulation. In the limit of fast temperature relaxation only the salinity evolves in time while the temperature is clamped to the prescribed ambient value. The box model has no intrinsic variability: just two linearly stable and one unstable equilibria. A finite perturbation is needed to shift the system from one stable equilibrium to the other. The minimum amplitude and duration in time of the perturbation are calculated.

This gives you the box model you want. Applies it to all elements. Turns out many browsers already use border-box for a lot of form elements (which is why inputs and textareas look diff at width:100%;) But applying this to all elements is safe and wise.

Totally. jQuery works pretty great with it (except this). As mentioned, browser support is excellent. And a number of projects use this layout model by default, including the WebKit Web Inspector (aka Chrome DevTools). I heard from Dutch front-end developer Yathura Thorn on his experience:

The use of the black box model in psychology can be traced to B.F. Skinner, father of the school of behaviorism. Skinner argued that psychologists should study the brain's responses, not its processes.

The user of the black box can understand the results but cannot see the logic behind them. When machine learning techniques are used in the model's construction, the inputs are in fact too complex for a human brain to interpret.

If you already know how the different box models work and how to handle Internet Explorer, there is nothing new for you here. If you get different box dimensions in IE and other browsers without knowing why, keep reading.

Versions 5.5 and earlier of Internet Explorer for Windows always use the IE Box model. What many do not seem to be aware of is that IE 6 and later use the W3C box model when in standards compliant mode. This is a good thing since it means that problems will only occur in IE/Win 5.5 and older, provided that you use a DOCTYPE that makes IE use standards compliant mode.

This is how I prefer to solve the problem. I simply avoid specifying both width and padding or border for the same element. This ensures that all browsers will use the same total width, no matter which box model they use.

I should also mention that some time in the distant future, the CSS 3 box-sizing property will let you choose which CSS box model you want browsers to use. The W3C box model is called content-box and the Internet Explorer box model is called border-box. Being able to control this in all browsers is a good thing since each model has its pros and cons. However, browser support is currently too limited for this property to be of any practical use.

In my earlier article on the six different models of Product Ops I have found in practice, I mentioned that there were two overarching issues behind the most damaging models, and I promised to discuss each further.

Ok.... So I'm working on my first LEED v4 BD+C project, and we're looking to pursue the IP credit. As I'm already generating simple box energy model, the requirements state that I target at least two energy reducing strategies for each of these categories: Site Conditions, Basic Envelope Attributes, Lighting Levels, Thermal Comfort Ranges, Plug and Process Load Needs, and Programmatic and Operational Parameters. Massing and Orientation will be omitted since this is a major renovation project. MY question. How do i organize these strategy options into the simple box model? Should all first options for each category be considered one model as OPTION ONE, and all secondary options for each category be considered another model as OPTION TWO, in addition to the basic simple box energy model?

First of all try to understand why you are doing this and then examine what makes sense for your project. Since it is existing you already know you aren't going to examine parameters associated with that. So what variables might make sense for the project given the scope of work? How can this model inform the design or the OPR performance targets or the project's energy goal for Optimize Energy Performance? ff782bc1db

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