Dr. Laura Veschetti

Young PI in collaboration with Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan

Mail: laura.veschetti@univr.it
Phone: (+39) 045 802 7186

Short CV:
Post-doc at San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan (2023)
Post-doc at  ARC-Net, Verona (2022)
PhD in Applied Life and Health Science, University of Verona (2022)
Visiting PhD student at DTU Novo Nordisk Foundation (2019)
MSc in Molecular and Medical Biotechnology, University of Verona (2018)
BSc in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, University of Brescia (2016)

Ongoing projects:
Microbial Genomics
Resistome analysis
Single-cell analysis


Veschetti L., Paiella S., Carelli M., Zotti F., Secchettin E., Malleo G., Signoretto C., Zulianello G., Nocini R., Crovetto A., Salvia R., Bassi C., Malerba G. Dental plaque microbiota sequence counts for microbial profiling and resistance genes detection. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Al Sium S.M., Torrejón E., Chowdhury S.F., Ahmed R., Jain A., Treccani M., Veschetti L., Riaz A., Eranti P., Olguín-Orellana G.J. Adapting beyond borders: Insights from the 19th Student Council Symposium (SCS2023), the first hybrid ISCB Student Council global event. Bioinformatics Advances

Veschetti L., Treccani M., Malerba G. The Interplay between Microbiota and Human Complex Traits. Microorganisms

Veschetti L., Treccani M., De Tomi E., Malerba G. Genomic Instability Evolutionary Footprints on Human Health: Driving Forces or Side Effects? International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Sandri A, Saitta GM, Veschetti L, Boschi F, Passarelli Mantovani R, Carelli M, Melotti P, Signoretto C, Boaretti M, Malerba G, Lleò MM. In Vivo Inflammation Caused by Achromobacter spp. Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Isolates Exhibiting Different Pathogenic Characteristics International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Simoni S., Leoni F., Veschetti L., Malerba G., Carelli M., Lleò M.M., Brenciani A., Morroni G., Giovanetti E., Rocchegiani E., Barchiesi F, Vignaroli C. The Emerging Nosocomial Pathogen Klebsiella michiganensis: Genetic Analysis of a KPC-3 Producing Strain Isolated from Venus Clam. Microbiology Spectrum

Veschetti L., Paiella S., Carelli M., Zotti F., Secchettin E., Malleo G., Signoretto C., Zulianello G., Nocini R., Crovetto A., Salvia R.,  Malerba G. Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Impact of Shotgun Metagenomics Sequencing Depth on Microbial Identification and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Detection. F1000Research

Carelli M., Griggio F., Mingoia M., Garofalo C, Milanovic ́ V., Pozzato N, Patuzzo C., Leoni F., Veschetti L., Malerba G., Sandri A., Simoni S., Lleo M.M., Vignaroli C. Detecting Carbapenemases in Animal and Food Samples by Droplet Digital PCR. Antibiotics 

Sandri A.*, Veschetti L.*, Saitta G.M., Passarelli Mantovani R., Carelli M., Burlacchini G., Preato S., Sorio C., Melotti P., Montemari A.L., Fiscarelli E.V., Patuzzo C., Signoretto C., Boaretti M., Lleò M.M., Malerba G. Achromobacter spp. adaptation in cystic fibrosis infection and candidate biomarkers of antimicrobial resistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Veschetti L., Boaretti M., Saitta G.M., Passarelli Mantovani R., Lleò M.M., Sandri A., Malerba G. Achromobacter spp. prevalence and adaptation in cystic fibrosis lung infection. Microbiological Research

Pomari E., Malerba G., Veschetti L., Franceschi A, Moron Dalla Tor L., Deiana M., Degani M., Mistretta M., Patuzzo C., Ragusa A., Mori A., Bisoffi Z., Buonfrate D. Identification of miRNAs of Strongyloides stercoralis L1 and iL3 larvae isolated from human stool. Scientific Reports

Sandri A., Haagensen J.A.J., Veschetti L., Johansen H.K., Molin S., Malerba G., Signoretto C., Boaretti M., Lleò M.M. Adaptive Interactions of Achromobacter spp. with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis Chronic Lung Co-Infection. Pathogens 2021

Treccani M, Veschetti L, Locatelli E, De Tomi E, Leoni B, Gallinaro M, Dagnogo D, Moron Dalla Tor L, Patuzzo C, Malerba G. Pocket-sized genomics and transcriptomics analyses: a look at the newborn BioVRPi project. F1000Research, 2021

Veschetti L.*, Sandri A.*, Patuzzo C., Melotti P., Malerba G., Lleò M.M. Genomic Characterization of Achromobacter Species Isolates from Chronic and Occasional Lung Infection in Cystic Fibrosis Patients. Microbial Genomics 2021

Veschetti L.*, Sandri A.*, Patuzzo C., Melotti P., Malerba G., Lleò M.M. Mobilome Analysis of Achromobacter spp. Isolates from Chronic and Occasional Lung Infection in Cystic Fibrosis Patients. Microorganisms 2021

Veschetti L.*, Sandri A.*, Johansen H. K., Lleò M.M., Malerba G. Hypermutation as an Evolutionary Mechanism for Achromobacter xylosoxidans in Cystic Fibrosis Lung Infection. Pathogens 2020

Zago V., Veschetti L., Patuzzo C., Malerba G., Lleò M.M. Shewanella algae and Vibrio spp. strains isolated in Italian aquaculture farms are reservoirs of antibiotic resistant genes that might constitute a risk for human health. Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020

Zago V., Veschetti L., Patuzzo C., Malerba G., Lleò M.M. Resistome, Mobilome and Virulome Analysis of Shewanella algae and Vibrio spp. Strains Isolated in Italian Aquaculture Centers. Microorganisms 2020