

Veschetti L., Paiella S., Carelli M., Zotti F., Secchettin E., Malleo G., Signoretto C., Zulianello G., Nocini R., Crovetto A., Salvia R., Bassi C., Malerba G.. Dental plaque microbiota sequence counts for microbial profiling and resistance genes detection. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Giuriato G. et al., Sex differences in neuromuscular and biological determinants of isometric maximal force. Acta Physiologica

Accordini S., Lando V., Calciano L., Bombieri C., Malerba G., Margagliotti A., Minelli C., Potts J., van der Plaat DA., Olivieri M. SNPs in FAM13A and IL2RB genes are associated with FeNO in adult subjects with asthma. Journal of Breath Research


Perini S. et al., Candidate biomarkers from the integration of methylation and gene expression in discordant autistic sibling pairs. Translational Psychiatry 

Veschetti L., Treccani M., Malerba G. The Interplay between Microbiota and Human Complex Traits. Microorganisms

Veschetti L., Treccani M., De Tomi E., Malerba G. Genomic Instability Evolutionary Footprints on Human Health: Driving Forces or Side Effects?. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Treccani M., Locatelli E., Patuzzo C., Malerba G. A broad overview of genotype imputation: Standard guidelines, approaches, and future investigations in genomic association studies. BIOCELL

Lando V., et al. IL18 gene polymorphism is associated with total IgE in adult subjects with asthma. Journal of Clinical Medicine 

Sandri A, Saitta GM, Veschetti L, Boschi F, Passarelli Mantovani R, Carelli M, Melotti P, Signoretto C, Boaretti M, Malerba G, Lleò MM. In Vivo Inflammation Caused by Achromobacter spp. Cystic Fibrosis Clinical Isolates Exhibiting Different Pathogenic Characteristics International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Santoro G, Lombardi G, Andreola S, Salvagno GL, Treccani M, Locatelli E, Ferraro PM, Lippi G, Malerba G, Gambaro G. Association analysis of 10 candidate genes causing Mendelian calcium nephrolithiasis in the INCIPE study: a South European general population cohort. Clinical Kidney Journal

Perini S, et al. Candidate biomarkers from the integration of methylation and gene expression in discordant autistic sibling pairs. Translational Psychiatry

Simoni S., Leoni F., Veschetti L., Malerba G., Carelli M., Lleò M.M., Brenciani A., Morroni G., Giovanetti E., Rocchegiani E., Barchiesi F, Vignaroli C. The Emerging Nosocomial Pathogen Klebsiella michiganensis: Genetic Analysis of a KPC-3 Producing Strain Isolated from Venus Clam. Microbiology Spectrum


Veschetti L., Paiella S., Carelli M., Zotti F., Secchettin E., Malleo G., Signoretto C., Zulianello G., Nocini R., Crovetto A., Salvia R.,  Malerba G. Finding a Needle in a Haystack: Impact of Shotgun Metagenomics Sequencing Depth on Microbial Identification and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes Detection. F1000Research

Carelli M., Griggio F., Mingoia M., Garofalo C, Milanovic ́ V., Pozzato N, Patuzzo C., Leoni F., Veschetti L., Malerba G., Sandri A., Simoni S., Lleo M.M., Vignaroli C. Detecting Carbapenemases in Animal and Food Samples by Droplet Digital PCR. Antibiotics 

Stefani C., Sangalli A., Locatelli E., Federico T., Malerba G., Romanelli M.G., Argañaraz G.A., Da Silva B.C.M., Da Silva A.J.D., Casseb J., Argañaraz E.R., Ruggiero A., Zipeto D. Increased Prevalence of Unstable HLA-C Variants in HIV-1 Rapid-Progressor Patients. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Orlandi E. , De Tomi E. , Campagnari R. , Belpinati F. , Rodolfo M., Vergani E. , Malerba G. ,Gomez-Lira M. , Menegazzi M., Romanelli M.G. Human Melanoma Cells Differentially Express RNASEL/RNase-L and miR-146a-5p under Sex Hormonal Stimulation. Current Issues in molecular biology. 

Sandri A.*, Veschetti L.*, Saitta G.M., Passarelli Mantovani R., Carelli M., Burlacchini G., Preato S., Sorio C., Melotti P., Montemari A.L., Fiscarelli E.V., Patuzzo C., Signoretto C., Boaretti M., Lleò M.M., Malerba G. Achromobacter spp. adaptation in cystic fibrosis infection and candidate biomarkers of antimicrobial resistance. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Veschetti L, Boaretti M, Saitta GM, Passarelli Mantovani R, Lleò Maria M, Sandri A, Malerba G. Achromobacter spp. prevalence and adaptation in cystic fibrosis lung infection. Microbiological Research

Schmidt A. et al. Colocalization analysis of pancreas eQTLs with risk loci from alcoholic and novel non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis GWAS suggests potential disease causing mechanisms. Pancreatology

Turri G., Pedrazzani C., Malerba G., Gecchele G., Conti C., Ruzzenente A., Lippi G., Randon F., Piccoli P., Gandini G., Girelli D., Guglielmi A. Effect of peri-operative blood transfusions on long-term prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer. Blood Transfusion

Pomari E., Malerba G., Veschetti L., Franceschi A, Moron Dalla Tor L., Deiana M., Degani M., Mistretta M., Patuzzo C., Ragusa A., Mori A., Bisoffi Z., Buonfrate D. Identification of miRNAs of Strongyloides stercoralis L1 and iL3 larvae isolated from human stool. Scientific Reports

Turri G, Pedrazzani C, Malerba G, Gecchele G, Conti C, Ruzzenente A, Lippi G, Randon F, Piccoli P,  Gandini G, Girelli D, Guglielmi A. Effect of peri-operative blood transfusions on long-term prognosis of patients with colorectal cancer. Blood Transfusion.

De Tomi E, Bertoncelli A, Sartori E, Unali I, Mazzariol A. spa Typing and Molecular Characterization of Antimicrobial Resistance in Staphylococcus aureus Strains from Patients with Cystic Fibrosis. Microbial Drug Resistance

De Tomi E , Campagnari R, Orlandi E, Cardile A, Zanrè  V,  Menegazzi M,  Gomez-Lira M, Gotte G. Upregulation of miR-34a-5p, miR-20a-3p and miR-29a-3p by Onconase in A375 Melanoma Cells Correlates with the Downregulation of Specific Onco-Proteins. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 

Bonetti S, Zusi C, Rinaldi E, Boseli ML, Csermely A, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Bonora E, Bonadonna RC, Trombetta M. Role of monogenic diabetes genes on beta cell function in Italian patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. The Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS) 13. Diatebes & Metabolism


Ciarpella F. et al. Murine cerebral organoids develop network of functional neurons and hippocampal brain region identity. ISCIENCE

Treccani M, Veschetti L, Locatelli E, De Tomi E, Leoni B, Gallinaro M, Dagnogo D, Moron Dalla Tor L, Patuzzo C, Malerba G. Pocket-sized genomics and transcriptomics analyses: a look at the newborn BioVRPi project. F1000Research

Marcolungo L, Beltrami C, Degli Esposti C, Lopatriello G, Piubelli C, Mori A, Pomari E, Deiana M, Scarso S, Bisoffi Z, Grosso V, Cosentino E, Maestri S, Lavezzari D, Iadarola B, Paterno M, Segala E, Giovannone B, Gallinaro M, Rossato M, Delledonne M. ACoRE: Accurate SARS-CoV-2 genome reconstruction for the characterization of intra-host and inter-host viral diversity in clinical samples and for the evaluation of re-infections. Genomics.

Sandri A, Haagensen JAJ, Veschetti L, Johansen HK, Molin S, Malerba G, Signoretto C, Boaretti M, Lleo MM. Adaptive interactions of Achromobacter spp. with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Cystic Fibrosis Chronic Lung Co-Infection. Pathogens

Bonetti S,  Zusi C, Rinaldi E, Boselli Ml, Patuzzo C, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Bianchi C, Lombardi G, Zaza G, Del Prato S, Gambaro G, Bonora E, Bonadonna R, Trombetta M. Common Variants Associated to Type 2 Diabetes in the Italian Population. Open Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases 

Piccalunga PP, Malerba G, Navari M, Diani E, Concia E, Gibellini D. Cross-Immunization against respiratory coronaviruses may protect children from SARS-CoV2: more than a simple hypothesis?. Frontiers in Pediatrics

Simoni S, Mingoia M, Brenciani A, Carelli M, Lleo MM, Malerba G, Vignaroli C. First IncHI2 Plasmid Carrying mcr-9.1, blaVIM-1, and Double Copies of blaKPC-3 in a Multidrug-Resistant Escherichia coli Human Isolate. MSPHERE

Veschetti L, Sandri A,  Patuzzo C, Melotti P, Malerba G, Lleo MM. Genomic characterization of Achromobacter species isolates from chronic and occasional lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients. Microbial Genomics

Mengoni F, Salari V, Kosenkova I, Tsenov G, Donadelli M, Malerba G, Bertini G, Del Gallo F, Fabene PF. Gut microbiota modulates seizure susceptibility. Epilepsia

Innamorati G, Wilkie TM, Malpeli G, Paiella S, Grasso S, Rusev B, Leone BE, Valenti MT, Dalle Carbonare L, Cheri S, Giacomazzi A, Zanotto M, Guardini V, Deiana M, Zipeto D, Serena M, Parenti M, Guzzi F, Lawlor RT, Malerba G, Mori A, Malleo G, Giacomello L, Salvia R, Bassi C. Gα15 in early onset of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Scientific Reports

Zusi C, Rinaldi E, Bonetti S, Boselli ML, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Bonora E, Bonadonna RC, Trombetta M. Haplotypes of the genes (GCK and G6PC2) underlying the glucose/glucose-6-phosphate cycle are associated with pancreatic beta cell glucose sensitivity in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes from the VNDS study (VNDS 11). Journal of Endocrinological Investigation

Veschetti L, Sandri A, Patuzzo C, Melotti P, Malerba G, Lleo MM. Mobilome analysis of Achromobacter spp. isolates from chronic and occasional lung infection in cystic fibrosis patients. Microorganisms

Picelli A, Filippetti M, Del Piccolo L, Schena F, Chelazzi L, Della Libera C, Donadelli M, Donisi V, Fabene PF, Fochi S, Fonte C, Gandolfi M, Gomez-Lira M, Locatelli E, Malerba G, Mariotto S, Milanese C, Patuzzo C, Romanelli MG, Sbarbati A, Tamburin S, Venturelli M, Zamparo P, Carcereri de Prati A, Butturini E, Varalta V, Smania N. Rehabilitation and biomarkers of stroke recovery: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in Neurology

Granata S, Bruschi M, Deiana M, Petretto A, Lombardi G, Verlato A, Elia R, Candiano G, Malerba G, Gambaro G, Zaza G. Sphingomyelin and medullary sponge kidney disease: a biological link identified by omics approach. Frontiers in Medicine


Gajofatto A et al. Biopsychosocial model of resilience in young adults with multiple sclerosis (BPS-ARMS): an observational study protocol exploring psychological reactions early after diagnosis. BMJ Open

Granata A, Santoro G, Signorini L, Malerba G, Patuzzo C, Gambaro G, Stallone G, Zaza G. Comparative transcriptome analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in renal transplant recipients in everolimus- and tacrolimus-based immunosuppressive therapy. European Journal of Pharmacology

Deiana M, Malerba G, Dalle Carbonare L, Mottes M, Valenti MT. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: A Heterogeneous Heritable Disease. Deformities in Bone and Muscle

Deiana M, Malerba G, Dalle Carbonare L, Cheri S, Patuzzo C, Tsenov G, Moron Dalla Tor L, Mori A, Saviola G, Zipeto D, Schena F, Mottes M, Valenti MT. Physical activity prevents cartilage degradation: a metabolomics study pinpoints the involvement of vitamin B6. Cells

Lorenzi P, Sangalli A, Fochi S, Dal Molin A, Malerba G, Zipeto D, Romanelli MG. RNA-binding proteins RBM20 and PTBP1 regulate the alternative splicing of FHOD3. Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology


Zusi C, Trombetta M, Bonetti S, Dauriz M, Boselli ML, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Penno G, Zoppini G, Bonora E, Solini A, Bonadonna RC. A renal genetic risk score (GRS) is associated with kidney dysfunction in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

Cecconi D, Dalle Carbonare L, Mori A, Cheri S, Deiana M, Brandi J, Degaetano V, Masiero V, Innamorati G, Mottes M, Malerba G, Valenti MT. An integrated approach identifies new oncotargets in melanoma. Oncotarget

Andreini A, Zampieri N, Costantini C, Malerba G, Bruno C, Salvagno GL, Francia G, Gottardi M, Rimondini M, Ferrarini I, Lippi G, Ambrosetti A, Benedetti F, Tecchio C. Chronic graft versus host disease is associated with erectile dysfunction in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant patients: a single-center experience. Leukemia and Lymphoma

Ferronato S, Scuro A, Gomez-Lira M, Mazzucco S, Olivato S, Turco A, Orlandi E, Malerba G, Romanelli MG. Correlations between gene expression highlight a different activation of ACE/TLR4/PTGS2 signaling in symptomatic and asymptomatic plaques in atherosclerotic patients. Molecular Biology Reports

Ligthart S et al. Genome analyses of >200,000 individuals identify 58 loci for chronic inflammation and highlight pathways that link inflammation and complex disorders. American Journal of Human Genetics

Rosendahl J et al. Genome-wide association study identifies inversion in the CTRB1-CTRB2 locus to modify risk for alcoholic and non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis. Gut

Zipeto D, Serena M, Mutascio S, Parolini F, Diani E, Guizzardi E, Muraro V, Lattuada E, Rizzardo S, Malena M, Lanzafame M, Malerba G, Romanelli MG, Tamburin S, Gibellini D. HIV-1-associated neurocognitive disorders: is HLA-C binding stability to β2-microglobulin a missing piece of the pathogenetic puzzle?  Frontiers in Neurology

Deiana M, Dalle Carbonare L, Serena M, Cheri S, Parolini F, Gandini A, Marchetto G, Innamorati G, Manfredi M, Marengo E, Brandi J, Cecconi D, Mori A, Mina MM, Antoniazzi F, Mottes M, Tiso N, Malerba G, Zipeto D, Valenti MT. New Insights into the Runt Domain of RUNX2 in Melanoma Cell Proliferation and Migration. Cells

Mahajan A et al. Refining the accuracy of validated target identification through coding variant fine-mapping in type 2 diabetes. Nature Genetics 

Prior to 2018

Kraja AT et al. New Blood Pressure-Associated Loci Identifed in Meta-Analyses of 475 000 Individuals. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 

Sangalli A, Orlandi E, Poli A, Maurichi A, Santinami M, Nicolis M, Ferronato S, Malerba G, Rodolfo M, Gomez Lira M. Sex-specifc efect of RNASEL rs486907 and miR-146a rs2910164 polymorphisms' interaction as a susceptibility factor for melanoma skin cancer. Melanoma Res. 2017 

Dalle Carbonare L, Mottes M, Malerba G, Mori A, Zaninotto M, Plebani M, Dellantonio A, Valenti MT. Enhanced Osteogenic Diferentiation in Zoledronate-Treated Osteoporotic Patients. Int J Mol Sci. 2017

Tachmazidou I et al Whole-Genome Sequencing Coupled to Imputation Discovers Genetic Signals for Anthropometric Traits. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 

Mottes M, Malerba G. Hunting Novel Human Disease Genes in the Next Generation Sequencing Era: Lessons from Osteogenesis Imperfecta. J Genet Genom. 2017

De Summa S, Malerba G, Pinto R, Mori A, Mijatovic V, Tommasi S. GATK hard fltering: tunable parameters to improve variant calling for next generation sequencing targeted gene panel data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2017

Dago ND, Martial Saraka DY, Diarrassouba N, Mori A, Lallié HD, N’Goran EK, Baba-Moussa L, Delledonne M, Malerba G. RNA-Seq Evaluating Several Custom Microarrays Background Correction and Gene Expression Data Normalization Systems. Biotechnology Journal International. 2017

Li M, et al. SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identifed through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017

Sangalli A, Malerba G, Tessari G, Rodolfo M, Gomez-Lira M. Melanoma risk alleles are associated withdownregulation of the MTAP gene and hypermethylation of a CpG island upstream of the gene in dermal fbroblasts. Exp Dermatol. 2017

Iotchkova V et al. Discovery and refnement of genetic loci associated with cardiometabolic risk using dense imputation maps. Nat Genet. 2016

Surendran P et al. Transancestry meta-analyses identify rare and common variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension. Nat Genet. 2016

Torrico B et al. Lack of replication of previous autism spectrum disorder GWAS hits in European populations. Autism Res. 2017

Marini O, Spina C, Mimiola E, Cassaro A, Malerba G, Todeschini G, Perbellini O, Scupoli M, Carli G, Facchinelli D, Cassatella M, Scapini P, Tecchio C. Identifcation of granulocytic myeloid-derived suppressor cells (G-MDSCs) in the peripheral blood of Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma patients. Oncotarget. 2016

Sarnowski C, Laprise C, Malerba G, Mofatt MF, Dizier MH, Morin A, Vincent QB, Rohde K, Esparza-Gordillo J, Margaritte-Jeannin P, Liang L, Lee YA, Bousquet J, Siroux V, Pignatti PF, Cookson WO, Lathrop M, Pastinen T, Demenais F, Bouzigon E. DNA methylation within melatonin receptor 1A (MTNR1A) mediates paternally transmitted genetic variant efect on asthma plus rhinitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016

Accordini S, Calciano L, Bombieri C, Malerba G, Belpinati F, Lo Presti AR, Baldan A, Ferrari M, Perbellini L, de Marco R. An Interleukin 13 Polymorphism Is Associated with Symptom Severity in Adult Subjects with Ever Asthma. PLoS One. 2016

Dago ND, Ferrarini A, Xumerle L, Mori A, Delledonne M, Malerba G. Heterogeneity of global gene expression microarray designs in detecting diferentially expressed genes. International Journal of Bioinformatics Research. 2016.

Pattaro C et al. Genetic associations at 53 loci highlight cell types and biological pathways relevant for kidney function. Nat Commun. 2016

Teumer A et al. Genome-wide Association Studies Identify Genetic Loci Associated With Albuminuria in Diabetes. Diabetes. 2016

Ferronato S, Gelati M, Scuro A, Olivato S, Malerba G, Romanelli MG, Gomez-Lira M, Setacci C. HDAC9, TWIST1 and FERD3L gene expression in asymptomatic stable and unstable carotid plaques. Infamm Res. 2016

Dougba DN, Lallié Hermane Désiré MN, N’Goran KE, Mori A, Diarrassouba N, Delledonne M, Malerba G. ROC curve assessing microarray oligonucleotides size calling difentially expressed genes by highthroughput sequencing difentially expressed genes by high-throughput sequencing approach. Int J Applied Biology Phamaceutical Technology. 2016.

Baldan A, Lo Presti AR, Belpinati F, Castellani C, Bettin MD, Xumerle L, Pignatti PR, Malerba G, Bombieri C. IFRD1 gene polymorphisms are associated with nasal polyposis in cystic fbrosis patients. Rhinology. 2015

Huang J, Howie B, McCarthy S, Memari Y, Walter K, Min JL, Danecek P, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Zheng HF; UK10K Consortium, Gambaro G, Richards JB, Durbin R, Timpson NJ, Marchini J, Soranzo N. Improved imputation of low-frequency and rare variants using the UK10K haplotype reference panel. Nat Commun. 2015

Sidore C et al. Genome sequencing elucidates Sardinian genetic architecture and augments association analyses for lipid and blood infammatory markers. Nat Genet. 2015

Joshi PK et al. Directional dominance on stature and cognition in diverse human populations. Nature. 2015

Valenti MT, Mori A, Malerba G, Dalle Carbonare L. Mesenchymal stem cells: A new diagnostic tool? World J Stem Cells. 2015

Gomez-Lira M, Ferronato S, Orlandi E, Dal Molin A, Malerba G, Frigerio S, Rodolfo M, Romanelli MG. Association of microRNA 146a polymorphism rs2910164 and the risk of melanoma in an Italian population. Exp Dermatol. 2015

Hufman JE et al. Modulation of genetic associations with serum urate levels by body-mass-index in humans. PLoS One. 2015

Wessel J et al. Low-frequency and rare exome chip variants associate with fasting glucose and type 2 diabetes susceptibility. Nat Commun. 2015

Marchetti G, Girelli D, Zerbinati C, Lunghi B, Friso S, Meneghetti S, Coen M, Gagliano T, Guastella G, BochatonPiallat ML, Pizzolo F, Mascoli F, Malerba G, Bovolenta M, Ferracin M, Olivieri O, Bernardi F, Martinelli N. An integrated genomic-transcriptomic approach supports a role for the proto-oncogene BCL3 in atherosclerosis. Thromb Haemost. 2015

Timpson NJ et al. A rare variant in APOC3 is associated with plasma triglyceride and VLDL levels in Europeans. Nat Commun. 2014

Baldan A, Ferronato S, Olivato S, Malerba G, Scuro A, Veraldi GF, Gelati M, Ferrari S, Mariotto S, Pignatti PF, Mazzucco S, Gomez-Lira M. Cyclooxygenase 2, toll-like receptor 4 and interleukin 1β mRNA expression in  atherosclerotic plaques of type 2 diabetic patients. Infamm Res. 2014

Gomez-Lira M, Ferronato S, Malerba G, Santinami M, Maurichi A, Sangalli A, Turco A, Perego P, Rodolfo M. Association of promoter polymorphism -765G>C in the PTGS2 gene with malignant melanoma in Italian patients and its correlation to gene expression in dermal fbroblasts. Exp Dermatol. 2014 

Prandini P, Zusi C, Malerba G, Itan, Pignatti PF, Trabetti E. Analysis of RBFOX1 gene expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines of Italian discordant autism spectrum disorders sib-pairs. Mol Cell Probes. 2014

Costantini S, Malerba G, Contreas G, Corradi M, Marin Vargas SP, Giorgetti A, Mafeis C. Genetic and bioinformatics analysis of four novel GCK missense variants detected in Caucasian families with GCK-MODY phenotype. Clin Genet. 2015

Mori A, Deola S, Xumerle L, Mijatovic V, Malerba G, Monsurrò V. Next generation sequencing: new tools in immunology and hematology. Blood Res. 2013

 Zamò A, Erdini F, Malerba G, Chilosi M. Lack of expression of TUBB3 characterizes both BCL2-positive and BCL2-negative follicular lymphoma. Mod Pathol. 2014

Ferronato S, Gomez-Lira M, Menegazzi M, Diani E, Olivato S, Sartori M, Scuro A, Malerba G, Pignatti PF, Romanelli MG, Mazzucco S. Polymorphism -2604G>A variants in TLR4 promoter are associated with diferent gene expression level in peripheral blood of atherosclerotic patients. J Hum Genet. 2013 

Patuzzo C, Pasquali A, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Pignatti P, Tessari M, Faggian G. A Preliminary microRNA Analysis of Non Syndromic Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms. Balkan J Med Genet. 2012

Milano AD, Dodonov M, Onorati F, Menon T, Gottin L, Malerba G, Mazzucco A, Faggian G. Pulsatile fow decreases gaseous micro-bubble fltering properties of oxygenators without integrated arterial flters during cardiopulmonary bypass. Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2013

Olivieri M, Biscardo CA, Palazzo P, Pahr S, Malerba G, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Zanoni G, Xumerle L, Valenta R, Mari A. Wheat IgE profling and wheat IgE levels in bakers with allergic occupational phenotypes. Occup Environ Med. 2013

Köttgen A et al. Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations. Nat Genet. 2013

Trombetta M, Bonetti S, Boselli ML, Miccoli R, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Pignatti PF, Bonora E, Del Prato S, Bonadonna RC. PPARG2 Pro12Ala and ADAMTS9 rs4607103 as "insulin resistance loci" and "insulin secretion loci" in Italian individuals. The GENFIEV study and the Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS) 4. Acta Diabetol. 2013

Mangieri D, Corradi D, Martorana D, Malerba G, Palmisano A, Libri I, Bartoli V, Carnevali ML, Goldoni M, Govoni P, Alinovi R, Buzio C, Vaglio A. Eotaxin/CCL11 in idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2012

Mijatovic V, Iacobucci I, Sazzini M, Xumerle L, Mori A, Pignatti PF, Martinelli G, Malerba G. Imputation reliability on DNA biallelic markers for drug metabolism studies. BMC Bioinformatics. 2012

Iacobucci I, Ferrarini A, Sazzini M, Giacomelli E, Lonetti A, Xumerle L, Ferrari A, Papayannidis C, Malerba G, Luiselli D, Boattini A, Garagnani P, Vitale A, Soverini S, Pane F, Baccarani M, Delledonne M, Martinelli G.  Application of the whole-transcriptome shotgun sequencing approach to the study of Philadelphia-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood Cancer J. 2012

Okada Y et al. Meta-analysis identifes multiple loci associated with kidney function-related traits in east Asian populations. Nat Genet. 2012

Prandini P, Pasquali A, Malerba G, Marostica A, Zusi C, Xumerle L, Muglia P, Da Ros L, Ratti E, Trabetti E, Pignatti PF; Italian Autism Network (ITAN). The association of rs4307059 and rs35678 markers with autism spectrum disorders is replicated in Italian families. Psychiatr Genet. 2012

Colonna V, Pistis G, Bomba L, Mona S, Matullo G, Boano R, Sala C, Viganò F, Torroni A, Achilli A, Hooshiar Kashani B, Malerba G, Gambaro G, Soranzo N, Toniolo D. Small efective population size and genetic homogeneity in the Val Borbera isolate. Eur J Hum Genet. 2013

Testi S, Malerba G, Ferrarini M, Ragno M, Pradotto L, Mauro A, Fabrizi GM. Mutational and haplotype map of NOTCH3 in a cohort of Italian patients with cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). J Neurol Sci. 2012

Trombetta M, Bonetti S, Boselli M, Turrini F, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Pignatti P, Bonora E, Bonadonna RC. CACNA1E variants afect beta cell function in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. the Verona newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes study (VNDS) 3. PLoS One. 2012

Martorana D, Maritati F, Malerba G, Bonatti F, Alberici F, Oliva E, Sebastio P, Manenti L, Brugnano R, Catanoso MG, Fraticelli P, Guida G, Gregorini G, Possenti S, Moroni G, Leoni A, Pavone L, Pesci A, Sinico RA, Di Toma L, D'Amico M, Tumiati B, D'Ippolito R, Buzio C, Neri TM, Vaglio A. PTPN22 R620W polymorphism in the ANCA-associated vasculitides. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2012

Gomez-Lira M, Tessari G, Mazzola S, Malerba G, Rugiu C, Naldi L, Nacchia F, Valerio F, Anna B, Forni A, Boschiero L, Sandrini S, Faggian G, Girolomoni G, Turco A. Analysis of the 3'UTR of the prostaglandin synthetase-2 (PTGS-2/COX-2) gene in non-melanoma skin cancer after organ transplantation. Exp Dermatol. 2011

Belpinati F, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Galavotti R, Xumerle L, Pescollderungg L, Boner AL, Pignatti PF. Association of childhood allergic asthma with markers fanking the IL33 gene in Italian families. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2011

Angiolillo DJ, Bernardo E, Zanoni M, Vivas D, Capranzano P, Malerba G, Capodanno D, Prandini P, Pasquali A, Trabetti E, Sabaté M, Jimenez-Quevedo P, Ferreiro JL, Ueno M, Bass TA, Pignatti PF, Fernandez-Ortiz A, Macaya C. Impact of insulin receptor substrate-1 genotypes on platelet reactivity and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and coronary artery disease. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2011

Fattovich G, Covolo L, Bibert S, Askarieh G, Lagging M, Clément S, Malerba G, Pasino M, Guido M, Puoti M, Gaeta GB, Santantonio T, Raimondo G, Bruno R, Bochud PY, Donato F, Negro F; ITAHEC Study Group. IL28B polymorphisms, IP-10 and viral load predict virological response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011

Bonetti S, Trombetta M, Boselli ML, Turrini F, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Pignatti PF, Bonora E, Bonadonna RC. Variants of GCKR afect both β-cell and kidney function in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: the Verona newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes study 2. Diabetes Care. 2011

Ferronato S, Gomez-Lira MG, Olivato S, Scuro A, Veraldi GF, Romanelli MG, Patuzzo C, Malerba G, Pignatti PF, Mazzucco S. Upregulated expression of Toll-like receptor 4 in peripheral blood of ischaemic stroke patients correlates with cyclooxygenase 2 expression. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg. 2011

Bonetti S, Trombetta M, Malerba G, Boselli L, Trabetti E, Muggeo M, Stoico V, Negri C, Pignatti PF, Bonora E, Bonadonna RC. Variants and haplotypes of TCF7L2 are associated with β-cell function in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: the Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS) 1. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011

Zafanello M, Tardivo S, Cataldi L, Fanos V, Biban P, Malerba G. Genetic susceptibility to renal scar formation after urinary tract infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis of candidate gene polymorphisms. Pediatr Nephrol. 2011

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Martinelli N, Girelli D, Lunghi B, Pinotti M, Marchetti G, Malerba G, Pignatti PF, Corrocher R, Olivieri O, Bernardi F. Polymorphisms at LDLR locus may be associated with coronary artery disease through modulation of coagulation factor VIII activity and independently from lipid profle. Blood. 2010

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Begnini A, Tessari G, Turco A, Malerba G, Naldi L, Gotti E, Boschiero L, Forni A, Rugiu C, Piaserico S, Fortina AB, Brunello A, Cascone C, Girolomoni G, Gomez-Lira M. PTCH1 gene haplotype association with basal cell carcinoma after transplantation. Br J Dermatol. 2010

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Bouzigon E, Forabosco P, Koppelman GH, Cookson WO, Dizier MH, Dufy DL, Evans DM, Ferreira MA, Kere J, Laitinen T, Malerba G, Meyers DA, Mofatt M, Martin NG, Ng MY, Pignatti PF, Wjst M, Kaufmann F, Demenais F, Lewis CM. Meta-analysis of 20 genome-wide linkage studies evidenced new regions linked to asthma and atopy. Eur J Hum Genet. 2010

Gudbjartsson DF et al. Sequence variants afecting eosinophil numbers associate with asthma and myocardial infarction. Nat Genet. 2009

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Martinelli N, Girelli D, Malerba G, Guarini P, Illig T, Trabetti E, Sandri M, Friso S, Pizzolo F, Schaefer L, Heinrich J, Pignatti PF, Corrocher R, Olivieri O. FADS genotypes and desaturase activity estimated by the ratio of arachidonic acid to linoleic acid are associated with infammation and coronary artery disease. Am J Clin Nutr. 2008

Malerba G, Schaefer L, Xumerle L, Klopp N, Trabetti E, Biscuola M, Cavallari U, Galavotti R, Martinelli N, Guarini P, Girelli D, Olivieri O, Corrocher R, Heinrich J, Pignatti PF, Illig T. SNPs of the FADS gene cluster are associated with polyunsaturated fatty acids in a cohort of patients with cardiovascular disease. Lipids. 2008

Cavallari U, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Biscuola M, Girelli D, Olivieri O, Martinelli N, Angiolillo DJ, Corrocher R, Pignatti PF. Gene sequence variations of the platelet P2Y12 receptor are associated with coronary artery disease. BMC Med Genet. 2007

Gomez-Lira M, Mazzola S, Tessari G, Malerba G, Ortombina M, Naldi L, Remuzzi G, Boschiero L, Forni A, Rugiu C,Piaserico S, Girolomoni G, Turco A. Association of functional gene variants in the regulatory regions of COX-2 gene (PTGS2) with nonmelanoma skin cancer after organ transplantation. Br J Dermatol. 2007

Girelli D, Martinelli N, Trabetti E, Olivieri O, Cavallari U, Malerba G, Busti F, Friso S, Pizzolo F, Pignatti PF, Corrocher R. ALOX5AP gene variants and risk of coronary artery disease: an angiography-based study. Eur J Hum Genet. 2007

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Mazzola S, Gomez-Lira M, Benedetti MD, Salviati A, Ottaviani S, Malerba G, Ortombina M, Pignatti PF. COX-2 promoter region polymorphisms in multiple sclerosis: lack of association of -765G>C with disease risk. Int J Immunogenet. 2007

Malerba G, Lindgren CM, Xumerle L, Kiviluoma P, Trabetti E, Laitinen T, Galavotti R, Pescollderungg L, Boner AL, Kere J, Pignatti PF. Chromosome 7p linkage and GPR154 gene association in Italian families with allergic asthma. Clin Exp Allergy. 2007

Gomez-Lira M, Provezza L, Malerba G, Naldi L, Remuzzi G, Boschiero L, Forni A, Rugiu C, Piaserico S, Alaibac M, Turco A, Girolomoni G, Tessari G. Glutathione S-transferase and CYP1A1 gene polymorphisms and nonmelanoma skin cancer risk in Italian transplanted patients. Exp Dermatol. 2006

Fabrizi GM, Cavallaro T, Angiari C, Cabrini I, Taioli F, Malerba G, Bertolasi L, Rizzuto N. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2E, a disorder of the cytoskeleton. Brain. 2007

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Martinelli N, Trabetti E, Bassi A, Girelli D, Friso S, Pizzolo F, Sandri M, Malerba G, Pignatti PF, Corrocher R, Olivieri O. The -1131 T>C and S19W APOA5 gene polymorphisms are associated with high levels of triglycerides and apolipoprotein C-III, but not with coronary artery disease: an angiographic study. Atherosclerosis. 2007

Trabetti E, Biscuola M, Cavallari U, Malerba G, Girelli D, Olivieri O, Martinelli N, Corrocher R, Pignatti PF. On the association of the oxidised LDL receptor 1 (OLR1) gene in patients with acute myocardial infarction or coronary artery disease. Eur J Hum Genet. 2006

Malerba G, Pignatti PF. A review of asthma genetics: gene expression studies and recent candidates. J Appl Genet. 2005

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Migliaccio C, Patuzzo C, Malerba G, Trabetti E, Galavotti R, Pescollderung L, Boner AL, Pignatti PF. No linkage or association of fve polymorphisms in the interleukin-4 receptor alpha gene with atopic asthma in Italian families. Eur J Immunogenet. 2003

Zorzetto M, Bombieri C, Ferrarotti I, Medaglia S, Agostini C, Tinelli C, Malerba G, Carrabino N, Beretta A, Casali L, Pozzi E, Pignatti PF, Semenzato G, Cuccia MC, Luisetti M. Complement receptor 1 gene polymorphisms in sarcoidosis. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2002

Braga V, Sangalli A, Malerba G, Mottes M, Mirandola S, Gatti D, Rossini M, Zamboni M, Adami S. Relationship among VDR (BsmI and FokI), COLIA1, and CTR polymorphisms with bone mass, bone turnover markers, and sex hormones in men. Calcif Tissue Int. 2002 

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Malerba G, Patuzzo C, Trabetti E, Lauciello MC, Galavotti R, Pescollderungg L, Whalen MB, Zanoni G, Martinati LC, Boner AL, Pignatti PF. Chromosome 14 linkage analysis and mutation study of 2 serpin genes in allergic asthmatic families. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001 

Braga V, Mottes M, Mirandola S, Lisi V, Malerba G, Sartori L, Bianchi G, Gatti D, Rossini M, Bianchini D, Adami S. Association of CTR and COLIA1 alleles with BMD values in peri- and postmenopausal women. Calcif Tissue Int. 2000

Malerba G, Lauciello MC, Scherpbier T, Trabetti E, Galavotti R, Cusin V, Pescollderungg L, Zanoni G, Martinati LC, Boner AL, Levitt RC, Pignatti PF. Linkage analysis of chromosome 12 markers in Italian families with atopic asthmatic children. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2000

Patuzzo C, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Martinati LC, Boner AL, Pescollderungg L, Zanoni G, Pignatti PF. No linkage or association of the IL-4Ralpha gene Q576R mutation with atopic asthma in Italian families. J Med Genet. 2000

Patuzzo C, Gilè LS, Zorzetto M, Trabetti E, Malerba G, Pignatti PF, Luisetti M. Tumor necrosis factor gene complex in COPD and disseminated bronchiectasis. Chest. 2000 

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Trabetti E, Patuzzo C, Malerba G, Galavotti R, Martinati LC, Boner AL, Pignatti PF. Association of a lymphotoxin alpha gene polymorphism and atopy in Italian families. J Med Genet. 1999 

Trabetti E, Cusin V, Malerba G, Martinati LC, Casartelli A, Boner AL, Pignatti PF. Association of the FcepsilonRIbeta gene with bronchial hyper-responsiveness in an Italian population. J Med Genet. 1998