Do Leg Presses Work Glutes?

Yes, leg presses can work the glutes, but the extent to which they target the glutes depends on the specific technique and foot placement used during the exercise. Leg presses primarily target the muscles in the lower body, including the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.

Here's how you can modify your leg press technique to emphasize the activation of the glutes:

By adjusting your foot placement and emphasizing a full range of motion, you can increase the involvement of the glutes during leg presses. Additionally, using a higher foot position on the sled may also increase glute engagement.

It's important to note that while leg presses can be effective for targeting the glutes, they are not as isolated as some other glute-specific exercises like hip thrusts or glute bridges. Including a variety of exercises in your workout routine that specifically target the glutes will provide a more comprehensive approach to glute development. Always use proper form and an appropriate amount of weight to prevent injury and maximize the effectiveness of the exercise.