Smith Machine Glute Workouts

Smith Machine Glute Workouts

The Smith machine can be a useful tool for targeting and strengthening the glutes. Here's a glute-focused workout using the Smith machine:

Smith Machine Glute Workout:

**1. Warm-up:

**2. Exercise 1: Smith Machine Squats:

**3. Exercise 2: Smith Machine Sumo Squats:

**4. Exercise 3: Smith Machine Romanian Deadlifts (RDL):

**5. Exercise 4: Smith Machine Hip Thrusts:

**6. Exercise 5: Smith Machine Bulgarian Split Squats:

**7. Exercise 6: Smith Machine Donkey Kicks:

**8. Cool Down:


Incorporate this Smith Machine Glute Workout into your routine 2-3 times per week to target and strengthen your glutes. As with any exercise program, pay attention to your body, use proper form, and consult with a fitness professional if needed.

Glute Workout