Global Development for Palestine

Press Release - May 17, 2024

For Immediate Release: Global humanitarian and development experts condemn the opening of the pier in Gaza as aidwashing and call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, reinstating of funding to UNRWA, and an end to military funding and weapon sales to Israel. 

WASHINGTON, DC, May 17, 2024- Global Development for Palestine, which is a group of international experts in global humanitarian and development sectors, strongly condemns the new US-made pier in Gaza, as well as the USAID publicity campaign surrounding its opening. 

The group calls the pier a clear example of aid-washing, where a donor government, corporation, or philanthropic organization is complicit in producing the conditions which require humanitarian intervention and then attempts to get credit for providing assistance to alleviate the conditions the institution has themselves created. Aid-washing includes complicity in human rights violations. Aid-washing is similar to greenwashing, in which fossil fuel and other companies which produce high levels of greenhouse gas launch performative campaigns to gain publicity as being environmentally friendly and distract the public from the negative environmental impacts of their primary business operations. (Click to continue reading the full statement)

The US government has created the “humanitarian maritime corridor,” also referred to as a humanitarian “pier”. However, the US government is simultaneously directly responsible for the famine, starvation, and slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza that this humanitarian pier is supposed to alleviate. Specifically, U.S. financial and military assistance to Israel - including an extra $1 billion dollars in weapons that the Biden administration has promised to Israel this week - - coupled with the defunding of UNRWA and failure to hold Israel accountable to international law has created the dire humanitarian conditions in Gaza. Despite rhetoric from U.S. officials claiming opposition to an invasion of Rafah, the U.S. has continued to supply funding and weapons to Israel. This hypocritical combination of funding Israel’s violence and directly displacing Palestinians to build the pier while using the pier to generate positive  publicity for the U.S. government  constitutes aid-washing and is ineffective in saving Palestinian lives. 

This comes on the heels of repeated evidence of Israel’s systemic targeting of aid and aid workers. Forensic Architecture released on May 17th an analysis that shows 80 separate attacks by Israel specifically targeting aid deliveries since January alone. More than 262 aid workers have been killed in Gaza since October 7, including 193 UN workers, many of whom were Palestinian. An estimated 70% of Palestinians in North Gaza are at catastrophic risk of famine, and less than one-fifth of the required level of daily aid has been allowed into Gaza using the pre-existing land routes.

As such, Global Development for Palestine continues to call for action that will make a difference - an end to military assistance to Israel, demands for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and reinstatement of funding to UNRWA to provide assistance to Palestinians and ensure their legal status as refugees.

Experts who work directly in the global humanitarian assistance and international development have shared direct quotes and statements with Global Development for Palestine, including:

Global Development for Palestine  has also delivered a petition with over 5,000 signatures (including statement on gender-based violence) to international development policy makers around the world. A request for a response from Samantha Power and other key decision-makers at USAID was ignored and the agency refused to meet with the group.

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