About me

Biography and Research Interests

  • My research interests include social and personality psychology, health psychology, and psychometrics, focusing on human values, personality traits, attitudes, needs, and developing and adapting questionnaires. I have been involved in multiple projects that aim to provide a more in-depth understanding of these variables and how they can influence our behaviors.
  • I am extremely dedicated to research, both in its intricacies and as a career. Over the years, I have been developing many long-standing partnerships that have helped me consolidate as a researcher. I have co-founded and integrated the Cross-Cultural Research in Social & Personality Psychology e-group, in partnership with collaborators from different countries (e.g., Germany, Brazil). Together, we have published dozens of papers in international journals, as seen in my "Publications" sections.
  • In my Postdoctoral project at University College Cork (Ireland), I have been working with Dr Audrey DunnGalvin, one of the leading global researchers in the psychology of food allergy (FA). In the project, we have been assessing the psychological mechanisms underlying living with FA. More specifically, we are developing many FA-specific scales (e.g., FA Anxiety, FA Coping, Attitudes towards FA) that are helping to better understand how these factors are influenced by FA. This is the first step in a project that will positively impact FA research, providing outcomes that will improve the quality of life of FA-allergic individuals.


  • (2018) Ph.D. in Psychology, Cardiff University, United Kingdom. Supervised by Prof. Gregory Maio and Dr. Mark Johansen
  • (2014) Master of Science in Social Psychology, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil, Supervised by Prof. Valdiney Gouveia and Prof. Patrícia Fonsêca.
  • (2012) Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Federal University of Paraíba.

Additional Education
  • (2021) Certificate in Teaching in Higher Education, University College Cork, Ireland.
  • (2020) Research Skills Training Programme, University College Cork.


  • (2019 - ongoing) - Postdoctoral Researcher, University College Cork, Ireland.