The Process

Partial (Need-Specific) Consultation Process

Initial Consultation Meeting

The process begins with and initial consultation meeting, which can occur in-person or via video conference. While all those involved in the consultation process may be included, the meeting is limited to 5 participants in addition to the consultant. This is to ensure that your main goals and problems are communicated effectively and efficiently with ample time for detailed discussion and next steps consideration. Typically an initial consultation meeting will be either preceded or follow-up with and Project Action Plan inclusive of deadlines, products, costs, and communication procedures. These meetings vary widely in duration, however, a two hour time limit is suggested as to create an efficient discussion format and meet the needs of organization schedules.

Product/Training Delivery

After the initial consultation meeting, the consultant will prepare and deliver the product or desired training(s) per the Project Action Plan specifications. All deliveries are followed up by an online feedback form in order to allow for continued process and product improvement. Group trainings may include online assessment from all participants or only those specified by the organization, at the client's discretion.

Client Follow Up

One week after delivery, the consultant will follow up with the client via telephone or visit (determined at initial meeting) to assess future needs and/or communication plans. Unless specified differently in the Project Action Plan, payment for services is due at this time.

Full Consultation Process

Initial Consultation Meeting

The process begins with an initial consultation meeting. Depending on your location, this meeting may be in person or via video conference. Although you may invite anyone you like to this meeting, the meeting is limited to 5 participants excluding the consultant. This is to ensure that your main goals and problems are communicated effectively and efficiently in order to allow ample time to discuss both in detail and consider next steps without the need for a second initial consultation meeting. Organizations are encouraged to have a meeting with key stakeholders to discuss goals and problems prior to this meeting. This allows for better communication and understanding for the consultant and the team throughout the process.

This meeting typically lasts 1.5-2.5 hours and focuses on the following key areas:

  1. Organization Overview (5 min)
  2. Strengths (15 min)
  3. Weaknesses (15 min)
  4. Problems (15 min)
  5. Goals (20 min)
  6. Wants/Needs (15 min)
  7. Next Steps (5 min)

Parenthetical times are the minimum amount of time assigned to each topic.

Prior to the meeting, you will receive a list of items to consider and areas to explore when considering each item. You may review organization data in this process, but a thorough examination of data will be part of the consulting process and is unnecessary prior to this meeting.

Data Exploration and Assessment

During the initial consulting meeting, next steps will be determined. One of the next steps will involve collecting and analyzing data. Depending on the extent of the wants/needs and goals/problems communicated in the initial meeting, this stage can take anywhere between two weeks and three months. Organized and electronic data will speed up this phase stage of the process. Data from the organization will be shared with the consultant and data will be collected from the organization as needed to properly meet needs. This data will then be analyzed and developed into a user-friendly report. The organization will determine how and to whom to communicate the analyzed data.

After completion and desired distribution of the report, a second meeting will be scheduled to discuss the data and determine the proper action plan.

Note: GLG Consulting will provide organization with a suggested data exploration plan at the initial meeting that is the same for all clients. This plan provides an extensive overview of the organization, but may include data that is not relevant to the concerns of the organization. As such, you will have the opportunity to select the desired data analyses as long as those necessary to meet the communicated goals/problems are included.

Data Meeting

The data meeting is open to anyone who was included in the report communications. All attendees MUST review the reported data prior to the meeting. This is required in order to create a communication platform where all attendees equally understand the discussed patterns in the data. This measure also allows for a "level playing field" in the meeting by placing all attendees at a similarly informed level and reducing issues related to job rank.

The agenda of the meeting is set as follows:

  1. Introductions
  2. Data Overview
  3. Data by Area of Concern
  4. Questions on Data
  5. Implications of Data
  6. Next Steps

Unlike the first meeting, the "next steps" portion of this meeting is often the largest part. Once the data is reviewed and clarified, it is related to the problems/goals and next steps are planned. These steps typically include an Action Plan, Professional Development Plan, and Re-Evaluation Plan.

Moving Forward

After the second meeting, consulting becomes different for each client. All clients receive and Action Plan and Re-Evaluation Plan, and most a Professional Development Plan. Other plans may be developed as needed. All plans are discussed at the Data Meeting and then formally written and sent to organizations in 1-3 weeks. Organizations are encouraged to broadly share plans and hold a Plan Communication Meeting. As desired, the consultant can lead or attend this meeting or meetings. This will be discussed when considering next steps.

Action Plan

The action plan addresses the problems and goals specifically. It will describe the interventions needed and timeline for implementation of interventions. An school action plan typically looks like a school unit plan with a series of "lesson plans" addressing each goal or problem. Other action plans typically look like a project management timeline with a series of "projects specs" addressing each goal or problem.

Professional Development Plan

Many organizations require professional development, or trainings, in order to meet goals or address problems. Knowledge and best practices are developing every day and professionals require ample support to maintain the most up-to-date skills and understandings to follow evidence-based practices. This plan will include any and all trainings needed and who needs which trainings. Although many relevant professional developments may be provided by the consultant, some may require outside instruction. The consultant may be used to schedule outside instructors as desired.

Re-Evaluation Plan(s)

The best way to know if your Action Plan is effective is to see if anything changes. The Re-Evaluation Plan will re-assess the data from the Data Meeting in addition to any other relevant metrics or observations. The plan will include who, how often, what, and how data are collected, analyzed, reported, and communicated.

Closure and Feedback Meeting

At the summation of the consulting, a final meeting open to all interested parties will be scheduled. This meeting will review the progress throughout the process, and may highlight and recognize outstanding contributors to the change process. The meeting will end with a feedback discussion in order to evaluate what worked best and what failed (and why). Finally, all personnel involved in the consulting and action plan will be sent an online evaluation tool in order to help the consultant develop and improve practices. Payment for services is typically due at set points throughout the full consultation process (typically the end of each phase), but schedules may be modified to meet client needs with a Project Action Plan.