
Research WORK with partners

MITACS Internship - Research Project on Knowledge-Intensive Software Processes, Jan-Apr 2019

  • Researching Project Knowledge-Intensive Processes Representation and Analysis: Process-Aware Work-Graphs and Predictive Approaches

  • Researching ways to provide support for knowledge and data-centric processes such as knowledge-intensive processes. Funded by the MITACS Accelerate Program

Visiting Researcher, University of Waterloo

David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, Dec 2017 – Jun 2018

David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science, Jan 2017 – Feb 2017

  • Collaborated with Dr. Paulo Alencar and Don Cowan, resulting in international publications.


PhD Research Project: Context-Awareness in Software Development Projects

  • Exploring the reuse of context in software projects

Research Project on Chatbots in Software Development, University of Waterloo

Jan 2020 - Present

  • Exploring Software Development Using Conversational Agents, with Dr. Edith Law

  • Studying to perceive developers’ impressions when using chatbots at work

  • Developing study methodology and tools to perform research (Rasa Tool, Ethics, Survey, Interview)

Reviewer International Journal, Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

Jan 2020

  • Reviewing manuscripts submitted to Special Issues of IJSEKE

Research Project Question-e, Independent Project

May 2020 - Present

  • Founded an independent research project that discusses fake news and online misinformation for the general public, highlighting people’s responsibilities as citizens to be aware of its occurrence, consequences and providing means to mitigate it

  • Creating an online course and training in PT-BR. Instagram: @projetoquestion_e

Research Projects on Social Aspects of Computer Science, University of Waterloo

Sep 2019 - May 2020

  • Researching Digital Literacy regarding online misinformation (fake news and paid advertisements)

  • Creating application proposal to fight stereotypes in STEM fields using role models

  • Developed research and prototype of tools to promote the mitigation of social problems caused by CS

  • Worked with Prof. Robin Cohen and a team of researchers in a Journal Publication

  • Presented publicly solutions and ideas developed with the teams

Research Project on Stack Overflow Answer Categories, University of Waterloo

Sep 2019 - Present

  • Investigating Stack Overflow Answer Categories for Specific Audiences, with Dr. Michael W. Godfrey

  • Using Machine Learning and Data Mining Techniques to understand how specific features on Stack Overflow attract different audiences. Python, K-Means, Open-Coding, User Study

  • Conceived the idea for the topic from scratch with another member of the research team

Research on Crowdsourcing Systems for Software Engineering 2015

  • At the Tércio Pacitti Institute of Computational Application and Research, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

  • Supervised by Prof. Dr. Eber Assis Schmitz

  • Researching current systems that support decentralized software development with crowdsourcing

Research on IT Strategies Alignment with Business Goals 2012

  • Polytechnic School, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

  • Supervised by Prof. Dr. Edilberto Strauss

  • Researching methods to align business goals to information technology, so IT can drive businesses in their pursuits


Peer-Reviewed Conferences, Journals and Workshops:

  1. G. Melo, P. Alencar, and D. Cowan, “A cognitive and machine learning-based software development paradigm supported by context,” in Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). To appear, 2021.

  2. G. Melo, T. Oliveira, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, 2020. “Knowledge reuse in software projects: Retrieving software development Q&A posts based on project task similarity”. PLOS ONE 15(12): e0243852.Link.

  3. G. Melo, E.Law, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, 2020. “Understanding User Understanding: What do Developers Expect from a Cognitive Assistant?.” in Proceedings of 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. IEEE Big Data 2020. Link.

  4. R. Cohen, A. Parmentier, G. Melo, G.Sahu, et. al., 2020. “Digital Literacy for Secondary School Students: Using Computer Technology to Educate about Credibility of Content Online”. Creative Education, 11, 674-692. DOI: Link.

  5. G. Melo, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, 2019. “Context-Augmented Software Development in Traditional and Big Data Projects: Literature Review and Preliminary Framework.” Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. IEEE Big Data 2019. Link.

  6. G. Melo, T. Oliveira, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, "Retrieving Curated Stack Overflow Posts from Project Task Similarities", Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2019. Link.

  7. R. Vital, G. Melo, T. Oliveira, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, "AgileCritPath: Identifying Critical Tasks in Agile Environments", Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2019. Link.

  8. G. Melo, U. Telemaco, T. Oliveira, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, "Towards using task similarity to recommend Stack Overflow posts", in Ibero-American Conference on Software Engineering, CibSE 2018. Link.

  9. G. Melo, L. Oliveira, D. Schneider, J. De Souza, "Towards an observatory for mobile participatory sensing applications", in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, CSCWD 2017. Link.


  1. G. Melo, P. Alencar, D. Cowan, 2020. “Context-Augmented Software Development”. Poster Presentation in CRA-WP Grad Cohort Conference, CRA. Conference postponed to 2021.

  2. G. Melo. “Retrieving Curated Stack Overflow Posts from Project Task Similarities.” Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Master’s Thesis. 2018. Link.

  3. U. Telemaco, R. Mesquita, T. Oliveira, G. Melo, P. Alencar. “A Catalog of Software Development Rules for Agile Methods”. University of Waterloo. Technical Report. 2017. Link.

Research Group Affiliations

AgileKip - ResearchGate, Twitter

Prisma - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Computer Systems Group (CSG) - University of Waterloo

Grants (G), Awards(A) and Scholarships (S)

Nominated: Microsoft Ada Lovelace Fellowship, UWaterloo, CS Department, Aug 2020

(A) CRA-WP Grad Cohort for Women Travel Assistantship, Apr 2020

(A) Grace Hopper Celebration Travel Assistantship, UWaterloo, Oct 2019

(S) MITACS Accelerate Scholarship, Jan 2019

(A) Provost Doctoral Entrance Award, UWaterloo, CS Department, Jan 2019

(G) NSERC Ph.D. Grant (from supervisor), Jan 2019

(A) Waterloo Women: Ideas, Makers, and Innovators, Aug 2018

(A) ELAP Study Tour Participation Award Recipient, Global Affairs Canada, Mar 2018

(S) ELAP scholarship, Global Affairs Canada, Dec 2017

Leadership and Teaching Experience

Co-Supervision of Undergraduate Thesis - Feb 2020 - Present

  • Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Dr. Toacy Oliveira. Project: Process-Aware Conversational Agents

  • Provide feedback and guidance to help student research path, learn about the topic, understand the project, research methodologies and manuscript structures for publications during weekly meetings with student

  • Planning student’s research and timeline of deliverables

  • Revising, editing and contributing to paper and undergraduate thesis manuscripts, to improve student’s learnings

Graduate Student Representative in Faculty Hiring Committee - Fall 2020 - Winter 2021

University of Waterloo Computer Science Department’s School Advisory Committee on Appointments (SACA)

  • Responsible for recruiting new faculty members who will hold regular appointments

  • Organizing meetings with candidates and students from the field

  • Completed Equitable Recruitment and Selection Online Training for Faculty

President of Computer Science Graduate Student Association - May 2019 - Apr 2020

University of Waterloo

  • Elected with a record number of votes

  • Advocating for Computer Science Graduate students’ issues such as funding, supervisory challenges, hosting Town Halls and promoting elections, dealing with reported student issues with TA coordination, managing budget, and others.

  • Leading a team of 5 volunteers of different cultural and professional backgrounds

  • Organizing events, new students’ tours, field trips, managing website version upgrade, connecting with partner organizations to host events successfully held (Google, Ralph)

  • Promoting active open-minded listening opportunities by hosting weekly office-hours

Instructional Apprentice, University of Waterloo

CS348 Introduction to Database Management - Winter 2020, Fall 2020

  • Marking assignments/coordinating TAs for marking, creating marking schemes and/or solution sets, holding weekly office hours, monitoring newsgroups/Piazza, proctoring/marking exams, assisting in labs, and supervising students’ database projects.

Teaching Assistant, University of Waterloo

CS348 Introduction to Database Management - Spring 2019, Spring 2020

  • Marking assignments and exams, holding weekly office hours and proctoring exams.

CS115 Introduction to Computer Science - Winter 2019

  • Marking assignments and exams, and proctoring exams.

Lecturing Internship, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - Fall 2016/2017/2018

  • Software Quality undergraduate course - Guest lecturer. Topics: Software development process, project management tools, BPMN and CMMN, UML Modeling.

Research Presentations and Talks

Presenter in Academic Research Conference IEEE Big Data Conference 2020 - Dec 2020


Presenter in Academic Research Conference IEEE Big Data Conference 2019 - Dec 2019

@Los Angeles, United States

Panellist and Presenter in Mathematics Undergraduate Research Conference - Sep 2019

@University of Waterloo

Presenting research and perspectives as a graduate student to undergraduate students interested in research. Panellist in a session about research experiences.

Panellist in session on the `un-handbook' for grad students - Sep 2019

@University of Waterloo

Session on the `un-handbook' for grad students in the CS 697 Graduate Research Skills Seminar course.

Presenter and Sessions’ Chair Academic Research Conference in SEKE 2019 - Jul 2019

@Lisbon, Portugal.

Have presented four papers and chaired three sessions in the conference.

Presenting Research Seminar Retrieving Curated Stack Overflow Posts from Project Task Similarity - Jun 2019

@ Davis Centre School of Computer Science - University of Waterloo (DC2310)

Presenting Research Seminar AgileCritPath: Identifying Critical Tasks in Agile Environments - Jun 2019

@ Davis Centre School of Computer Science - University of Waterloo (DC2310)

Presenter in Academic Research Conference CibSE 2018 - Apr 2018

@Bogota, Colombia.

Volunteering and Entrepreneurship

Student Volunteer, ICSE Conference 2020 - Jul 2020


2nd International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering, BotSE

Volunteer in CS Director Nominating Committee - Graduate Students Representative - Jun-Oct 2019

@ University of Waterloo

Participating in the committee that nominated the new Computer Science Director.

Volunteer in the Fall 2019 Math Faculty Graduate Student Orientation - Sep 2019

@University of Waterloo

Responsible for students’ registration and city tours with new graduate students.

Volunteer in CEMC Workshop in Computer Science for Young Women Program @University of Waterloo - May 2019

Assisting Programming sessions during the week of the workshop. Details about the workshop here.

Founder of HojeSouGrato - 2018

Conceived, designed and commercialized themed notebooks, +150 physical units sold and +500 downloads of the e-book as of July 2020. Instagram: @hojesougrato