Industry Experience

Here is a brief timeline that describes my professional path. From this timeline, it's possible to understand how I transitioned from a software developer to a database administrator, and later to a full-time student/researcher, among other information. You will find more details about my work in the industry below in this page. You'll find in my CV the Information about specifics of each job.

Patrimony department - Nova Iguacu City Hall (Intern) 2002 - 2004

Once upon a time... I was an intern. During this internship, I learned SQL and a little bit of Delphi programming. It was still during high school: I went to school in the morning and twice a week also in the afternoon, and when I wasn't in school, I was an intern. Learning SQL helped me land my 1st job, even before I started my undergrad. I remember having amazing people working with me, who supported and motivated me a lot. For a 16-year-old girl wanting to pursue an IT career, that was really important!

SILOMS - Integrated Logistics System of Materials and Services - Brazilian Air Force (1st job) 2004 - 2007

I worked at the Brazilian Air Force for 3 years, from 2004 to 2007. They needed someone to pick up calls from users, and query whatever information users needed, meaning my SQL knowledge was fundamental. During the 3 years I worked there, I started building some reports (some of the users' requests were frequent) and my co-workers taught me some programming (Oracle Forms and Reports/ PL-SQL). I also worked with some documentation tools, version control tools... I learned a lot! Although those were my tasks, I was always keeping an eye on the DBA duties, and I loved what they did! One thing I remember was going to an aviation competition, in Manaus, Amazonia! I was the only representative of SILOMS (I was 19 years old and didn't know about the timezone difference between Rio and Manaus lol). There, I was supposed to help some of the software users, with any doubt they had, while watching C-130 airplanes in an "air fueling" competition and others! It was a GREAT experience!

Value Team IT Services @ SABESP - Sao Paulo Sanitation Company (2nd job) 2007 - 2008

Because of the coding skills I learned in my previous job, I landed this new job as a software developer, in 2007. I worked on the migration from Oracle Forms 2 to Oracle Forms 10. I remember all the late nights working, and it was a big challenge, we had a super tight schedule! By the end of the project, I spent 3 months at the client site in Sao Paulo, testing and implementing the new upgraded features. Right after finishing the system deployment in 2008, I got a call from who became my boss and mentor later on (perfect timing). And guess what? Offering me a job as a Jr. DBA!! \o/

OWSE Informatica @ Log-in Inter-modal Logistics (3rd job) 2008 - 2017

I was part of almost all projects and initiatives of the company from 2008 until 2017. Working as a database administrator, I first started developing some reports (SQL knowledge again) and learned how to develop scripts for Linux and Unix servers, using shell scripts. I became an expert on those, and I was also learning a lot about database administration. In 3 months, I was promoted from Jr to Mid-Level DBA. I loved what I was doing so much, I was so motivated! This happened even before I graduated, and this was really rewarding. It went on until I became a Senior in 2014. This was my dream job. It was the position I wanted for years, great company culture and environment. 9 years of happiness, challenges, and mainly, growth. Both personal and professional. I left the company in 2017, to pursue full-time my new motto: academia.