Glaucia Melo

Ph.D. Candidate, University of Waterloo

M.Sc. Systems and Computing Engineering (UFRJ)

Research Interests: Software Engineering; Context-Aware Software Projects; Developer knowledge reuse in software projects.

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science / Software Engineering at the University of Waterloo, in Canada. I am working with Professors Paulo Alencar, Daniel Berry and Don Cowan. I have also worked with Professor Toacy Oliveira, during my Master's degree. My current research focus is on solutions that support software development projects.

After almost 15 years working with software development and database administration in the industry in both public and private sectors, I became interested in making the lives of people who develop software better. I believe that broadening the inclusion of advanced technology in customized and diverse models, promoting software engineers' knowledge reuse during software development and improving embedded guidance for software developers are ways to do it!

Contact: gmelo[at] or glauciamelo[at]