Oracle GlassFish Server is the world's first implementation of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) 6 specification. Built using the GlassFish Server Open Source Edition, Oracle GlassFish Server delivers a flexible, lightweight, and production-ready Java EE 6 application server.

GlassFish Server Open Source Edition is an open source application server built within the GlassFish community. Oracle GlassFish Server is based on GlassFish Server Open Source Edition. GlassFish Server users benefit from a vibrant community that offers self-support, contributes code and product features, product ideas and feedback, bug reports, and more. Useful community resources are outlined below.

Glassfish Server 5 Download


In this release the modularity of GlassFish is once again increased by moving the Jakarta Authentication implementation code to a new standalone project: Epicyro. We also enabled the GlassFish embedded tests again, which were dormant for a long time. Among the many updated components, Exousia was updated specifically to fix a bug with deployments on virtual servers, and the ORB was updated to fix a somewhat obscure bug where a remote EJB returned a JDK defined enum type.

This release also features a massive overhaul and cleanup of the DOL module (Deployment Object Library), a large cleanup of how JNDI names are handled internally, and many fixes in the logging functionality and in the way how GlassFish servers start and stop.

GlassFish is an open-source Jakarta EE platform application server project started by Sun Microsystems, then sponsored by Oracle Corporation, and now living at the Eclipse Foundation and supported by Payara, Oracle and Red Hat.[2] The supported version under Oracle was called Oracle GlassFish Server. GlassFish is free software and was initially dual-licensed under two free software licences: the Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) and the GNU General Public License (GPL) with the Classpath exception. After having been transferred to Eclipse, GlassFish remained dual-licensed, but the CDDL license was replaced by the Eclipse Public License (EPL).[3]

6 June 2005 - Sun Microsystems launched the GlassFish project by publishing the vetted source of Sun Java System Application Server.[10][11] Builds of this early version identity themselves in the log as "sun-appserver-pe9.0".[12]

10 December 2009 - GlassFish 3.0 (a.k.a. Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server 3.0) was released. Being the Java EE reference implementation, this was the first application server to completely implement Java EE 6 JSR 316. JSR 316 was however approved with reservations.[17] In this version GlassFish adds new features to ease migration from Tomcat to GlassFish.[18] The other main new features are around modularity (GlassFish v3 Prelude already shipped with an Apache Felix OSGi runtime), startup time (a few seconds), deploy-on-change (provided by NetBeans and Eclipse plugins), and session preservation across redeployments.[19]

I don't know why, but my glassfish server wont connect anymore.

Last night i opened up Netbeans, and pointed it to same gf (homebrew), to look at example EE apps. I didnt even endup running them, just looked at code.

This was whilst i was working on a project in intelliJ where everything was working. Later it seemed that gf stopped connecting properly in my project in iJ.I made code changes but nothing that would stop the server starting. 

I just created another blank EE project with GF server and i get the same result.Ive checked my hosts file:

I had a publisher and subscriber working through a jms topic, and now the server doesnt start and i need to complete this assignment ASAP.Ive even tried restoring my machine to a previous snapshot with time machine and still get the same error.It tells me that there is another process using the same port 4848.But i dont know where (the extra) process is coming from. Any ideas? I am going to try starting on another domain once i workout how.

As an administrator ofGlassFish Server, your main responsibilities are to establish a secure GlassFish Server environment and to oversee the services, resources, and users that participate in that environment. Your key tasks include configuring resources and services, managing GlassFish Server at runtime, and fixing problems that are associated with the server. You might also be involved in installing software, integrating add-on components, and deploying applications.

The initial tasks involved in making deployed web applications accessible by internet clients include creating HTTP network listeners and virtual servers, and configuring the HTTP listeners for SSL (if needed). See Administering Internet Connectivity.

To use the Administration Console, the domain administration server (DAS) must be running. Each domain has its own DAS, which has a unique port number. When GlassFish Server was installed, you chose a port number for the DAS, or used the default port of 4848. You also specified a user name and password if you did not accept the default login (admin with no password).

Enabling the Apache Felix Gogo remote shell in GlassFish Server involves changing the value of the property This property controls whether the OSGi start level service enables the shell when the DAS or a GlassFish Server instance is started.

Java SE provides tools to connect to an MBean server and view the MBeans that are registered with the server. JConsole is one such popular JMX Connector Client and is available as part of the standard Java SE distribution. For instructions on implementing JConsole in the GlassFish Server environment, see Configuring JConsole to View GlassFish Server Monitoring Data.

I had the same problem, to resolve it, go windows -> preferences -> servers and select runtime environment, and now you will see a new window, in the upper right you will see a option: Download additional server adapter, click and install the glassfish server.

I'm trying to set up SAM to monitor a Glassfish (version build 5) domain, but when I configure the Application Monitor with the details of the server I want to monitor and test the Component Monitor within SAM, it fails with the error "Cannot connect to JMX server". Can anyone suggest next steps for troubleshooting, or spot anything I might have overlooked?

After restarting the Glassfish domain, I tested that configuration by using jconsole to connect directly to the Glassfish server via JMX. It works flawlessly and I am able to see all the usual metrics for things like heap size, thread count, etc.

Next, from within the SAM Application Monitor edit page, I highlight one of the Component Monitors (i.e. Memory Heap Used (B)). I click the "Test" button, and after about 30 seconds, SAM reports that "Test failed with "unknown" status on " and "Cannot connect to JMX server".

Have you tried connecting to the Glassfish server remotely from the Orion server using jconsole? The GlassFish template you're referencing is assumes you are using the default Glassfish JMX port of 8686, yet in the above text you're configuring the GlassFish JMX port to use 6800. Have you modified the Glassfish template to utilize port 6800? Can you connect to the Glassfish server using the Component Monitor Wizard?

This was the problem. Specifically, we had permitted TCP 6800 traffic to the JMX server on our firewall, but failed to take into account the fact that JMX behaves like old "active mode FTP" and opens a second random port that also needs to be permitted. Once we opened up our restrictive firewall a little bit, the Glassfish Application Monitor worked flawlessly.

Regarding XDB error, i was able to login to admin console, uncheck the security under system-config->http services->http-listeners->xxxxxx. Once i unchecked the security and try to log back in, it did not prompted the login and gave me screen showing server status

I encounted the same problem. It was because the server takes over the proxy settings of the IDE by default. You can deselect it by going to GlassFish Server 3.x properties and then click on the java tab ==> deselect Use IDE's proxy settings.

1) Make sure GF is running or if it's not that you can start it. On the Services tab, expand servers, right click on your gf server and select start.2) Verify the port it's using by mousing over the server (see image). Make sure that port isn't blocked by a firewall.3) Earlier you were having problems installing it. Right click on the server and verify the properties. If that path isn't correct or what not. Add a new server point to where ever you installed it.

I encounted the same problem today, cause I'm using it for rails, and I always use Webric to run rails project. If you don't use glassfish, you can just delete it. click 'tools -> service', and delete glassfish, then it works fine.

I am going through a strange problem which I dont know how to fix. I am trying to configure GlassFish 4.0 in my eclipse. When I click on GlassFish 4.0 from the server list and hit next, it throws an error stating:

so this has cost me my exam because i didn't know how to deal with it, it was devastating to feel so powerless, i immediately got disorientated and before i knew it, it was time to hand in our work and i was still stuck at first task and every other task depended on the success of the first task. Anyway since then i have been deleting glassfish and reinstalling to get it to work(too bad i dint think of this during my exams, also should have focused more on practice than theory then i could have see the problem already).

have tried adding netbeans to fire wall, changing ports and some other stuff suggested by others, still no luck, result is always the same i even used a brand new virtual machine and i still get the same message when i close netbeans and reopen it later. again when i delete glassfish and reinstall it i works just fine.

Alright I see no one is willing to touch this with nine foot pole so i will give my solution. after many dreadful hours of searching the web, installing and uninstalling netbeans and glassfish, trying up to 7.4 netbeans and changing to old jdk up to 7. giving up in frustration then coming back. then this idea worked. e24fc04721

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