
Organisers: Isambard Goodbody and Parth Shimpi

22nd May 2024

Lewis Dean

Ahead of Paul Phillipe: Affine Kazhdan-Lusztig R-polynomials associated to a Kac-Moody group.

15th May 2024

Cameron Wilson

Ahead of Nuno Arala: Singular intersections of quadrics and cusp forms.

8th May 2024

Scott Warrander

Ahead of Jon WoolfConvex geometry for fans of abelian categories.

1st May 2024

Gabriel Frey

Ahead of Stefano Filipazzi: On the Albanese fibration for singular varieties with nef anticanonical divisor.

24th April 2024

Rhys Davies

Ahead of Jasper van de Kreeke: Namikawa Weyl-groups of Quiver varieties.

13th March 2024

Parth Shimpi

Ahead of Sam Lewis: Real Variations of Stability on K3 surfaces.

28th February 2024

Cameron Wilson

Ahead of Tim Santens: The leading constant in Malle's conjecture 

31st January 2024

Scott Warrander

Ahead of  Jonas Astor: A derived Deligne-Langlands correspondence.

17th January 2024

Parth Shimpi

Ahead of Inder Kaur: Hecke Modifications and Parabolic Bundles.

27th November 2023

Gabriel Frey

Ahead of  Aline Zanardini: GIT stability of linear systems of hypersurfaces.

15th November 2023

Nikon Kurnosov

Ahead of Nikon Kurnosov: Recent Progress on LLV-decomposition 

11th October 2023

Charlotte Llewellyn 

Ahead of Pavel Shlykov: Hikita-Nakajima Conjecture for ADHM Space 

27th September 2023

Parth Shimpi

Ahead of Edmund Heng: Fusion categories as Quantum symmetries

20th September 2023

Lewis Dean

Ahead of Bailey Whitbread: Arithmetic Geometry of Representation Spaces