
Some of our talks were given with slides, which you may find here.


Søren Eilers - Rigidity of Cuntz Krieger algebras, Part I, Part II, Part III

Invited Talks

Becky Armstrong - Twisted Steinberg algebras

Anna Duwenig - The Zappa-Szép product of a Fell bundle and a group(oid)

Eduardo Scarparo - Almost finiteness and the AH conjecture for Cantor minimal dihedral systems

Contributed Talks

Are Austad - C*-uniqueness results for groupoids

Dimitris Gerontogiannis - K-homological finiteness of Ruelle algebras

David Jekel - Entropy for Model-theoretic Types in Tracial W*-algebras

Ali Raad - Inductive Limits of Noncommutative Cartan Inclusions

Krzysztof Święcicki - Embedding problems between L^p and l^p spaces

Jonathan Taylor - C*-inclusions arising from twists over effective groupoids