ONGOING Projects

Human nature connectedness in children

Perception of climate change in children

Human-NATURE relationship

My recent interest in environmental psychology, anthropology and philosophy of human-nature interactions  allow me to reconsider my topic “prosociality” as a broader concept including not only “human-human” interactions but also “human-animals” or “human-nature” interactions. 

Photo. by D. Cauchoix

Children biophilia and Human-nature connectedness

Photo. by D. Cauchoix

Based on accumulated findings on non-humans’ emotions and intelligence and from ethnographic observations, my interdisciplinary research program will provide a greater understanding on the way in which children and adolescents integrate nature into their social and ethical world and will intend to develop and evaluate new methods to improve long-term human-nature connectedness (observational, experimental and interventional studies). 

Given the urgency to face the environmental crisis, I will develop and evaluate new educational programs to encourage children’s biophilia in a way that allow them to develop a sustainable and resilient relationship with other living beings as they grow and to engage in “prosocial” behaviors towards the natural world. Reconnecting humans with nature is a valuable win-win approach for developing a sustainable relationship between humans and nature.