
35 ans, 1 enfant

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EXPERIENCE & Parcours academique

Mai 2021 - Aujourd'hui

Station d'Ecologie Théorique et Expérimentale, Moulis (France) — Post-doc

-Project: Perception du changement climatique chez l'enfant

-Domain: Psychologie, Ecologie, Santé

-Superviseure: Dr. Camille Parmesan

Mai 2020 - Avril 2021

Station d'Ecologie Théorique et Expérimentale, Moulis (France) — Post-doc

-Project: Connexion humain-nature

-Domain: Psychologie, Ecologie, Conservation

-Superviseurs: Dr. Claire de Mazancourt and Dr. Michel Loreau

Septembre 2014 - Février 2020

Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, Toulouse (France) — Research Fellow

-Project: Social norm and prosociality in children aged 3-8.

-Domain: Developmental Psychology, Economics, Social Science

-Mentor: Astrid Hopfensitz

September 2013 - July 2014

Childhood Cognition and Learning Laboratory, Ottawa (Canada) — Research Collaborator

-Project: The development of patience in preschoolers

-Domain: Developmental Psychology

-Supervisor: Cristina Atance

November 2009 - February 2013

Center of Brain and Cognition, Toulouse (France) — Ph.D.

-Project: The dynamics of familiar face recognition

-Domain: Neuroscience, Behavior and Cognition

-Description: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies on familiar face

processing in human adults

-Supervisor: Emmanuel Barbeau

September 2007 - July 2009

Center of Brain and Cognition, Toulouse (France) — Master degree in Neuropsychology and Cognition (1rst Class)

-Project: Tip of the tongue state in normal adults and epileptic patients.

-Supervisors: Emmanuel Barbeau and Luc Valton (MD, Rangueil


September 2006 - July 2007

University of Poitiers, France — Bachelor (“licence”) in Physiology and Cellular Biology



Scalp EEG (ANT, Neuroscan, BrainVision)

Intracranial recording in epileptic patients (Micromed)

Experimental design (Eprime, Opensesame)

Participant testing

human adults, human children, epileptic patients

Data analysis

SPSS, R, EEGlab, Brain Vision


2014: IAST Research Fellowship (3 years)

2010: Best Poster award at the Neuropsychological Society meeting, Toulouse, France

2009: Merit Fellowship from the French ministry of Higher Education and Research (3 years)


2018-2019: Reignier A., 5, months (Master student): Effect of social relationship on children cooperation

2017: Mahnich C., Bribard Z., Maroudy S., 3 months: Patience and cooperation in young children

2016: Martineau C., Mahnich C. and Bribard Z. (Master students), 2 months: Patience and cooperation in young children and baboons.


2017-2021: Formations des enseignants (Le développement de l'empathie OCCE 31 et OCCE 82, Faire classe dehors OCCE 09) et des éducateurs à l'environnement (ANA 09; Pays des Traces 09, Réseau EEDD 09)

2017: RESPECCT and “Envie de Savoirs” association founder.

2015-2017: Member of organization committee of the Pyrenean Interdisciplinary Research EveNt (PIREN).

2009-2012: Student and post-docs representative at the lab council (CerCo)


6. Barragan-Jason, G. (2022), Reconnecter l'enfant à la Nature pour un futur durable, Centre Neurosciences Intégratives et Cognition, Université de Paris, Janvier 2022.

5. Barragan-Jason, G. (2021),Human-nature connectedness as a pathway to sustainability Guelph Institute for environmental research, University of Guelph, December 2021.

4. Barragan-Jason, G. (2021), Approche interdisciplinaire de la pro-socialité chez l'enfant, Laboratoire, CRFDP (EA 7475), Université de Rouen Normandie, France

3. Barragan-Jason, G. (2019), Approche interdisciplinaire de la pro-socialité humaine, Laboratoire Octogone-Lordat, Toulouse, France.

2. Barragan-Jason, G. Interindividual variability in human children. Causes and Consequences of Individual Differences in Cognition, Exeter 2017

1. Barragan-Jason, G., Atance, C. (2016), Patience in young children, 2nd PIREN meeting, France, February 2016.


4. Barragan-Jason, G., Atance, C. (2016), Why be patient? Budapest CEU Conference on Cognitive Development, Budapest, Hungary, January 2016.

3. Barragan-Jason, G., Atance, C. (2015), Patience is a virtue but can we measure it ? 11th Ecology an behavior conference, Toulouse, France, May 2015.

2. Barragan-Jason, G., Atance, C. (2014), The development of patience as a virtue in young children, Development 2014: A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology, Carleton University, Canada, May 2014.

1. Barragan-Jason, G., Grandchamp R., (2013) Interdisciplinary conference: Round table on how to study human and animal cognition in neuroscience, University of Lyon 2, France.


Cristina Atance (developmental psychology)

Marie Bourjade (comparative psychology)

Alexis Chaine (evolution, behavior)

Jonathan Stieglitz (anthropology)

Maxime Cauchoix (ecology, neuroscience)

Claire de Mazancourt (ecology)

Michel Loreau (ecology)


Cristina Atance, PhD, CCLL,

University of Ottawa, Canada

Emmanuel Barbeau, PhD,

HDR, CNRS Director,

CerCo, Toulouse, France

Alexis Chaine, HDR,

CNRS Researcher, SETE,

Moulis, France