Links to videos

Links to #GiveCOVIDtheBoot Videos

All the video we have found. If we have missed on tag it #GiveCOVIDtheBoot on social media so we can hover it up and list it here!

  • Kingussie Gymnastics Club - a super flexible clips with some outstanding boot throwing moves from the talented bunch (and a lot of Ollie’s former pupils) from Kingussie High School

  • Climb Scotland - We certainly have a very talented group of young people over in the ClimbScotland community. The transitions and sequences are such great fun. The improvised training routines, hanging out of the window, the kitchen, the nerf gun, the boot inside the boot, booting the boot, the bike, the motorbike, the quad bike - we loved it all.

  • Mountaineering Scotland - We loved the pace of the clip and some of the transitions (the bit with the rucksack and the hoist cracked us up!).

  • London Search and Rescue - Super clear messages and a few surprises chucked in for good measure. The turbo trainer and the dogs as supporting actors were just fantastic Thanks also for the big shout out to the

  • Berkshire Search and Rescue Dogs - If you like dogs then you will like this great little video full of boot-dog interactions.

  • Berkshire Lowland Search and Rescue (Lovely video, clear messages, water fight, cute baby in a hat and we loved it when the guy puts the boot back on at the end).

  • Mourne Mountain Rescue Team (Wonderfully well put together and edited video that oozes the professionalism, values and friendship needed to be a first class Mountain Rescue Team. The families, the rope work, the radio controlled Mountain Rescue Landrover, the cheeky smiles when delivering a clear, simple and powerful message. So great to see the involvement of the Air Ambulance and NHS Staff. It shows that you are one big connected team).

  • Linda Bratner (Looks like there was a lot of fun making this video and apparently lots of ‘happy tears’ watching it back).

  • Craigdon Mountain Sports Inverness Ltd (Great to see local shops getting involved with #GiveCOVIDtheBoot and Ollie wants a Treehouse like the one in this video!)

  • Blairvadach Centre (Fab video! Thanks. We love the very end with the goal and the giant 'welly wang' near the end - hope you got your boot back!)

  • Fiona Outdoors (This is a great video crowdsourced by Fiona Outdoors. We loved the fact that it includes ideas for outdoorsy people to find alternative ways to stay motivated, fit and healthy during lockdown 2020. All of the ideas can be done at home or locally. Brilliant!)

  • @MoondancerAI (a nice little video made by hill waking friends. Love the bit with the 'pieces').

  • The Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media & the Scratch Foundation - start a #GiveCOVIDtheBoot project in Scratch (Still super creative, with opportunities for children to create their own backgrounds, virtual boots, representations of themselves and then - of course - carry on the story. Also ideal for children and young people that can't be filmed for a variety of reasons, but still want to take part). - 13th April