I teach Integrative Physiology and Neurosciences at different levels, notably Bachelor and Master Degrees.

Here, I list the courses of which I'm responsible and that are directly related to my research.

Master in Neuroscience (MSc)

  • Homeostatic Neuroregulations (Fall). This course explores the complexity and the interconnectivity of integrative physiological functions. How do peripheral signals control brain functions? How do brain signals control peripheral functions?

Master in Integrative Biology and Physiology (MSc)

  • Systems Physiology (Spring). This course initiates Master students at the complex and orchestrated regulation of physiological functions. Here, we study the regulation of homeostasis and allostasis from a dynamic perspective.

  • Integrative Neurosciences (Spring). Here we explore the new frontiers of integrative periphery-brain-periphery mechanisms. Students will learn (i) how central processes cannot be dissociated from peripheral and/or environemental events, and (ii) how short- and long-term allostatic adaptations require integrative communication.

Master in Life Sciences (MSc)

  • Neurosciences (Fall). This course is open to the students of the Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (CRI) and focuses on the fundamental principles of neurosciences. Lectures are based on interdisciplinary discoveries in order to demonstrate how recent advances in the field tightly rely also on other disciplines (chemistry, physics, maths). This course is based on active learning approaches and experimental forms of pedagogy.

Université Ouverte de Paris

  • Ecce Homo: Biology and Humanities (Fall). This course is structured around two apparently divergent fields: biology and humanities. Here, I try to establish interdisciplinary links between such disciplines. Students are strongly encouraged to think "out of the box" and to develop creative thinking.

Double Bachelor in Life Sciences and Social Sciences (Université de Paris & SciencesPo)

This new track is a joint interdisciplinary and international program between the Université de Paris and SciencesPo. I serve as co-Director and the goal of this international program is to promote the study of life sciences together with social and humanity sciences. We wish to provide to our selected students a wide range of intellectual approaches capable of spanning among different fields.