Giuseppe D'Amico

Data ScienctistEconometrician@CBRE Barcelona
Associate Professor@LaSalle URL
Economics Graduate (Ph.D.)@Universitat Rovira i Virgili
MSc Data Science@LaSalle URL
08401, Granollers (Barcelona), EspañaEmail: gpp.s.damico[at]gmail.comPhone: +34 683522741

Welcome to my website!

I am a Data Scientist in the Data Science department at CBRE

Economics Graduate from Universitat Rovira I Virgili and a current Data Science Student at La Salle Barcelona. In this space, you can find the status of my Research.

 In pills:

In 2024, I expect to obtain the M.Sc in Data Science from Universidad La Salle.
In 2022, I obtained my Ph.D. in Economics from Universitat Rovira I Virgili.
(Committee: Prof. Thomas Ross, Prof. Joan Calzada, and Prof. Carolina Manzano);
In 2019, I visited the Sauder Business School under the mentoring of Prof. Robin Lindsey;
In 2017, I obtained my M.Sc in Economics from Universtà Roma Tor Vergata.

My research interests are related with the study of the complex relations between individual behaviours and  social patterns. In particular, my doctoral thesis focuses on vertical structures in platform-based markets.  Also, I am particularly interested in Behavioral Economics, Decision-Making Theory and Complexity Economics.