Joan Calzada

Professor of Economics

Universitat de Barcelona

Director, BEAT Research Institut

Member, CREB Research Group

Contact Information



Third UB Microeconomics Workshop

Barcelona, June 21, 2024

Workshop CNMC-UB Banda Ancha y Plataformas Digitales

 Barcelona, January 18-19, 2024


The Hidden Cost of Bananas: Pesticide Effects on Newborns’ Health, with M. Gisbert and B. Moscoso, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2023.

Do telecommunications prices depend on consumer engagement? , with B. García-Mariñoso and D. Suárez,  Information Economics and Policy, 2023. 

Airport dominance, route network design and flight delays, with X. Fageda, Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2023.

Conflicting national policies: The creation of the euro and the rebalancing of telecommunications prices, with L. Diaz-Serrano, Telecommunications Policy, 2023.

Mergers, Branch Consolidation and Financial Exclusion in the US Bank Market, with X. Fageda and F. Martínez-Santos, Empirical Economics, 2022.

How do global airline alliances affect flight frequency? Evidence from Russia, with X. Fageda and R. Safranof, Journal of Air Transport Management, 2022.

Platform Price Parity Clauses and Market Segmentation, with E. Manna and A. Mantovani, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 2021.

Can Communal Systems Work? The Effects of Communal Water Provision on Child Health in Peru, with S. Iranzo, World Development, 2021.

What Do News Aggregators Do? Evidence from Google News in Spain and Germany, with R. Gil, Marketing Science, 2020.

Route expansion in the European air transport market, with X. Fageda, Regional Studies, 2019. 

Fiber deployment in Spain, with B. García-Mariñoso, J. Ribé, R. Rubio-Campillo and D. Suarez, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2018.

Universal Access to Clean Cookstoves: Evaluation of a Public Program in Peru, with A. Sanz, Energy Policy, 2018.

Net Neutrality in a Hyperlinked Economy, with M. Tselekounis, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2018. 

How to Achieve Full Electrification: Lessons from Latin America, with A. Banal-Estañol and J. Jordan, Energy Policy, 2017.

Community-Managed Water Services: The Case of Peru, with S. Iranzo and A. Sanz  Journal of Environment & Development, 2017.

Pricing strategies and competition in the mobile broadband market, with F. Martínez-Santos, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2016. 

La liberalización de las telecomunicaciones en España: control de la inflación y universalización del servicio, with A. Costas, Revista de Historia Industrial, 2016.

Competition and Public Service Obligations in the European Airline Market, with X. Fageda, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2014.  

Broadband prices in the European Union: Competition and commercial strategies, with F. Martínez-Santos, Information Economics and Policy, 2014.

Intertemporal movie distribution: Versioning when customers can buy both versions, with T. Valletti, Marketing Science, 2012.

Public services obligations in the airline market: Lessons from the Spanish case, with F. Fageda, Review of Industrial Organization, 2012. 

Governance and regulation of urban bus transportation: Using partial privatization to get the best of both worlds, with D. Albalate and G. Bel,  Regulation & Governance, 2012. 

Selection of standards for digital television: the battle for Latin America, with Angulo, J., J. Calzada, and A. Estruch, Telecommunications Policy, 2011.

Privatization and Universal Service Obligations, with G. Bel, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 2009. 

Access Charges and Two-tier Pricing, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2009.

Universal Service Obligations in the Postal Sector: The Relationship Between Quality and Coverage, Information Economics and Policy, 2009. 

Entry Deterrence and Network Competition, with T. Valletti, The Economic Journal, 2008. 

Capacity-Based versus Time-Based Access Charges in Telecommunications, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2007. 

Access Pricing to a Digital Broadcasting Platform, with G.Bel and R. Insa, Journal of Media Economics, 2007. 

Worksharing Discount and Access Charges in the Postal Sector with Asymmetric Information, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2006. 

Los precios de precios de interconexión en las telecomunicaciones: de la teoría a la práctica, with F. Trillas, Hacienda Pública Española, 2005.

Cooperatives in Bolivia: Customer ownership of the local loop, with A. Dávalos, Telecommunications Policy, 2005.

Working Papers