
Latest news

04/03/2024 - University of Trento

The second chapter of my thesis is out: "Maladaptation in an unequal world: an evolutionary model with heterogeneous agents". It was the last yet to published, so it gives a very gratifying sense of closure.  For the ones interested into maladaptation and its implications in terms of inequality, the article was published in open access, so that you can find it here.

01/10/2023 - University of Trento

Our article "Nowcasting industrial production using linear and non-linear models of electricity demand" has been published on Energy Economics! This is the result of a thorough investigation on the potential of energy consumption for nowcasting macroeconomic indicators, allowing for a timely estimation of the current state of an economy and overcoming the delay in the publication of official figures, which can reach up to three months. The article is published in open access and can be accessed here.

08/08/2023 - University of Trento

A new paper is out! I have been working for years at the revisions of this one, so I am very happy to finally share it! The title is "Five Shades of Green: Heterogeneous Attitudes in an Evolutionary Game Model" and it has just been published online by the Journal of Evolutionary Eocnomics

11/07/2023 - University of Trento

I had applied for the "Euregio Young Researchers Award 2023" and my article has been selected for the final selection phase, along with other five young researchers and their articles! I will be in the lovely town of Alpbach, Austria, on the 19th of August to present my work. The winner will be announced on the following day.

05/11/2022 - Grand Hotel Imperial, Levico Terme (TN)

I have been invited to present at the EZA-UNAIE Seminar "Green Deal: Will it be a sustainable transition?". I have gladly accepted, presented my thoughts on "Unjust Transition? The distributional impacts of EU climate policies" on Saturday, 5 November. 

24/09/2022 - Hellenic Association of Energy Economics, Athens

I have presented the updated version of our working paper on "Nowcasting industrial production using linear and non-linear models of electricity demand" at the 17th IAAE European Energy Conference. The reception of our work has been heartwarming and encouraging. I am thankful for the kind words and insightful questions and comments.

24/08/2022 - Chamber of Commerce of Trento

A few months ago, I was kindly invited by the Chamber of Commerce of Trento to write an article for its magazine "Economia Trentina", on the effects of the Russian-Ukraine war on the energy market. It has now been published, and can be found here. The article was written around the end of May and thus reflects the state of the war at that period.

17/08/2022 - BI Norwegian Business School 

I have presented our working paper on "Nowcasting industrial production using linear and non-linear models of electricity demand" at the Workshop on Energy and Climate organised by the BI Norwegian Business School. I am very happy of the feedback received and really enjoyed the lively discussion of very current topics like the energy implications of the Russian war, the future developments of the energy markets and its implications for the climate. Kudos to the organisers!

08/06/2022 - University of Trento

We have just published a working paper under the OCEET project! Its title is "Nowcasting industrial production using linear and non-linear models of electricity demand". We propose several modelling approaches to forecast industrial production and show that electricity consumption can provide reliable forecasts, especially in times of high volatility. You can download it from here or from my research page. 

21/04/2022 - European University Institute

I have just published a post titled "Some prospects for linking emissions trading system after COP26" on the blog of the Life DICET project of the EUI. Albert Ferrari (Florence School of Regulation) and I reflect on how the Paris Agreement changes the game for ETS linkage, drawing from the latest report of the project.

01/04/2022 - University of Cagliari

A working paper on the role of time on waste behaviour of Italian households has been accepted for a presentation at the conference of the Italian Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (IAERE)! This is an ongoing work in collaboration with prof. Chiara Franco (UniPi) and prof. Francesco Nicolli (UniFe). I will present our work remotely on the 22nd of April.

18/02/2022 - European University Institute

I will be the instructor for the third week of the online course "Linking Emissions Trading Systems", organised by the FSR Climate unit of the EUI under the Life DICET project. My module of the course will revolve around carbon offsets and their role in ETS linking.

16/02/2022 - European University Institute

In a previous update, I shared the news on the publication of the report "Emissions Trading Systems with Different Offset Provisions: Implications for Linking"

The abridged version of the report is now available as a policy brief, also offering some post-COP26 insight.

08/02/2022 - University of Trento

Very glad that this article finally sees the light on Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. It is the follow-up to the third chapter of my doctoral thesis, the one I cared about the most. We show how climate change and environmental degradation can affect international trade patterns in the long run, possibly leading to a reversal in comparative advantages.

You can read and download "Environmental Degradation and Comparative Advantage Reversal" for free for 50 days clicking here.  

19/01/2022 - European University Institute

New report out! "Emissions Trading Systems with Different Offset Provisions: Implications for Linking" is the fourth report of the Life DICET project, for which I contributed as lead author.

23/12/2021 - University of Trento

Hey, did you check out any of the reports from the OCEET project I am working on? The project provides estimates on the impact of COVID-19 on electricity and GDP of several European countries.

The third one has just been published. Check it out on our publication page

02/12/2021 - University of Trento

I held the first lecture of course in "Environment and Sustainability", under the PhD programme Sustainability: Economics, Environment, Management and Society (SUSTEEMS) of the University of Trento. I will be the instructor for six out of the twelve lectures of the course, which will include both traditional lectures and paper presentations by the PhD candidates.  

04/11/2021 - Accademia "La Colombaria"

I was awarded a prize by the Accademia "La Colombaria" of Tuscany, for my PhD dissertation on "Consequences of Environmental Degradation in Developing Countries: Adaptation, Inequality, and International Trade Patterns". My dissertation competed under the category "Two central problems for economic policy: environment and inequality". I share the prize with fellow DELOS alumna Maria Nannini and will be in Florence on this day to receive the prize.

08/10/2021 - European University Institute

The newest report of the Life DICET project is out! "Emissions Trading Systems with Different Measures for Carbon Leakage Prevention: Implications for Linking" is the third report of the Life DICET project, to which I contributed as co-author together with the FSR Climate team.

30/08/2021 - European Consortium for Political Research

I presented the report "Different offset provisions in Emissions Trading Systems: implications for linking", which is the fifth report written under the Life DICET project and discussing aspects of emissions trading systems (ETS) relevant for carbon market integration. This specific report will revolve around offsets and the international trade of mitigation outcomes.

09/07/2021 - European University Institute

As lead author of the upcoming report on "Different offset provisions in Emissions Trading Systems: implications for linking", I will join the second session of the Carbon Market Policy Dialogue.

10/06/2021 - European University Institute

I participated in the FSR Annual Conference as a discussant to one of the presentations in the Climate thematic area.

09/06/2021 - European University Institute

The Carbon Market Policy Dialogue is high level roundtable between policymakers, NGOs, and scholars with an expertise in emissions trading. This is the first of two sessions of the second CMPD, focussing on carbon leakage prevention measures and implications for linking. As one of the authors of the related Life DICET report, I will attend the CMPD.

01/06/21 - University of Trento

I have just started my new journey at the University of Trento! I will join the Department of Economics and Management, where I will conduct research under the project OCEN-COVID on the energy consumption during the pandemic, under the supervision of prof. Carlo Fezzi.

31/05-01/06/21 - INNOPATHS Conference

I will attend the final conference of INNOPATHS, where the main scientific outputs of the projects will be presented.

17-18/05/21 - FSR Policy Advisory Council 

I presented the ongoing work by FSR Climate at the FSR Policy Advisory Council, focusing on the topics of the upcoming reports 3 & 4 on Carbon Leakage and Carbon Offsets, respectively. The reports are written as deliverables of the Life DICET project, co-funded by the European Commission.

06-08/05/21 -  Attending the State of the Union 2021

The State of the Union is the "annual summit for high-level reflection on the European Union", where prospective developments within the EU and of the EU itself are debated between scholars and policymakers. I will attend the climate sessions of the event.

10/12/20 - Linking Emissions Trading Systems, webinar hosted by FSR Climate

The webinar, coordinate by FSR Climate director Simone Borghesi, will focus around the presentation of two recent FSR Climate reports on Linking Emissions Trading Systems (ETSs) with 1) different levels of environmental ambition and 2) different price control mechanisms. The reports, respectively Verde et al. (2020) and Galdi et al. (2020), can be found on the event page or on my Research page.